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SGIAW 158th Post Contest

Jack of All Spades

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[spoiler=RULES and CONDITIONS]1. I am the 1st judge. Fill out a judge app if you wish to join me. 3 judge max.

[spoiler=Judge App]Username:

Post #: (100 or below will be denied)


2. No trolling.

3. No spamming. (They see trollin', they hatin'.)

4. Your first task? If you are reading the rules and conditions, you'll know. Simply submit a Level 1 card with an effect as your entrance submission. Unless your card is utterly ridiculous or does not follow YCM rules, no one will be denied.

5. After all contestants are submitted, we begin Round 1. I will announce the rules then.

5. You must send in the application below to join the contest.

[spoiler=Contestant App]Username:

Submission Card:

Lore: {If any.}


6. After judging, DO NOT try to re-enter. No amount of bribery will do.

7. The cards are to be realistic and not Pop Culture (maybe round 3 though :) )

8. This is a FREE contest.

9. [spoiler=Prizes]1st. +5 Rep and 20 points

2nd. +2 Rep and 10 points

3rd. +1 Rep and 5 points

All other Honorable mentions and contestants will recieve 1 REP. Just my way of saying thanks for playing.


10. There is a 15 contestant max.


After reading the above Rules and Conditions, please fill out the desired application.

[spoiler=Contestants]1. MegaDarkAngel >-

2. Kingster >-

3. Lord of the Mysterians

4. ninjarainbowcloud6!

5. Bartm2000

6. ♣Master♣ >-

7. Shiny Azelf Fan 333 >










[spoiler=Judges]1. Some Guy in a Whambulance

2. Hila Nuerfa

3. HadesRuler1


Have fun.

-Some Guy in a Whambulance

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Username:Mr Spaz

[spoiler=Submission Card]260852k.jpg

Lore: 1 Tuner + 2 non- Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can gain Life Points equal to half of the Turn Count times 100. Once per turn, you can lower the Turn Count by 15 to destroy up to 3 cards on the field. If the Turn Count reaches 0, destroy all monsters on your side of the Field.


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Username: Kingsters (this does not have anything to do with my display name).


[spoiler=Submission Card]



You can discard 1 Machine-Type monster in your Hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position. Once per turn, during your Main Phase you can remove from play 1 Monster Card in your Graveyard to add 1 Equip Spell Card from your Deck to your Hand.


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I'd like to join!


Username: Master


[spoiler=Elemental Hero Neo Sparkman]

(Picture credit to Dranzer123)



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 "Elemental Hero Sparkman" you control. Once per turn, destroy 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card and inflict 600 damage to your opponent's Life Points. During your Standby Phase, if this is the only monster you control, destroy it and Special Summon 1 "Elemental Hero Sparkman" from your Graveyard in Attack Position with this card's second effect.



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