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Random Synchro Support.

Vector Nightmare

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Alright this topic's ideas came from a story I once wrote... I just took the trouble to compile them and refine them slightly. Therefore, balance-wise they may have some flaws, either situational or slightly good, but they should be decent. They are tailored for Riding Duels, so no Spell cards. Also, not all of this is Synchro support, just sayin'.


[b]Variety Split[/b]
TRAP / Normal
Remove from play 1 Synchro monster you control. Special Summon from your Deck 2 or more Tuner monsters whose total Level is equal to the Level of the removed Synchro monster. The monsters Summoned by this card's effect cannot be used for a Synchro Summon until your next Standby Phase.


[b]Dimension Synchro[/b]
TRAP / Normal
Select 1 of your removed from play Synchro monsters, and remove from play, from your Graveyard, 1 Tuner monster and 1 or more non-Tuner monsters whose total Level is equal to the Level of that monster. Special Summon the selected monster (this Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon).


[b]Synchro Ruler[/b]
EARTH / Warrior
Level 5
This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card cannot be Normal Summoned except by offering 1 Tuner monster you control as a Tribute. Increase this card's ATK by 1000 for every Synchro monster on the field, and increase the ATK of all Synchro monsters on the field by 1000. When this card is removed from the field, you can Special Summon 1 Tuner monster from your Graveyard.


[b]Control Synchron[/b]
EARTH / Machine / Tuner
Level 2
While you control this face-up Attack Position card, if your opponent's monster declares an attack, you can switch the attack target to a face-up Defense Position monster you control. If the selected monster is not a Tuner monster, it is destroyed after the Damage Step.


[b]Messenger of Rebirth[/b]
LIGHT / Spellcaster / Tuner
Level 1
During either player's turn, you can discard this card to the Graveyard to Special Summon 2 monsters from your Graveyard with the same name that were removed from the field during this turn.

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Variety Split - Pretty cool idea.

Dimension Synchro - This card should not, and does not need, to exist. Synchros have an easy enough time using just the field. This would make Synchros even more overpowering than they are, and that's just unneeded.

Synchro Ruler - I like the effect, though the "+1000 to Synchros" part is a bit much. It shouldn't be that high.

Control Synchron - Again, a pretty cool card. Maybe very underpowered.

Messenger - Seems extremely situational, but I guess it's useful. Perhaps it could be abused.

Overall, I think they're cool cards. Just do not like Dimension Synchro at all. There's already a version of it right now, anyways.
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Dimension Synchro is a toned-down version of the anime "Speed Spell - Dead Synchron". Note how it requires the target to be RFP, which is not that common and can cause this card to be cloggy in many builds. I might add a drawback though, depending on other comments.

Synchro Ruler should be alright with about 700 I think. 500 would be too low.

Yeah, Control Synchron is situational, although I might make it turn it into a Synchron sub-archetype later, which might increase its uses somewhat.

I don't think Messenger could be "abused", per se... it's a good comeback card but not easy to use at all.

Thanks for your comments!
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