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The Blurs of YCM


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Welcome to The Blurs of YCM! This club is about Sonic. Let's go have some fun, shall we? All Regular YCM Rules apply.
[spoiler=Warnings]Each time you break a rule, you get a warning. This is in the following order:
1. Simple Warning
2. Neg
3. Neg & Demotion
4. Temporary Ban
5. Permanent Ban
Every 2 months, you will be wiped clean of all warnings.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Warned People][spoiler=First Level]None yet.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Second Level]None yet.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Third Level]None yet.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fourth Level]None yet.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fifth Level]None yet.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rank Information][spoiler=Ranks & People's Status][color="#0000FF"][b][u]Hypersonic Speedster (Leader)[/u]

[b][u][color="#000080"]Supersonic Speedster (Co-Leader)[/u][/b][/color]

[b][u][color="#FFA500"]Sonic Speedster[/u][/b][/color]

[color="#FF0000"][b][u]Expert Speedster[/u][/b][/color]

[color="#008000"][b][u]Advanced Speedster[/u][/b][/color]


Note: Only the Hypersonic Speedsters and Supersonic Speedsters can accept other members.

[spoiler=Promotions & Demotions]When I feel like you've done a good enough job to be promoted (posting a lot, helping advertise, etc.), I will do so. If you are demoted, I will move you down a rank. If you are at the Beginner Rank and are demoted, you will have to work double-time, meaning you will not recieve a normal promotion, instead it will be skipped until the next.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Double-Time People]None yet.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Application Form]Username:
Fav. Sonic Character:
Why You Should Be A Co-Leader*:
How Much You Know About The Sonic Series:
How Much You Like The Sonic Series:
*This is only necessary if you want to be a Co-Leader.[/spoiler]
Have Fun!
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