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Golden Cards

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These cards are based off of Golden Ladybug and aren't so much supposed to work together as they are to work in other decks. Some of their effects might be considered a bit overpowered, but I'm not sure. I did notice after the fact that Canary and Oyster could fit together in a Monarch deck.

[spoiler="Monsters"]Golden Oyster
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can reveal this card in your hand to Special Summon 1 “Oyster Token” (WATER/Fish/1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Attack Position. If you do this, this card remains revealed while it is in your hand, until the End Phase.

Golden Torch
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can reveal this card in your hand to inflict 400 damage to your opponent’s Life Points. If you do this, this card remains revealed while it is in your hand, until the End Phase.

Golden Ore
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can reveal this card in your hand to discard 1 other Monster Card and draw 1 card from your Deck. If you do this, this card remains revealed while it is in your hand, until the End Phase.

Golden Jurassic Egg
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can reveal this card in your hand to remove from play 1 Monster Card in either player’s Graveyard. If you do this, this card remains revealed while it is in your hand, until the End Phase.

Golden Songbird
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can reveal this card in your hand to return 1 monster you own to your hand. If you do this, this card remains revealed while it is in your hand, until the End Phase.

Golden Gear
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can reveal this card in your hand to increase the ATK and DEF of 1 monster on the field by 300. If you do this, this card remains revealed while it is in your hand, until the End Phase.[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Spells/Traps"]Golden Rule
Normal Spell Card
Reveal a Monster Card in your hand. The next time a monster of the same Type or Attribute as the revealed card would be destroyed or removed from play, it is not.

Treasured Cards
Quick-Play Spell Card
Activate only while there are 1 or more card(s) in your hand revealed. Draw 1 card. During this turn, cards in your hand cannot be discarded by your opponent's card effects.

Quick-Play Spell Card
Discard all revealed cards in your hand. Draw an equal number of cards from your Deck. Your hand remains revealed until the End Phase of the turn this effect was activated.

Normal Trap Card
Activate only when a card in a player's hand is revealed by its own effect. Destroy a number of cards on the field equal to the number of revealed cards in your hand.[/spoiler]
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