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Naruto: Black [OOC / Started / Not Accepting]


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I guess the lot of us have hings we do so its not all that big. The best Rp's are when they move at a slower more steady pace anyway. I say if you manage to get one good post and maybe a second in one night per person then everything should be good. I work so I am in the same boat as you guys. I'm out for the night so see you tomorrow evening.
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Alright, currently in the rp, I want anybody who can to place the tower guards under genjutsu then I want Kaemon (Mysterium) to take out the two guards guarding the entrance with the crimson snake technique to avoid detection, finally we should be able to take out the tower guards indefinately. I'll be up in the sky until these things have been finished, then we'll finally move in for the next part of the mission
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yeah just stay back until the watch tower guards have been placed under genjutsu and the guards guarding the entrance has been taken out, then all mid-range fighters should take out the watch tower guards, Inotsu will watch from above to signal when to take out the watch tower guards by the mid-range fighters
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My character also has 1 Genjutsu but its impossible for him to enact it without getting spotted. I'm severely hoping that once the weekend gets here this RP will restart up cause it would be a shame to see it die because of the inescapeable grasp of school.

I'll continue to check in, School doesn't give me much of a hard time, my GPA is pretty high but I might not have so much free time in the future. With luck, I might be getting my first job soon as well as my permit which will mean more responsibility and less free time.
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