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Is my splice good?

Mother Fucken Hoe

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i havnt been here for a while cause of a few things. ive been going on Serebii.net, my email doesnt work and cause i practiced splicing. people have seen my splicing, and its bad. could anyone comment about this one? i dont care if they're good or bad remarks.

the splice is made up of sceptile and feraligator. i call it feralitile.


it would be best if you told me why you liked or hated it and maybe a 0/10 chart?
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The colouring of the tail doesn't match the coloration of the main body, the head thing ends abruptly and doesn't 'naturally' merge. The left foot doesn't look right it looks far too long compare to Ferligatr's foot. Try to use colours from Feraligatr, the colours used doesn't seem to properly match its colour pattern.
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Why do so many people fail to mention this? Ugg, such a pet-peeve:

[b][size="3"][u]Recolor your Borders:[/u][/size] [/b]Around the edges of the splice you have an issue I find very annoying. You have a border color that does not match what it surrounds. You have that ugly green surrounding a light blue. Chances are you most likely didn't change the old color. You have to make sure you change things like borders. A full recolor is required for the proper effect.
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