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My Harpie Deck


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the best advice: quit listenint to logmon1... anyone that say dust is better than heavy and that raiza doesn't belong to this deck is a complete N00B... i'm amazed that you heard all his nonsenses...


my advices:


on monsters:


- 1 flying kamakiri

- 3 hunter owl


+ 1 twin headed behemoth

+ 2 sasuke samurai #4

+ 1 morphing jar

+ 1 neo spacian air hummingbird


on spells:


- 1 harpie's hunting grounds

- 1 card destruction

- 1 giant trunade

- 2 elegant egotist

- 1 lightning vortex


+ 2 shrink

+ 2 enemy controller

+ 1 nobleman of crossout

+ premature burial



on traps:


- 2 hysteric party

- 1 dust tornado

- 1 dark bribe


+ 1 sakuretsu armor

+ 1 call of the haunted

+ torrential tribute



that's my advices... if you notice i add one monster and take out one trap, try with the hummingbird/icarus combo, gain life points and then destroy 2 cards... pretty nice...

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You look like you're easily convinced. I suggest you test some of these before you just go and take out good cards. Some of the advice I've been seeing hasn't been all that good. Some of it has been pretty good though, other advice was just, what?


And to whoever said Heavy isn't good because you might destroy your Sak, obviously you're either going to use Sak, or you'll destroy one of your cards to destroy about three of your opponent's Saks, Mirror Force, Shrink (meh, that doesn't really matter), Bottomless, etc.

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