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My time with AC Brotherhood

Father Wolf

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On Friday after noon i had finally saved up enough money to get myself a new game, and needless to say even though ive sent lots of time in New Vagas i have practically done everything and the game was getting boring, so i need something to help me wait for some good old fashion DLC (other than photo editing). So entered AC Brotherhood for the Ps3. After AC 2 made up for how repetitive the first one was, i was really looking forward to some more story and some fun multiplayer action, but my hype was crushed by how much of a "Bastardization" this game was.

Welcome back Ezio Auditore da Firenze! Brotherhood take place right after AC 2 does and continuous Ezio's story arc with trying to find the "Apple of total brokeness". Running away from your awesome fist fight with the pope you will see Ezio still has all his assassin powers of being f-ing invincible till he gets home and suffers from horrible Kratos syndrome and loses all his armor and weapons but keeps all his assassin combat skills: Like LOLCOUNTERATTACK i win without getting hurt ever (and i thought FF7's counter attack was broke). After playing for 10mins as Ezio i noticed something... why does Ezio have a spike in his head... idk i thought it might go away after a cut scene but no it only got worse. Spikes and pixil's everywhere! Oh and don't forget the full freezing.

I did a full restart of my system and after 10min or so the glitches came back... yeah and trust my i did everything i could think of to fix the game cleaning updating my system you name it i done it. So i returned it and got a fresh copy and guess what didnt help yeah...

So thinking i was screwed i willed myself to play on, because i wanted to finish the story. oh man did i think the story it self was going to get me though the game psh. Some how when Ezio got kratosed he must have got hit on the head or something because Ezio became stiffer than a rock. Wall climbing became nearly impossible even after i got his super Jump regardless of what physic's says gloves. Half the places Ezio wouldn't climb is places my fat ass could climb. I mean how did Ezio become so sucky? i was more frustrated with the game even more so than when new vagas first came out. Well i finished the game... some how and i got to say the story was decent at best nothing like AC 2 good.

So what did i do in the end? Returned it and got me something I'm actually enjoying DBZ Raging Blast 2.
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