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monarch lock s.o.s help


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i was trying this deck out on g.k.o but it kept on handlocking myself. but i did find that this deck if very good at field controlling


2| Raiza the Storm Monarch

2| mobius the frost monarch

2| Sillva, Warlord of Dark World ( tried goldd but its not as good. )


3| Gren, Tactician of Dark World (when discard, destroy 1 s/t) alsum

2| Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World

1| sangan

1| spirit reaper

1| Marshmallon

3| hydrogeddon

1| snipe hunter

1| treeborn frog

1| neo-spacian grand mole

1| breaker the magical warrior


2| Soul Exchange

1| lightning vortex

2| Dark world lightning

2| Dark World Dealings

1| heavy storm

1| mystical space typhoon

1| premature burial

1| pot of avarice

2| shrink

2| nobleman of crossout


1| call of the haunted

2| sakuretsu armor

1| torrential tirbute

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