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Max West

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[center][size="7"][color="#4B0082"][font="MatrixRegularSmallCaps"]Welcome to Club Tragoedia![/font][/color][/size]

Max West

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[color="#0000FF"]Veteran Members[/color]
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None :) Let's hope it stays that way.

Founder - Can do everything.
Co-Leader - Can do everything a Moderator can. Can accept affiliates, organise events with the Founder by pm, change the sub-topic and participate in meetings.
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All YCM rules apply
You can always discuss the Card of the Day (COTD) for another topic. Note that I change it everyday I can.

If you intentionally do something wrong you [b]will[/b] be warned with a red [color="#FF0000"]X[/color] beside your name. Continue and you'll be banned (for how long depends on the severity of the incident).
None yet.

[spoiler=Current Topic]
What's your favourite deck? Decklist optional.

[spoiler=Card of the Day]
Good to reverse the tide of battle.

20/11/10 - COTD: Tragoedia | Club made | Topic: Starstrike Blast
21/11/10 - COTD: Golden Flying Fish
23/11/10 - COTD: The 13th Grave | Topic: Favourite Deck
24/11/10 - COTD: Metamorphosis
25/11/10 - COTD: Naturia Mosquito
29/11/10 - COTD: Injection Fairy Lily
30/11/10 - COTD: R-Genex Overseer
01/12/10 - COTD: Fiend's Sanctuary

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Whew, change of topic! And to a topic I can talk about!
Personally, my favorite deck is Arcana Force, only just found it, but it's pretty sweet.
What deck with Stardust Dragon ISN'T sweet?
Oh, and not to mention Ancient Fairy Dragon. Double AWESOMENESS COM-
[color="#FF0000"]Obsidan, SHUT UP![/color]
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COTD: Metamorphosis
I'll usually staple Stardust, but I mainly run a Blackwing or Synchro Warriors deck. It's got the Junk, Nitro and Turbo Warrior (And their respective Synchrons) But the aces are Colossal Fighter at 3 and Goyo Guardian at 1. Its main purpose is to use the Synchrons to get their Synchros, then tune them with an appropriate tuner to get Colossal. The Blackwings are standard.
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