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Supernatural Hunters IC [Started/Still Accepting!] Rates T

Jake the Sage

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Evangeline's rapid bucket toss had missed it's intended target, shattering against the rocky walls of the bath, and while Joey was underwater steam began to rise from the water. The princess knew all too well that it was Joey's doing and wasn't going to be fooled. The second he burst from the water, gasping for air, she knew wer ehe was but stopped when he began talking. He had said he couldn't see anything now, a small consilation she supposed, and that he'd rather be here to protect her from strange men walking in. This got her rage goign again and, after grabbing hold of his arms and throwing him out of the water, she yelled while he flew out of the bath, "Then guard me OUT THERE!"

With Joey out of the bath, leaving the entire thing free for her own pleasure, she dipped into the water with a releaved sigh. However she couldn't enjoy the bath with thoughts of Joey wandering back in here saying it was 'his job to ensure she'd be safe'.


"Well I guess even here there has to be some hypocracy," she said raising an eyebrow at the man who began attacking what seemed like an innocent girl who'd gotten into the mix of things. Alyssa would've aided her if not for the fact she began the fight and, now at least, the Minotaur was awake . . . awake and completely pissed off. As the gigantic creature stomped to the alley the man and woman's fight had lead them too Alyssa turned to Dante, "You ready to head back?"

With that they left, it was probably fate that they never got pulled into this fight and left when they did. Moments after their departure one of the two Hunters who had been watching them this entire time had arrived to see what the commotion was, the other remaining behind to keep an eye on the others. Instead of Abigale it was her mysterious partner who happened upon the scene. Finding out what had been going on from fearful humans, as nosupernatural creature in their right mind would say a word to him, he sompered into the dark alley and looked at the Minotaur. Seconds later, his gun was poking into the man and bull's back skull, "Harm the lady any farther and your own bout will be moot . . . because I'll end any future fights right here and now."


Frowning in a completely ugly manner the Orc listened to the siren speak in a high class fashioned, praising the enjoyment she got out of controlling people, and then raised her mace she pointed at Selinis, "A siren should no when to hold her tongue!"

Moving forward the orc shoved aside any human who happened to get in her way, making them fly a good two feet before even hitting the ground, and stopped on front of Selinis. At this range the siren could tell the most distinct part of any orc . . . their incredibly putride body odor. It was so harsh on her nose it burned her eyes as the orc leaned down and grinned the most horrific smile imaginable, "But I'll tell you what . . . I'll forget you ever insulted me, T'Thalla the greatest warrior orc, if you hand over all of your supplies. It'll be easier for you to do that than acquire all new men . . ."

Finally two things about this orc were revealed, her name and her motive. T'Thalla did have a ring of a warrior to it and one might think it had a deep meaning to it, but at the moment anyone looking at the bearer of the name could hardly imagine anything profound. As for the supplies . . . well . . . that was orc rules 101. What is theirs is theirs and what is yours will sooner or later become theirs as well.
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Joey walked back in sitting quietly on the side hiding in steam so that he could no longer been seen. he didnt like making evengline unconfertible but he knew that someone had to protect her. he closed his eyes listening to the earth talking and the water biting back at it. the earth speaking calmly and smartly where as the water hated all who touched its being. "hey eveangline i have a question. what do you think the elements truely are?" joey asked quietly wondering if she to was ignorant to the existince of the elements concious.

"hey alyssa i wanted to ask you. do you think that sammuel will be fulish enough to awaken the sleeping beast this town hides by attacking it? even he cannot control that monster and if he attempted then he would be wiped from existace as well as the others were correct?" dante asked alyssa.

OOC:if you want to know what the sleeping beast is pm me you'll like this one.
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Saio looked up at the Bullman and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," She said in a some what quiet voice, "For saving my life." The minotaur nodded at her and smiled.
In return she smilled before noticing the hunter raise the gun to his head and the head of the drunk, "Harm the lady any farther and your own bout will be moot . . . because I'll end any future fights right here and now." He said to them. Saio looked at him and kicked him in the groin, causing him to fall to the ground.
"Hey, watch were your aiming that thing. This minotaur just saved my life from this drunk F*ck." She said to him. The man slow stood up, still grabbing his groin from the pain.
"You better watch it, little miss. Or you may end up on my bad side." He said to her.
"I think I'm looking at it." Saio responed witfully. "Though your reflection probably tells you that every morning."
The Man grumbled and looked up at her, still gripping his groin from the pain.
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"Hey . . . um . . . Evangline? I-I hope you forgive me for coming back in but, I have a question," Joey said having slipped back inside the bath house quietly. Pausing for roughly a minute he continued, ""What do you think the elements truely are?"

Silence. Seconds slowly ticked by as Joey waited, quietly wondering if she to mad at him for coming back in, and continued to hear nothing. Was she unaware of the fact the elements had a concioussness? Looking around he heard a splash of water before a thought came across his mind, was Evangeline even in here anymore? Is it possible she had slipped under the water and lost conciousness?!


Walking all the way back to the hotel Alyssa and Dante remained quite towards each other, which was highly unusual because they had been friends for a long time, though it was just probably because of what happened. Finally Dante broken the silence by bringing up the villages protective guardian and if Sammael would risk attacking the town. Thinking about it Dante continued by stating not even the leader of the Hunters Society could defeat something like that, "Well I don't think you're right . . . Sammael is a monster."

"But lets not think about him attacking us and enjoy the last day before heading back out, hmmm?" she said walking into the hotel lobby.


The pain receeded and he was finally able to stand up straight. Looking down at the woman he could feel the Minotaur's breath on his backside as the bull waited for the man to make a wrong move, the drunkard having already slipped away in the scuffle, and he began weighing his options. It'd be simple to take out these two individuals without being caught . . . but Lord Sammael had stated this place was a strict target-only kill zone. Shrugging his shoulders he heard his partner call out to him from above, that she had recieved new orders just a few minutes ago, "We're being sent reinforcements right now, they'll arrive at dusk."

"So we finally get act, eh?" he replied pulling the brim of his hat lower and looking at the Minotaur and the woman, "Enjoy the rest of your day . . . be seeing you at dusk with any luck."

The enjoyment was obvious on his face as he said that and walked out of the alley before vanishing into the crowd. Walking away, now on the roof tops, Abigale looked over at her partner and shook her head, "You like getting chastized by the boss?"

"Just wanted to help a fellow man ma'am, didn't expect her to sock me there . . ."

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Sioshia looked at the Bull man and again thanked him before walking off. She quickly slipped back into hotel and began gathering her equipment, getting ready for the coming battle that evening. She looked through her pack and pulled a peice of paper out and quickly wrote a letter to an old friend. Saio stepped out side and summoned a bird to carry the message, "Take this to Dioven. Fly fast my friend." With that the bird took the letter in its mouth, took flight and headed dew south, heading for the night elf who once saved her life.
"Lady of the Sea, bless my friend. Allow him to move a swift as a roaring river."


Dioven wandered the forest, looking at his map for a way out. He had spent three days in this Damned forest and he was ready to get out, yet everything in this forest looked the same. He sad next to at tree and sighed. "I didn't want to do this but i guess i have to." He said to himself. Dioven closed his eyes and and released his thoughts to allow the forest to talk to him. He listened intently, yet nothing came. Getting nothing, Dioven relaimed his mind and opened his eyes. Again he sighed, before looking through the trees to the sky above. As he looked he spotted something, what looked like a bird. Dioven uttered a few words into the air and the bird desended to him.
"What are you carrying friend." he said to the bird. The bird released the message he had been carrying into Dioven's hand. He quickly opened the letter and read it just as quick.
"So, you are in danger agian Sioshia," He said before looking to the bird. "Do you know a way out of this God forsake Forest?" The bird chirpped and took flight through the forest. Dioven quickly gathered his equipment and followed the bird out of the forest.

Dioven looked at the sky as Sun shined down on his face. He fell onto his back and looked at the sky. "Finally, I'm out." He said. The bird looked at him and cocked his head. "Oh, right. Which way is Sioshia." He asked the bird. Again the bird took flight, flying northward. Dioven followed the bird, not knowing what he was walking into.
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joey sat in silence for a moment before he started looking around in the water for evengine. [i]damn if i find her knocked out in the water then i dont know what im gonna do.[/i] joey thought to himself as he searched around. "hey water where is she?" joey asked.
[i]and i should tell you why?[/i] the water asked in a calm voice as if it knew something that joey didnt. "tel me now dang it. "joey said before getting fed up with the waters scarciasm. he conctrated for a second before all the water in the spring shot into the air reveling a very naked evengline who was laughing. joeys eyes widened as he saw the size the eveligines breasts. the water seemed to drop slowly back down before joey fell over into it hearing evengline laughing.
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"[i]That's[/i] what you get for coming back in here you pervert," Evangeline said crossing her arms, hardly aware of her own nudity, but probably didn't care at the moment. Smiling quite smuggly she grabbed her towel from the damp floor, wrapped it around her body, and got another even bigger smile across her face. A wicked thought had came into her mind, if she screamed now security surely would come to her aid and possibly arrest him for being a leecherious pervert. Shrugging her shoudlers she instead walked out of the bathroom and called back inside as Joey broke the water's surface, "Do that again and I wont hold back on beating you to death . . . got that my guard?"


Walking back into the hotel Alyssa and Dante stopped and stared as very steamy Evangeline, in only a towel, walked in front of them before climbing the stairs. As she walked, unaware that they were there, they could both here her muttering to herself about Joey and being a pervert. Both old friends looked at each other and lightly laughed at each other, guessing Joey had gone too far with his duty of protecting her again. Pointing to the stairway Alyssa took the rest of the supplies in her hand, "I'll go talk to Evangeline and see if I can get her to forgive Joey . . ."

"You go check and see how badly Joey's hurt," she continued pointing in the direction of the bath house. As she headed towards the stairway she bumped into another woman, spilling the food and supplies all over the ground, and looked up in suprise, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't even notice you . . . wait, didn't I see you earlier?"

The woman Alyssa was obviously talking to was Sioshia who had, by some strange stroke of fortune, rented a room in the same hotel as the others.


"Lord Sammael we've recieved word that the thirty eight, fourty second and fifty ninth devisions are all ready to be mobilized on your command," a woman, in a slender form fitting dress, said the second she entered the room and dropped to her knees. Not even a single urge to look up crossed her mind as the sounds of the leader of the Hunters moving about reached her ears. She had long been trained never to look the master in the eyes or else the repricussions would be harsher than imagination. But her eyes did grow wide when his words reached her, "Sonya why don't you look at me?"

"L-Lord Sammael I am forbidden-"

"Because of the rules?"

"Y-Yes my Lord," she said sweat begining to drip down her brow. She could hear him getting up and the clacking of his shoes against the polished marble floors. A shiver ran down her spine as his hand gently touched her chin nad raised it to meet his piercing gaze, "We are at the brink of a glorious revolution my dear . . . after this day humanity shall be rid of a large cancerous chunk of those unholy beasts, I think we can overlook such silly rules until the aftermath. What say you Leutinant Sonya?"

"Y-Yes my Lord," Sonya muttered under her breath, cheeks flushed red, as her face was held by her master. Standing up on his order Sammael outstretched his arm and the two walked together outside to the roars of a massive crowd of the Hunters, whom had all gathered at his call to arms. Grinning his wicked grin Sammael stepped onto the stage and looked at the generals of his army, each who have sworn their lives to him on numerous occassions, "My fellow Hunters!"

"No," he paused mulling it over in his mind, "My fellow [i]humans[/i]! This morning we arm ourselves to the teeth before setting out on a holy mission! When the sun sets it will mark the end of a certain corrupt village which harbors the foul creatures which have stolen your loved ones . . . your friends . . . your well being . . . your very ways of life!"

The crowd gave a blood thirtsy roar, weapons smashing together in a loud clash as they listened to their leader, "We will march into that village of b*stards and whip clean the lean with their heathon blood! Not one man, woman or child shall escape our divine wrath! My fellow brothers and sisters ride out and cause chaos!!! Let me hear their pathetic screams for mercy from [i]here[/i]!!!

Stepping up beside her lord and master Sonya raised her sword in a saulte, the crowd of Hunters repeating her action, "For the children of men! For the purity of woman! For humanity's continuation!"

"For the children of men! For the purity of women! For humanity's continuation!"

"Lets give them a glimpse of hell!" a large giant of a man roared, him and his brother leading the small army towards their fated battleground. As the noise of stomping feet drowned out everything Sammael watched in glee, images of the slaughter dancing through his head, [i]"It shall be wonderful . . . how I would love to be there in person if just to crush the skull of that little vampire princess who had escaped!"[/i]

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When Jacob finally awoke he was in a Hunter medical facility. He had been out for three months after his escape from the army with his chimera. He sat up because the last thing he remembered was collapsing in a forest. "Where am I?" He asked the medic that walked by him.

"Oh, your awake. You have been here for three months and this is a Hunter medical facility. We found you passed out in the forest with a chimera protecting you. Apperently it turned into a tattoo on your arm." The medic said before continuing to walk on.

"So. . . That wasn't a dream?" Jacob muttered to himself. "Maybe now I can become a Hunter. But why can't I remember anything past three months ago. I remember the day I Ran from the army and all of my childhood but nothing inbetween." Jacob paused for a second and remembered his last day in the army he was told to go to his commanding officer's office to talk about the "special" things they were going to do that day. Out of rage and the inability to remember any of his army years he screamed out in rage and fell back onto his bed and cried.
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when dante found joey in the bathouse he was sitting on the edge his face all flustered. "so looks like you got to see something intresting. "dante said playing with joey as he ran a finger down joeys back making him shiver. "i wouldnt piss off evengline though she's got a twisted mind babe and its going to hurt you if your not carefull." dante said as he picked up joey bridele stlye who blushed deeply. "ok dante i promise i'll be carefully." he said as dante carryed him back to the room smiling.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of town

Richter walked into the town quietly as the sun started to set. he could feel the tension in the air. he walked down the streets in search of lord sunday. he finaly reach the hotel after an hour of searching. "well lord monday has finaly arrived."
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"No, no this will never do . . . right brother?"

"Of course not, we cannot have a Hunter who can cry so easily, right brother?"

"Naturally brother," the voice of two heafy men came from the opening of the medical tent. What layed before Jacob's eyes to see was the biggest men he had ever seen in his entire life, both men stood higher than nine feet tall and were covered from head to toe in muscles. It wasn't just their size that was different about them, nor was it the sheer ammount of muscles the two possessed, but also that they looked exactly alike! Crouching down to fit in the normal sized Medical Tent Jacob could only tell the difference because of the finger each wore a ring on, "So you can't remember anything, eh brother?"

"Of course I can remember things brother?! What do you take me for . . . a fool brother?" Jacob was a little bit stunned by their mannor of speaking until someone else walked into the room, a man who, though not as tall as the other two, was certainly remarkable by in his own unique way. Shoving the two looming men away and outside he held an outstretched hand to the newcomer, "You'll have to forgive Otus and Brutus, strong as giants but just about as smart. So I hear . . . you want to join the Hunters Society?"


The marching feet could be heard loudly as the entire army continued on their pathway to the sinful village. Along the way, as a way to spurr their bloodlust to an even higher degree, the General's of the army allowed them to take out a random populated village of supernatural creatures whenever they came across it. Normally raids on supernatural dwellings where calculated, chosen specifically for their threat to humanity, and always done "professionally". Killings were done generally quickly with everything burned and nothing was taken. But [i]these[/i] raids where unlike any other beforehand . . .

The second a village came into view the men were given the assault signal and they rushed into the fray in a mad craze. Nothing was done to stop any behavior that would be deamed "unnessicary" or "vile" and instead anything was allowed. Walking through the latest of these villages to be attacked a young girl within the army sumpled upon a group of soldiers ripped the shirt of a captured Siren that had her jaw broken to ensure she would be defensless. Stopping as the young girl, no older than eight years, gazed at their actions one of them stopped with his belt in hand and pants hanging off his hips, "G-General!"

"Just ensure you kill the b*tch after you're finished soldiers," the young girl said coldly, not even batting an eye as the siren began to cry in dispair, and waved the men off as she continued to walk, "And have 'fun' . . . there will be more to come."

"Yes ma'am!!!" the men called out in unison as they circled around the siren, impure thoughts ready to be acted upon . . .

"Tell me what's so special about being turned into a filthy dog?" a soldier mocked as he smashed his foot on a werewolf's paw, making the creature scream in agnoy as the heel dug in to twist and shatter the bone even farther. The men watched, their eyes wide in sick pleasure, as the other hand was likewhise crushed and a shiver ran down each of their spines when the werewolf howled in pain. Turning their backs from the creature it stood up, paws bloodied, and went to attack before being slashed to ribbons. The innocent creature's blood splattered on the men's backs as their General stood in front of them without a drop of blood on him and caught each throwing knife drenched in blood, "Tsk, tsk, tsk! If you plan on torturing your enemies make sure you finish them off before hand or else they'll come back to repay you."

"Yes General Erik!" the men said before spotting a Centaur and brandished their swords and charged like madmen. Torture, rapes, pillagings . . . all for the sake of raising the warrior's bloodlust to a fever point before the battle to come.

<OOC: If you didn't think I was bat sh*t crazy before this . . . yeah guess what >8D >
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Sioshia looked at Alyssa, knowing that she had seen her face earlier that day. "Yah, I saw you in the Market. You swiped the fish that i was going to get." Saio said sarcastically. The Vampire women obviously didn't get the joke as a look of astonishment took over her face.
"Oh, sorry. It was a joke." Saio said to her, reaching down and gathering her supplies. Alyssa looked down at the items she was gathering.
"What's with all the war equipment?" Alyssa asked her. Saio looked up at her, stopping her assembly of her supplies.
"Let's just say i have a hunch that something evil is approching. I'm just getting ready to defend myself."
Saio quickly returned to gathering the equipment. After She gathered her equipment she stood up and began her desent down stairs.
"Sorry, 'bout this but i have to go meet somebody." Saio got about halfway down the stairs before turning back around. "Hey, what's your name." Saio yelled back at her.
"It's Alyssa. You?"
"It's Sioshia." With that she finished her desent down the stairs and turned around into Dioven.

"Oh, Dioven. I wasn't expecting you to arrive so quickly." She said to him, seeing him panting. "What happened, why are you so out of breath."
"This village is in danger. We need to evacuate NOW!" He said to her. Sioshia raised her brow as she wondered why. As if an answer to her question, she felt the earth beneath her tremble and heard the chanting of men, running towards the village.
"OH NO!" Sioshia yelled, "EVERYONE RUN!" Sioshia grabbed her weapons and headed for the door only to see the multitude of Hunters running towards the village.
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"Yes sir, you are correct, I want to become a Hunter." Jacob said as he sat up in the bed to take the man's hand. "So when do I start protecting people?"
Jacob asked as he got out of the bed and put his things on. Jacob is searching frantically for his cards. He didn't want to lose his new weapons. "Where are my cards?" Jacob asks angerly at the man he had just been so polite with.
When Jacob acts in such a manner the man pulls the deck out of his sleeves and hands them to Jacob. Jacob straps on the cards to his belt in a pouch he found by his bed. "So when do I get to become a Hunter?" Jacob asks once he is fully dressed.
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Alyssa had told Dante to go check on Joey, who had probably been beaten severly by Evangeline, in the bath house while she went to calm down the raging princess; who had stormed upstairs. Heading towards the stairway she blindsided another person, dropping everything in her arms, and noticed that it was the woman from the market, "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention . . . wait, didn't I see you earlier?"

"Yeah, I saw you in the Market," Sioshia had replied initially before finishing on a sarcastic remark, "You swipped the fish I was going to buy."

A quick bander was exchanged between Alyssa and Sioshia, mainly about why the laters abundant supplies, and the vampiress found out that her new 'friend' was leaving town. She gave no other reason besides that she felt that something evil was approaching them, though evil was a broad term now-a-days, so she didn't know what to make of it. Watching her leave through the front door Alyssa turned around, looking back over her shoudler with a ponder, and made a mental note about the odd feeling she was getting after having heard what Sioshia had to say, [i]"Something evil? Evil for [u]us[/u] would be the Hunters Society . . . but did she mean them or something else?"[/i] Having climbed the steps she moved through the hallway to reach her and Evangeline's room, only to find that it was locked. Okay . . . locked isn't the best word to express what the diminuative vampiress princess had done to bar anybody from entering the room.

Taking the heavy wardrobe found in the corner of the room she had managed to shove it up against the door before anchoring the large armchair under the doorknob so it wouldn't turn. Jiggling the handle back and forth hard Alyssa eventually, albiet accidentally, snapped it off and then finally scowled at the person behind the door, "Evangeline you're coming out of there one way or the other . . . and I [i]don't[/i] mind doing it the hard way if that's how you want to be!"

Taking a step back she readied herself for a jump kick that'd snap the door off it's hinges, break the armchair and shove the wardrobe back a few feet so she could rush in and get the pain in her ass known as Evangeline. Clapping her hands together she crouched down, blocking out her surroundings momentarily, and then leapt for the door with her right foot.


"Oh, Dioven . . . I wasn't expecting you to arrive so quickly," Sioshia had said to her elfian compantion after seeing that he had walked up to her in a sweat, panting heavily, "What happened?"

"T-Thi-This village is . . . it's in . . . dan-danger," he said trying to catch his breath, his heart racing in his chest, "We need to evacuate, Now!"

Sioshia raised her eyebrow to her friends serious acqussation that they needed to evacuate. From her point of view this village was the safest place on the planet to be, no Hunters would attempt an attack and the supernatural councils held no sway of influence here, so the thought of them being in danger wasn't met with much belief. However the young creature, so innocent in her youth, had no idea how badly that trail of thought could lead her into dangerous situations. Placing a hand on his friend's shoulder Dioven looked into her eyes with a serious demeanor, ready to explain what he had overheard, when his chance was taken by a thunderous noise in the distance . . . coupled with the trembling of the very ground beneath their feet. It grew worse and worse with each passing second and, amongst the thunderous noise, the blood thirty yells of warriors could be heard coming in their direction.


[b]A Few Minutes Earlier[/b]

"Warriors of the Divinity!" a man said stridding in front of the massive congrigation of people clad in leather armor, their weapons already stained with 'tainted' blood from slaughtered creatures along their trek here, and stopped atop a hang off. Standing beside him was the young girl whom had shown no emotion upon seeing her men defile the purity of a creature before leaving her lifeless in the burning alleyway. Her ebony black hair waved behind her in the strong wind as she viewed the men under her and Erik's command, all five hundred and some odd of them. Her dull eyes didn't flicker up at all to the man who remained by her side. Holding out his hand he readied a final word before they encompassed the entirty of the village, "Tonight the village of Gomora will burn!"

"Leave not one alive," the girl added in almost too quite to hear, increasing the roars of the troops, and annoying her colleague at the same time, before the entire ammassed division charged down the hill.


[b]Present Time[/b]

Those who lived in the outskirts of the city didn't know what to make of the events happening before them. They had seen the men charging down the hill, yelling like madmen, but still didn't see them as a threat. If anything they felt a little uneasy at the fact there was people running towards them, and even a madman can do a great deal of damage, but it was only when the first kill occurred that the fear cemented itself in everybody. A buisness man, a saytr, who's name is lost in the rivers of time, had bravely walked forward to greet the charging mass of bodies to discover for what purpose had they began such an outrageous march. How could he have known the very purpose he was asking to hear was his own, and many others, slaughter at their hands? Holding his arms out to great them his eyes grew wide in shock at the sight of blood splattering up, the pain not even registering yet, as the blades of a soldier sliced through both apendages until they were completely severed. Falling backward in a panic he let out a bleeting scream while the pain engulfed his body only to be crushed underfoot of the charging army.

Some of the villagers certainly could have run fast enough to escape the measly human frames that were rushing towards them, yet fear so powerful it overwhelmed their very senses caused their legs to fall prey to utter paralysis; not even certain death unlocked the instinct for self preservation in some. As the army worked its way into the city, splintering and spreading like a bullet through the body if it's target, many were caught and killed on sight as more where captured for those in the back to have something to enjoy. The screams were easily audiable on the other side of the city, and where Sioshia and Dioven stood, it was deafening, "Oh No!!!"

"Everyone Run!" turning around she screamed at the top of her lungs at the frightened citizens; they had not yet seen the horrors heading towards them yet they already could not move. Turning around she grabbed her weapons and headed towards the flowing battlefield which would soon encompass the entire city; she had no patience to wait for [i]them[/i] to come to her. An imposing shadow stepped out in front of her and held out his wooly hand to stop her, "Calm yourself small one. If you head out now surely those causing the spilling of blood will add you to their numbers.

Blocking the sun almost entirely as Sioshia looked up the Centaur whom she'd saved earlier looked down at her with a smile, holding massive gauntlets in both hands, and more people came out armed, "On my honor as a Bloodraeg, they will [i]not[/i] get away with this."

The centaur turned as the first of the Hunters came into view . . .

<OOC: A +Rep to figure out where Bloodraeg came from!>


[b]Three Minutes After Invasion[/b]

The Hunters Society had made their way into every inch of the city, yet had met resistance from the inhabitants who'd taken up arms. Some of the soldiers thought it was better that they fought back and relished the oppertunity to kill a creature in combat rather than slaughter a weak and cowardly one. Those soldiers usually met their ends under the hoofs of the Centaur they had carelessly allowed to charge at them . . .

Vampires, Werewolves, Centaurs, Elfs, all kinds of supernatural creatures were grabbing something to fight against the overwhelming number of Hunters appearing left and right. Taking up more arms the Hunters retaliated with gunfire, only to have return fire shot back at them! In a never before heard of event the humans who'd been living in Gomora had decided to fight with the "subspieces", the "unholy ones", and not betray or go against them. As their gun fire gave the creatures cover they charged forward and broke through the front lines and clawed their way, some literally, farther into enemy lines before being gunned down; though they did not go without causing a couple of deaths. For a while it looked as if this would eat away at certain troops, though eventually it would lead to a hollow victory for the Hunters Society; loosing a lot of men before winning the fight. However, as was too be expected by any whom had fought the Hunters perviously, a large explosion rocked the earth before an explosion shot dirt and gravel skyward.

"That got'em!" one of the soldiers said snapping his finger, a commrade reloading the cannon deep within the back lines and filling it with black powder. Firing another volley the Commanders of this army, the conductors of the chaos going around, walked amongst their troops, easily slaying anything that threatened them, and did not seem amused, "I thought Nevin and Abigale was here?"

"So did I," Erik said pulling the stubble on his chin and looked at the little girl, "Do you think we accidentally killed them with the cannon fire?"

"That would be," she mulled around in her head for what most people would consider a suitable word to describe that outcome, "Unfortunate?"

"Correct," he replied before she lopped the head off a werewolf that had pounched towards her, setting her foot on it's head to stop it rolling anymore, "You're getting good at figuring out emotions in situations. It [i]would[/i] be unfortunate if we'd accidentally killed our own commrades."




"Alyssa!!!" the vampiress heard before a sharp slap was delivered to her face. Sitting upright she held the side of her stining face and looked around the blackened room. The first thing she noticed was the sound . . . the sound of battle she'd never imagined to hear [i]here[/i] and the next thing she noticed was the overwhelming sent of blood; the seer amount and mixture of different types made it nausiating. Looking around she wondered what had happened, last thing she remembered was readying to kick the door down and get Evangeline out of the room, "What happened?"

"The Hunter's are here!" Evangeline said in an obvious panic, "They're attacking everybody, killing them, and the entire towns already become a giant battlefield!"

"No I mean what happened to me?" she said not completely having what she just heard sink in. Evangeline explained that, after breaking into the room, she had slipped and tripped before falling. Suprised she held her head and wondered how such a simple trip had caused a big knot to form on her forehead, but learned when a cannon explosion had gone off on the side of the building she'd been thrown into the wall and had been knocked uncouncious. Finally everything set in when another cannon fire rocked the building and tore through the outter wall of the room they were staying in, scattering wood fragments around them. Holding each other Evangeline was screaming as Alyssa peered out into the smoke the gunpowder had blanketed the battlefield in, "Evangeline . . . where's Dante and Joey!?"

"I don't know!!!" she said shaking, her head pounding in pain as deep seeded memories began springing back to life, finding the young vampire's mindset back in the dark forest being chased by the same clothed men; back to gthe night she lost her memories . . .


Shoving the two looming men away and outside he held an outstretched hand to the newcomer, "You'll have to forgive Otus and Brutus, strong as giants but just about as smart. So I hear . . . you want to join the Hunters Society?"

"Yes sir, I want to become a Hunter," Jacob said as he sat up in the bed to take the man's hand, "So when do I start protecting people?"

Getting out of the hospital bed he began to put his things on while the brothers exchanged glances, though the man who'd addressed him remained silent. Watching him he noticed he was searching for something in his possessions and then through the bedding of the matress he had been on before looking up at them. The anger was evident in his words as he asked where 'his cards where' and, not wanting to cause a scuffle at the moment, the man pulled the cards out of his sleeves and tossed them to their owner, who quickly slid them into a pocket strapped to the belt. Fully dressed he looked over and asked again, "So when do I become a Hunter?"

"Well you see boy . . . that's the thing," the man said in a wish-wash tone slapping his knees and getting up, standing a head taller than Jacob, "It isn't that easy to become a member of the Hunters Society. Sure we take a lot of people in who are willing to defend humanity against the autrocities caused by the supernatural creatures, but the fact is not all of them can make the cut. Think you can?"

"Of course I think I can, right brother?" Otus dumbly interrupted raising his hand, a happy grin on his face as his brother chimmed in also, "I can too, right brother?"

"Of course, we both ca-"

"I'm not talking to you two idiots now go on and go hammer something before I send you both out on reconisanse duty!" the man snapped and the two giant men raced out of the tents, always viewing the task of being 'watchmen' as torturous boredom. Looking back the man raised and eyebrow and waved his hand for him to follow, "Lets see if you can pass a simple test to see if you'd be Hunter Society material . . ."

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As the fighting started joey felt the earth tremor and grabed dante and richter who he had just been talking to and disipared into the ground with them. it wasnt long before joey had found alyssa and evangline but by the point the battle was allready lost. joey sliped through the ground pulling the two vampires under ground with him to his safe spot his eyes red and full of hatred.
[i]they will all die who survived this battle[/i] he thought to himself about the hunters.

"sorry i couldnt help girls. the minute the battle started i went underground with dante and my friend richter and started shooting earthen spikes up at the hunters but it didnt do much use." joey said as they slunk through the ground dante and richter joining them as they moved through. "but we're gonna get revenge for this. they destoryed this town and now I'm going to show them the wrath of the elementals." he said the others for some reason staying quiet. "are you with me or am i doing this myself."
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"This battle isn't over yet Joey!" Alyssa said crouched down in the hovel that he had created. Her weapons were covered in blood, along with her own clothing, and she had started having trouble breathing after a stab to the chest; possibly the assault had collapsed her left lung. Clenching the hilt of the sword she glanced over at the swarming mass of figures going back and forth, trying to kill one another, and then back at him, "We can drive them off and save the city . . . if we find the leaders and beat them then the rest of the group will run off in a panic."

That was true, most of the time when things looked bleak for the creatures one of them managed to defeat or assassinate the leader while the rest ran off. Strength in numbers, but only when they had someone to lead them around. Even though the plan was good, the only draw back was that none of them had the proper knowledge of [i]who[/i] was leading this assault on Gomora and their location. Accompanying that issue was Evangeline's current state. She wasn't harmed, but at the begining of the fight she seemed to have gone into shock without so much as a word. She was breathing but other than that she had not responded to any outside stimulation.
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