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i right stories who else?

the final warlock

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Guest PikaPerson01

I'm writing a story, but it sucks and I'm kind of losing motivation to finish it with all this schoolwork and such.


Also, lol@bad spelling. Can't imagine your stories are worthwhile if you can't even capitalize or use punctuation correctly.

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I'm writing a novel and have almost 40 typed pages on microsoft.

I enjoy writing when it's not for school and I'm not gonna get graded on it, I think it's just cuz I don't want anyone to read what goes on in my mind.

I like writing poems more than novels though, but then again, I'm not even a teen, so that will probably change.

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Crab Helmet pretty much already said it but... With that grammer, you had better not be writing storys!

The topic creator did specify that they are French and thus don't speak good English, so they could feasibly be eloquent in French despite not understanding English grammar (since even fluent English speakers have trouble with English grammar). The real problem is that their mistakes are really basic ones like not capitalizing words that should be the same in both languages, so there's no excuse for that.

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Well I understand that being a foreigner makes it hard to speak/write English well. Also not capitalizing words in a section like Games isn't a crime either, but I thought you'd start learning English quite early in France? At least my dad comes from there and I think I heard that once.


Also there isn't much of a purpose here other than saying "yes I write stories" or "no I don't". If you write, you're more than welcome to post your works here, the section was made for it.



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