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Newb (and maybe Noob)


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Hi everyone, I'm new to this whole make-Yugioh-cards system. I sometimes saw images with modified Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and I was like "How did they made this?". But then I found a SHOOP DA WHOOOOOOP!!! card and it was in a forum and someone linked this site. I clicked it and... yay.


Here is one card I made:



PS: How do you make those blue lists where you need to click for the images inside them show and hide?

PS2: Do I need to use Imageshack or something like that to put my cards here in the forum?



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Hi everyone, I'm new to this whole make-Yugioh-cards system. I sometimes saw images with modified Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and I was like "How did they made this?". But then I found a SHOOP DA WHOOOOOOP!!! card and it was in a forum and someone linked this site. I clicked it and... yay.


Here is one card I made:



PS: How do you make those blue lists where you need to click for the images inside them show and hide?

[spoiler=Like This?]

First, put [ spoiler=TitleHere ] No spaces.

Text goes here.

Then put [ /spoiler ] when you're finished. Still no spaces.




PS2: Do I need to use Imageshack or something like that to put my cards here in the forum?

It's a bit easier than that. Click on your created card and copy/paste the code underneath it into your topic.



Your welcome.


Enjoy your time at the forums and play nice with the other children.

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