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The Force Unleashed 2


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Yeah, it's pretty damn epic. It is fairly short, which I don't really mind seeming as I didn't want to spend ages passing it, but the stuff like fury and the last level are just too awesome.

Dark side ending is funny. Watch it.[/spoiler]
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My initial reaction:

While there were minor adjustments to the combat (Mind Trick, that's about it) and the environments had more detail than I remember in TFU1, it doesn't hold a candle to TFU1. The game's limited environments and gameplay time veritably shut down any opportunities for creativity in enemy/boss design, and there are only 2 real moments where Galek shows his BAMF colors. (For spoiler reasons, let's just say it's the prelude to the final level and the end quicktime event.) The falling segments were a nice touch, however.

Also, the considerable amount of derailment that each of the main characters has gone through (aside from Vader, but he's always like that) is also deplorable. About 75% of the dialouge in that game can be summed up as:


At the very least, TFU1 gave the Apprentice some dimension(s), he DID care for Juno, but there was more to him than that. TFU2 does away with all of that pesky "development" and "in-character" nonsense. Many (idiot) critics of TFU1 said that it was like a bad fanfic. TFU2 actually DOES feel like one.
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Well, the game is really short and only has empire enemies. It has a new force power and new combat + saber colors, new costumes and a Light/Dark side ending. It would be better to make choices in the other levels as well, like Spiderman Web Of Shadows. The graphics are stunning although the beatdown commands are the same and the animations are the same. The last fight is fat too easy. Force Furry is added. I must say I LIKE this game. It has complicated achievements IMO but what the heck. I would give it a [color="#008000"]7/10[/color]
Grading Scale:
[color="#8B0000"]0/10-Game should not be made. Don't buy. Don't rent. Don't get a demo. Don't play it. [/color]
[color="#A0522D"]1/10-Game sucks major planet balls. If its a sequel, don't even look at it.[/color]
[color="#FF0000"]2/10-Game looks.......bad. Preety bad. Many problems. If its a sequel you don't want to play the 1.1 version of the previous game.[/color]
[color="#F4A460"]3/10-Game only good for hardcore fans that only know the series and live for them.[/color]
[color="#FF8C00"]4/10-Game is plain. Nothing special to see but may has bright spots that can be improved...myabe in a sequel?[/color]
[color="#FFA500"]5/10-Dunno. You could try a demo to see for yourself. It has mistakes/bugs but is also kinda fun to play[/color]
[color="#006400"]6/10-Fair. Needs work. Live with it till the few problems re solved.[/color]
[color="#008000"]7/10-Nice game. Looking god but having problems. Try a demo. If a fan of the series, worth buying.[/color]
[color="#9ACD32"]8/10-Preety Good. A really worth playing game. Rent it and try it out.[/color]
[color="#98FB98"]9/10-Perfect Game. What a fan would want. Sure buy.[/color]
[color="#00FF00"]10/10-Sensational. Made by alien tech. Too good to read this post, just go buy it IDC who you are just get it.[/color]
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