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Element Dorms {STARTED}{Accepting up to 8 reserves}


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Here is my Card for the Dark Dorm

[spoiler=Like it, or else it [b]WILL[/b] haunt you!!]



This card cannot be destroyd by Battle, by monsters with 1900 ATK or more. If you Discard 1 monster in your Hand, you can select 1 "Dark" monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, remove this card from play instead.




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When light hits water it is absorbed and destroyed. Entry # 2 for water



If this card destroys a monster by battle you can discard 1 card to place the destroyed monster face-up in your removed from play zone. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can reduce this card's ATK points to 0, until the End Phase, to gain Life Points equal to the ATK of the top monster in your removed from play pile. If this card is destroyed by a card effect you can place all monsters that are in your removed from pile, that were destroyed by battle while on your opponent's side of the field, in your opponent's Graveyard to gain Life Points equal to the number of monsters in your opponent's Graveyard x100.

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Fine then you have no power against we reflect all your power back at you so sorry but water is more powerful than light. Light is only good in the form of a bulb.

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light is way better than water, light is immune to gravity unlike water, light is energy and therefore indestructable, light can be the fastest thing in the universe unlike water, and in terms of yugioh lets compare a powerful water and light


Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus & Judgment Dragon


JD can blow up the feild several times, Ocean Dragon can only do it while you have umi

JD requires no tribute, Ocean Dragon does

JD has 3000 ATK, Ocean Dragon only has 2900


we win, you lose :P

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Here's my EARTH entry

Took very advantage on its high defense






When this card is Special Summoned, Switch its ATK and DEF. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, your opponent must attack this card, if possible. If this card inflict damage to your opponent, inflict 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points.

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All cards accepted, but the dark card should be a spellcaster.


And to end the argument of Light vs. Water:


Water is made up of the simple compound of H(2)O, and under extreme heat it can be evaporated and tunred into steam. Light is not made up of partical elements, but of other things in he sub-atomic univers. Though it is not affected by gravity like water, a black hole has a strong gravitational pull that can bend light into it. Water cannot be evaporated by a normal light beam, and light is refracted into it or simply reflected of the surface of it. A laser beam can melt ice, but even this concentrated phoo beam cannot evaporate water properly. It is not a question of what can destroy what, more over it is a question of what can be destroyed easier. So, light wins as it cannot be destroyed as easily. But that is in the world of Physics, not the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!.


And, yes, I have recently got an A in a Science Exam.

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Yes well I do believe Water is more useful and more powerful I mean most of our bodies is made of water. 70% or so of the world is covered in water. Light has no physical mass though and cannot hurt anything. Light is only good for seeing things while water is used for transportation, drowning in, swimming, fishing, living in(fishes and other sea creatures), water can destroy life and create new life. Light cannot destroy it can only exist. Water may not have a mind of its own but it doesn't need one with the immense power it holds. Oh and congrats on your A.

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