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duel puzzle #1

~British Soul~

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you - lp 1000

hand - axe of despair, shooting star bow - ceal, tribute to the doomed, remove trap, cost down, alector, sovereign of birds
field - tragoedia (ATK 3600)

opponent - lp 2300

hand - NONE
field - green gadget, red gadget (def), yellow gadget (def), ancient gear soldier, stronghold the moving fortress (ATK 3000)
S/T - dark door (active) mirror force (face down)

win during this turn
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[quote name='$super**$star**$silver$' timestamp='1289740006' post='4783706']
you - lp 1000

hand - axe of despair, shooting star bow - ceal, tribute to the doomed, remove trap, cost down, alector, sovereign of birds
field - tragoedia (ATK 3600)

opponent - lp 2300

hand - NONE
field - green gadget, red gadget (def), yellow gadget (def), ancient gear soldier, stronghold the moving fortress (ATK 3000)
S/T - dark door (active) mirror force (face down)

win during this turn

This was in the anime. There are technically six ways to solve this puzzle, but they all have the same finishing move.

I activate Cost Down, discarding Shooting Star Bow - Ceal. Alector is now Level 4.
I activate Tragoedia's effect, discarding Alector, Sovereign of Birds and taking control of Ancient Gear Soldier.
I activate Tribute to the Doomed, discarding Remove Trap to destroy Yellow Gadget. Stronghold's ATK is now 0.
I equip Ancient Gear Soldier with Axe of Despair.
I attack Stronghold with Ancient Gear Soldier. My opponent can't activate Mirror Force because of Ancient Gear Soldier's effect.
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[quote name='Time Psyduck' timestamp='1289859987' post='4787558']
Remove Trap can only take out face-up traps, so you can't get rid of Mirror Force with it.

Yes, it's that bad.

The only variables in this are which of the useless cards you discard for each of the costs, and which Gadget you take out. Also what order you make your moves, but that's not important.

Wow... ok, then I use the Bruno strategy...

Remove Trap is horrid...
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