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Cinnabar Island.


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[center]Welcome to Cinnabar Island.
Here we have our wondrous Mansion, where you will be staying, The magical Lab, where we [s]f*ck with Pokémon DNA[/s] ... Heal your Pokémon, and the new heated pool and spa!
If you can't tell, this is a Pokémon club. And I just looked, and the only one close was Sakura Haruno's Club Espeon. If you love Pokémon, this is the place for you!

To join, fill out this application.
What room would you like?(001-999):
Favourite Pokémon:
Least favourite Pokémon:[/b]

[spoiler=Rules][b]All YCM rules apply[/b]
Yes, as usual all YCM rules apply. This includes the C&O section rules. If I didn't have this, the mods would chew my ass off.

[b]Try to keep on-topic[/b]
If you go off-topic every now and then it's fine, but if you keep going off-topic constantly, you will get a warning. I'll most likely go off topic constantly, but shhhh. Don't tell the mods that.

[b]No Pornographic Links/Images[/b]
Just don't. But if you want to PM me, go ahead! :D
loljokes.[s]Not really joking.[/s]

[b]No Spamming or Flaming[/b]
If you do this, I will personally rape you then keep you as my sex slave forever. Mainly because this club doesn't need any Spamming/Flaming. I won't Flame or Spam... Pfft... What are you talking about? *shifty eyes*

[b]You will only be accepted if you have good grammar![/b]
Seriously, I don't want anyone in my club going, "lol dats funy wats da topc gys" I would much rather it be, "Bahaha, that's hilarious. *insert rest of post about topic here*" i wnt evar talk liek dis to ma frenz in da klub. no wai.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Members][b]Diamond Class (Leaders)[/b]
Smeargle - Room 669

[b]Platinum Class (Co-Leaders)[/b]
King. - Room 001

[b]Gold Class (Elite Members)[/b]

[b]Premium Class (Advanced Members)[/b]

[b]Normal Class (Members[/b]
Sakura Haruno - Room 327
Champion Lance - Room 237
ProtoMachineEmperor - Room 670
Catman - Room 999
- Stoner - - Room 007
moppmoppmopp - Room 114
Chillaccino - Room 112
Obsidian - Room 002
Professor Layton - Volcano
Dogfish44 - Room 777
Ice - Room 666[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Banners]Soon to come![/spoiler]


[spoiler=Affiliation Form]Name of Club:
Link to Club:[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=History]Club Created [i]November 14 2010[/i]
Sakura Haruno joined as the first member! [i]November 14 2010[/i]
Professor Layton joined as the first member to live outside of the Mansion! xD [i]November 16 2010[/i][/spoiler]

Please welcome our newest member(s), Ice

Have fun. ;D[/center]

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[quote name='Champion Lance' timestamp='1289740918' post='4783718']
Now you please read the 5th rule and see what YOU did wrong :)
D: Curses foiled again.

[quote name='ProtoMachineEmperor' timestamp='1289748873' post='4783956']
Username: ProtoMachine- ProtoMachineEmp- CRAP I FORGOT WHAT IT WAS! D:
What room would you like?: #670 (Wynaut?)
Favourite Pokémon: Doryuuzu
Least favourite Pokémon: Wobbuffet
Accepted Proto. <3

[quote name='Champion Lance' timestamp='1289749735' post='4783987']
umm I smell piss in my room so can I move to room 671?
Why are you stalking members? xD

[quote name='Cаtmаn' timestamp='1289753043' post='4784140']
Username: Catman
What room would you like?(001-999): 999
Favourite Pokémon: Magnezone
Least favourite Pokémon: Bronzor
Ohai Catman.
Accepted. ;D

[quote name='- Stoner -' timestamp='1289760091' post='4784511']
[color="#FF0000"][size="2"][center][b]Username: Stoner
What room would you like?(001-999): 007
Favourite Pokémon: Charizard
Least favourite Pokémon: Magikarp
007. icwutudidthar.
Accepted. ^^

[quote name='moppmoppmopp' timestamp='1289760788' post='4784555']
Username: Moppmoppmopp
The room I want: 114
Favourite Pokemon: Shytcher (FTW)
Least Favourite Pokemon: Togepi

That's alot of members in one post. xD

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[quote name='King.' timestamp='1289808003' post='4786494']
Yeah well in my room I have every PS3 game ever made, a PS3, a laptop, a bed, two windows and a cabinet full of Apple Juice.

I'm in heaven :3
What the hell is with you and apple juice? o_O

Obsidian, Accepted.

Guise, you should totally post more. You know you want to.
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