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FTW (For The Wynn)

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We decided to do another round of cardmaking.


[spoiler=Read This!]

Rules: All YCM Rules apply, no spamming, no flaming, no trolling, no joke cards, etc.


Requirements: Make a Psychic-Type monster.


Time Limit: 1 Week or first to 4 votes


Prize: 1 Rep


[spoiler=My Card]264408.jpg


Once per turn you can pay 800 Life Points when your opponent declares an attack to negate the attack. When this card is used as Synchro Material for a Psychic-Type Synchro Monster, gain 1000 Life Points.


[spoiler=TheComposer's Card]276354z.jpg


When this card is Normal Summoned, you can look at the top three cards of your opponent's deck. Send 1 card to the Graveyard, put 1 card on the bottom of your opponent's deck, and return 1 card to the top of your opponent's deck. If you do, discard 1 card from your hand.


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Posted · Hidden by Cosmic Destroyer of Tea, November 16, 2010 - Because the spam
Hidden by Cosmic Destroyer of Tea, November 16, 2010 - Because the spam

I vote for the card of:


























































































































































































































































































































































































FTW (For the Wyyn)

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Anyway, to the cards.


While I laughed while I saw Composer's card (don't know why), my vote is for FTW as his card follows the theme of existing Psychic cards and its effect is more relevant to the type. I do like the effect of "Psychic Gypsy" though, so its not all bad news.

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Well, my vote is for a legitimate reason. Although, anonymous cards are probably the way to go.


Yes, your's has legit reasons. Nothing personal involved.


it was by card the card was talking and said mean things about my favorite band


What? Idk what you two have against each other, but please vote for the right reasons SK.0

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