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The best OCGs yeaaah


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[spoiler=Shooting Blast]It one of my boosters pack ^^.
The BG and the Tech Circle and price Logo and render are from me.
And this is the Special Edition ^^.
The BG, Logo, Render are from me.
If you don't know aht is a Special Edition i propose for you this
This is a real Special Edition as you can see ^^[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Duelist Pack -Yusei-][img]http://nsa19.casimages.com/img/2010/11/12/101112012205915555.png[/img]
Background or BG and Tech Circle and Tech Lines and renders are all by ME.
And compare my OCG with the Real OCG of Yusei ^^
I know my OCG is not perfect but i've try and it approximative work ^^.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Duelist Pack -Palacido][img]http://nsa19.casimages.com/img/2010/11/13/101113100437775488.png[/img]
Tech Circle, Tech Lines, BG, Renders, Essnetial logo are by me.
Anniversary logo, 40 weekly are by EHK ^^.
Good com's ;).

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Right on to CnC. So glad you paid for the images off me...

Booster 1: Shooting Blast
- Is it supposed to be based on Starstrike Blast?
- You've used English, but clearly said OCG, so there's alot of English where there should be Japanese. So in that case it should 150 Logo, Japanese 5Ds Logo, and Japanse under the name.
- Glow around Konami shouldn't be there.
- Konami logo needs raising, and the whole should be level with the bottom of the 150 logo.
- Shooting Star Dragon doesn't take up nearly enough room.
- Solid glow is too strong its more like a stroke than a glow.
- Background doesn't quite line up correctly with the original's background
- Copyright logo is FAR too large.
SE: Shooting Blast
- There is no SE for the OCG only the TCG. So I cannot comment on a TCG box put with an OCG version.

Duelist Pack Yusei:
- Once again mixed the OCG with the TCG. Mostly see the boosters CNC.

Duelist Pack Placido:
- Badly spelt name
- DP's always feature 2 monsters, so Placido would never make a good candidate anyhow, considering Wisel's parts are game only.
- The Placido fanart just doesn't work for the booster.

I give up....
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