Aesirson Posted November 13, 2010 Report Share Posted November 13, 2010 [center][url=]OOC Thread here.[/url][/center] The boat from Gothemburg arrived in Barcelona. This was where the next tournament on Lars' list would take place. Lars was the Swedish, no, Scandinavian Duel Monsters champion, and some thinks that he may even be one of the best in the world. He walked of off the boat and took a deep breath. The Spanish air was not as fresh as the Swedish sea breeze, but it was nice with a change. He knew that his opponents were somewhere in the city, what he did not know, however, was that the two Champions was as well... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted November 13, 2010 Report Share Posted November 13, 2010 (Yup, first post) Love sat in her room, looking at the walls. "My, so dull, aren't they? Haven't really had the time to paint. But, now, since I'm just idling around, I suppose I could start now." Love pulled three cans of paint out from under her bed. One red, one blue, and one yellow. She took out a brush and dipped it into the red. She then made a few strokes across the wall. But, of course, she was interrupted by a phone call. The person on the other end apparently wanted her to take part in a tournament in Barcelona. Personally, she'd rather stay home and paint, but they told her it was important. She pondered on how a game could be so important, but she packed her things and left nonetheless. In about two hours, she arrived via plane. She looked around for an opponent, but really couldn't tell who to duel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttercup Posted November 13, 2010 Report Share Posted November 13, 2010 Lazaro woke up in a chair fully clothed, starting forwards as he clutched his bag to his chest. He looked around the bedsit, seeing other people who had travelled to Barcelona for the Duel Monsters tournament. Lazaro smiled as he pulled his rucksack onto his shoulder and stood up. He walked to the window and saw the midday sun shining down over the streets. [i]It's been a long time,[/i] mused Lazaro as he stared out onto the city. [i]I wonder what the competition is like after all these years.[/i] He shook his head. [i]It doesn't matter. I'll defeat them with this old style.[/i] he thought. "X-Sabers!" he whispered into the glass. He watched the condensation disappear before walking out of the door and into the heart of the city. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mugendramon Posted November 13, 2010 Report Share Posted November 13, 2010 [i]Oh... good morning Buenos Aires. I can't wait to have some pollution and milk for breakfast. Oh, and play some card games. ...Crap, school. For once, I wish there was some kind of tournament to drive me away from this stupid life of mine.[/i] Marcos pondered around in his mind while he covered his face from the piercing sunlight. "Time to get up, Marcos! It's 9 already! You're an hour late already!" "Aww... coming mum." In a hop, Marcos got out from bed, turned to his bed table and got his Volcanic Doomfire from the drawer and got in in its sleeve. He had to use all of his cards inside sleeves, for his Volcanic Doomfire was charred on the edges. He had found it this way, out walking when he was 5 years old. [i]Hmm... I wonder how would my life be if I hadn't found you...[/i] Marcos thought, staring at his card. He dismissed the thoughts as the phone in the next room rang. It only rang once, because his mother had already taken up the phone. Marcos listened carefully, as it was his nature. "Hello?" Marcos's mother began. He couldn't actually hear the other voice, but he built the dialogue from what he heard his mother say. "Yes, he lives here. Who's calling?" Silence. "Oh, I see. I'll be sure to tell him. Thanks for telling us in advance." She hanged the phone. Marcos eagerly asked what had that just now been. [i]I hope it's good. Mum sounded exited.[/i] "Honey, you are going to Barcelona. Duel Monsters, they say. Get some stuff packed." Marcos didn't even hesitate to jump up in the air, and screaming wildly; awakening his father and two siblings. After everything was packed, Marcos was ready to go. He opened the door leading to the common hallway in the 11th floor. As he called the lift, he happily remembered how he had become known as "El Fuego Diabólico" among the regional tournaments. Many had been annoyed with his strategies up to the point of trying to tear his Volcanic Queen in half when he gave it to his opponents. He remembered a particular time, in which he Tributed a Shooting Star Dragon. How he laughed when that happened. His thoughts were interrupted by his mother's voice, telling him to call the lift. They descended and took the cab up to the airport. In a matter of a few hours, he was landing in Madrid. Marcos couldn't help noticing a pretty, Japanesse-looking girl; with a french hat, about his same heigh (fact from which he took she was older than himself), and had charming, deep blue eyes. Marcos walked up to her and waved her hello, in English. [i]Hopefully, [/i]Marcos thought, [i]she understands me.[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abe - Demonic Sammich Guy Posted November 13, 2010 Report Share Posted November 13, 2010 the leaves caressed the footsteps of adam as he walked through the busy streets of london to the airport where a plane would soon be departing off to spain. adam was the guy who would drool at the sight of a card game tournament, so that was exactly where he was headed. sure, he had a job and a family to take care of, however they mean nothing to adam, duelist afficiando! the ride was quite uneventful, however adam did squeeze in a duel with the flight attendant just for the hell of it and smiled as his opponent's life points dropped to zero at the hand of fabled ragin. when he arived at the tournament in spain, adam wrote down a plan of who to duel and in what order. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 Love was standing on the bridge. She saw a boy about her age walk by, wearing all black and carrying a coffin on her back. She attempted to follow him, seeing him as a potential opponent. [i]Anyone dressed[/i] that [i]stupid can't be a commoner![/i] she thought to herself. She started towards him, but was stopped by a person saying hello. [i]Dammit, he speaks English. I should have taken that class, instead of French.[/i] She attempted to speak to him in her second language. "[color="#0000FF"]Excusez-moi? Je ne parle pas très bien l'anglais. Parlez-vous français? Ou pouvez-vous parler japonais? Peu importe, je ne peux pas rester à parler en ce moment. J'étais sur le point de suivre ce garçon étrange vêtu portant le cercueil. J'allais duel lui comme mon premier adversaire.[/color]" [size="1"][sub](If you want a translation, use Google Translate.)[/sub][/size] She really didn't want to stay to chat. She was mostly eager to get the coffin boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Dr Professor Spaz Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 Vasilis headed towards a dark alley in which he was told to meet someone. Then a strange man dressed in red (completely insignificant to the story) stepped into the dimly lit area. The guy in red introduced himself as Karl. Vasilis told Karl to just get to the duel. Karl said that if he wins, he will report Vasilis to the police. Then a short duel occurred, in which Karl fought fiercely with his Gemini Monsters, getting 3 Phoenix Gearfrieds onto his field. However, Vasilis managed to summon his trump card, Varion Omega, which automatically destroys all Normal Summoned Monsters. Then Omega attacked directly for an easy end to a quick duel. When he walked out, he noticed 2 people, one Japanese, and one from Argentina standing on the bridge. He walked closer as he decided he wanted to duel the guy from Argentina. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mugendramon Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 Marcos heard the Japanese girl speak in French, to what he reacted positively. (by the way, people. What you are about to read is Spanish.)"Mira. Entiendo Francés, pero es difÃcil para mi hablarlo. A caso tu me entiendes?" He didn't have much time to expect an answer. This coffin guy, who was all dressed in black and stuff, came by and asked for a Duel. Marcos accepted without hesitation. [i]I'm a bit rusty,[/i] he thought, [i]a little practice Duel won't hurt me. More than it will hurt him, that is. [/i]"Okay, let's do this. Only there is one little point. Don't be upset if we have to interrupt so that I give you a card, okay?" Marco chuckled a little. He didn't really expect anybody outside Argentina to know his Nickname. Without further ado, he turned his Duel Disk on, got his deck from his coat pocket, and placed it on the correct cavity in his disk. The Deck was shuffled. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 "Matte!" Love cried out before either player could start their duel. "Kuro no hito, watashi wa anata no tekitaisha!" She stepped in front of Marcos and activated her Duel Disk. Not allowing any intervention from Marcos, she started the duel. "Watashi no TURN! DRAW!" She pulled the card from her deck. "Blue the Torrent no Shoukan!" A small area of blue appeared, and began to give itself a watery, humanoid form. "Demou... kono kaado o subete hakai suru. Chartreuse the Rampage to Color Changer no tokushu shoukan! (ATK 2800 (Chartreuse) ATK 1400 (Color Changer)) Ni kaado ga setto. TURN END." [spoiler=OVERVIEW:][b][u]DUEL BEGIN[/u][/b] [b]Draw Phase[/b] Draw 1 card. [b]Standby Phase[/b] [b]Main Phase 1[/b] Normal Summon "Primary Spectrum Knight - Blue the Torrent" Effect: When this card is Summoned, change it to Defense Position. When this card is selected as an attack target, switch this card to Attack Position. While this card is in Attack Position, select 1 monster you control. The ATK of this card becomes equal to the Level of the selected monster x500. ATK/ 0 DEF/ 2200 Destroy "Primary Spectrum Knight - Blue the Torrent" to Special Summon "Tertiary Spectrum Knight - Chartreuse the Rampage" Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by destroying 1 card you control. The original ATK of this card is 2800. This card cannot declare an attack. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the destroyed monster x200. When this card is destroyed, destroy 1 card your opponent controls. ATK/ [color="#0000FF"]2800[/color] DEF/ 0 Special Summon "Color Changer" from hand. Effect: You can Special Summon this card from your hand when a "Spectrum Knight" you control is destroyed. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card and Tribute 1 "Spectrum Knight" monster you control to Special Summon 1 "Spectrum Knight monster from your hand or Graveyard. ATK/ 1400 DEF/ 500 Set 2 Spell/Trap cards. [b]TURN END[/b][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mugendramon Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 "Diós. Niña miserable. Quién es para entrar y arruinarme el duelo? Hey, you! I'll be playing too!" Marcos stepped in, facing both Love and the strange guy, and drew his five cards. "Como al parecer ambos hablan distiontos idiomas, supongo que no les molestarÃa que yo hable el mio. Mi Turno." Marcos drew his sixth card. "...y comenzaré Invocando a Cohete Volcánico en Modo de Ataque. Debido a su efecto, puedo agregar un Acelerador de Llamas de mi Mazo a mi mano." He then grabbed his Deck, and added a card to his hand. He then put the Deck back, and it was shuffled. "Jugaré dos boca abajo y terminaré." At that, Marcos Set two face-down cards. He glanced at the impassive, unmoving, creepy guy. He hadn't even turned his Disk on. [spoiler=OVERVIEW][b][u]Marcos's Turn[/u][/b] [b]Draw Phase[/b] Draw 1 card. [b]Standby Phase[/b] [b]Main Phase 1[/b] Normal Summons [spoiler=Volcanic Rocket][img][/img][/spoiler] and uses its effect to add 1"Blaze Accelerator" from the Deck to the hand. Sets 2 cards and ends turn. [b]End Phase[/b][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Dr Professor Spaz Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 At the last possible moment, Vasilis pulled out his deck and turned on his disk. He looked at his hand for a short time, and a faint grin appeared on his face. "I activate the Spell Card, 'Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen.' Now since both of you control at least 1 monster, I can Special Summon my Vairon Vanguard from my Hand. Now I activate 'Monster Reborn' and Special Summon 'Primary Spectrum Knight- Blue the Torrent' from the girl's Graveyard. Last, but certainly not least, I'm going to Synchro Summon my Vairon Epsilon. Now for a little bit of useful tactics. I equip Mage Power to my Epsilon, and with this he gains 500 ATK for every Spell or Trap Card I control. I count 2 of them so he gains 1000 ATK. Epsilon, Attack the Color Changerl. Now I activate Epsilon's effect, by removing Mage Power from him, I can destroy a card on the Field. Destroy Chartreuse. I'll Summon my Vairon Soldier in Attack Mode and end my turn. By the way, I never got any names, I'm Vasilis King." he said in a somewhat monotonous voice.[spoiler=Overview] Draw Phase: Draws 1 card Standby Phase Main Phase 1: Activates [url=,_Hall_of_the_Fallen]Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen[/url] then Special Summons [url=]Vairon Vanguard.[/url] Activates [url=]Monster Reborn[/url] to Special Summon Primary Spectrum Knight - Blue the Torrent. Uses Blue the Torrent ang Vairon Vanguard to Synchro Summon [url=]Vairon Epsilon[/url] Equips [url=]Mage Power[/url] to Epsilon. Epsilon gains 1000 ATK (ATK: 2800-->3800) Battle Phase: Epsilon attacks Color Changer (Girl's LP -2400) Main Phase 2: Epsilon activates effect to remove Mage Power to Destroy Tertiary Spectrum Knight - Chartreuse The Rampage Normal Summons [url=]Vairon Soldier[/url] End Phase[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mugendramon Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 "Hey, person. You should not rush without asking. You might fall into one of these..." Marcos touched a button in his Disk, to which a card Set on his field stood up. "I activate Compulsory Evacuation Device. Your Vairon Epsilon returns to your Extra Deck." Marco took his Trap and placed it in his Graveyard. He then twisted a small smile as he watched the weird guy return his monster to his Extra Deck. "Now, girl;" Marcos told her, a bit impatiently, "it's your turn." He once again glanced at the Blaze Accelerator in his hand. [i]Next turn, they'll [b]burn.[/b][/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 "Watashi wa? Watashi wa Love to iimasu. Demou... Vairon Soldier o subete hakai suru! Chartreuse no MONSTER EFFECT. Watashi no TURN! Draw! Shisha Sosei o hatsudou! Blue Torrent no tokushu shoukan. To... Yellow Volt no shoukan! Yuugo shoukan! Secondary Spectrum Knight - Green the Typhoon! Hitotsu no kaado wa firudo ni RETURN! Volcanic Rocket! To... BATTLE! Green Typhoon, Verde Pulse! (Vasilis: 8000 => 5500) To... [size="1"]Screw this, if it's in red, that means it's in Japanese. Blue means French, and Black is English.)[/size][color="#FF0000"] I activate Green the Typhoon's effect! I can Tribute it during my Main Phase 2, and all cards on the field are returned to the Deck. Then, we each draw until we have 5 cards. If I drew a "Spectrum Knight," I get to Special Summon it!" Love drew her five cards. "I summon Primary Spectrum Knight - Red the Archer! Not done. I activate my field spell, Palette Tree! All my Spectrum Knights gain 500 ATK. Plus, since I control a Primary color, I get to Special Summon another Knight from my hand. Go, Vermilion the Phoenix! Now I set 2 cards and end.[/color] [color="#0000FF"]Your turn, Marcos."[/color] [spoiler=Overview][b]Main Phase 2[/b] Destroy Epsilon via Chartreuse's effect. Marcos's Compulsory Evacuation Device changes targets to Soldier. Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by destroying 1 card you control. The original ATK of this card is 2800. This card cannot declare an attack. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the destroyed monster x200. When this card is destroyed, destroy 1 card your opponent controls. [b]End Phase[/b] [b]Love's Turn[/b] [b]Draw Phase[/b] Draw 1 card [b]Standby Phase[/b] [b]Main Phase 1[/b] Activate Monster Reborn to Special Summon "Primary Spectrum Knight - Blue the Torrent". Normal Summon "Primary Spectrum Knight - Yellow the Volt". Effect: The ATK and DEF of this card are equal to the number of "Primary Spectrum Knight" monsters you control x700. If this card's ATK is 1400 or less, this card can attack your opponent directly. If the ATK of this card is higher than 1400, during battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. ATK/ ? DEF/ ? Fusion Summon: Yellow the Volt + Blue the Torrent = Secondary Spectrum Knight - Green the Typhoon Effect: "Primary Spectrum Knight - Yellow the Volt" + "Primary Spectrum Knight - Blue the Torrent" This card can only be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by returning the above Fusion Material Monsters from the field to the Deck. (You do not use "Polymerization".) When this card is Summoned, return 1 card on the field to its owner's hand. Once per turn, change the battle position of 1 monster on the field. During your Main Phase 2, you can Tribute this card to return all cards on the field to the top of their owner's Deck and have both players draw cards until they have 5 cards in their hand. Then, if you drew a "Spectrum Knight" monster, you can Special Summon it. ATK/ 2500 DEF/ 1000 Return "Volcanic Rocket" to Marcos's hand. [b]Battle Phase[/b] Green the Typhoon attacks Vasilis directly. Opponent LP: 8000 => 5500 [b]Main Phase 2[/b] Activate effect of "Green the Typhoon". Tribute to return all cards on the field to their owners' Deck. All players draw until they have 5 cards. Special Summon "Primary Spectrum Knight - Red the Archer". Effect: Once per turn, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field and select 1 monster on the field. Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the selected monster's Level x200. While this card is in the Graveyard, you can Tribute 1 "Primary Spectrum Knight" monster you control to Special Summon this card. ATK/ 1900 ATK/ 1000 Activate "Palette Tree". Effect: All "Spectrum Knight" monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn, if you control a "Primary Spectrum Knight" monster, you can Special Summon 1 "Spectrum Knight" monster from your hand. If this card would be destroyed, you can Tribute 1 "Spectrum Knight" monster you control instead. Special Summon "Primary Spectrum Knight - Vermilion the Phoenix". Effect: This card cannot be destroyed by battle. During either player's Battle Phase, if you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. If you do, destroy this card at the end of the Battle Phase. Set 2 Spell/Trap cards. [b]End Phase[/b] [b]END TURN[/b][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mugendramon Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 (Seeing what Kirby did to make stuff easier, I'll do so too. Red is Spanish. Black is English. AND remember: Italics means thought.) Marcos disdainfully picked the remaining Trap Card in his S/T Zone. He placed it on the top of his Deck, and the Disk shuffled it. He then drew 1 card because of "Green"'s second effect. As Love ended her turn, she turned to face Marcos. He took a draw from his Deck. [color="#FF8C00"][i]Oh. Look who's arrived. This'll show them what is a Volcano made of.[/i][/color] Marcos took "Blaze Accelerator" from his hand, and proceeded to activate its effect. [color="#FF8C00"]"Now I activate the effect of Blaze Accelerator-" [/color]Marcos's move was interrupted by a Mystical Space Typhoon Love had played. [color="#FF8C00"][i]Damn that makes things slower. I can get it back, anyway.[/i][/color] [color="#FF8C00"]"Ahem. As I was saying. [/color][color="#FF8C00"]I'll re-summon my Volcanic Rocket! This allows me to recover the Blaze Accelerator you just destroyed! And I'll play it" [/color]Marcos once more placed the card on his S/T Zone, forcing the shining cannon to appear besides the just Summoned Volcanic Rocket.[color="#FF8C00"] "By discarding Volcanic Shell from my hand, I can destroy 1 monster my opponent controls!" [/color]Marcos pointed at Vermilion. [color="#FF8C00"]"And I choose Vermilion the Phoenix!" [/color] An arm-sized black beast emerged from the floor, expelling flames as it did. In a backflip, the critter got into the back part of the tall gun, fitting perfectly. It slid through it, and suddenly a red light turned on in the cannon. It pointed at Vermilion, and fired. The black bullet sped through the air, reaching and destroying the monster. [color="#FF8C00"]"Now, to proceed." [/color]Marcos got the Blaze Accelerator card on his disk and placed it in his Graveyard. He replaced it by Tri-Blaze Accelerator. [color="#FF8C00"]"I activate Tri-Blaze Accelerator, by Tributing my Blaze Accelerator. With this one, not only I destroy a monster, but I also get to inflict 500 Damage to you! Now, I activate Volcanic Shell's effect in my Graveyard! By paying 500 Life points, I can add another round of ammunition to my Accelerator!" [/color] Marcos waved his hand forward, and another Volcanic Shell emerged from the floor. It was loaded in the gun. [color="#FF8C00"]"This time, I'll destroy Red the Archer!" [/color]The three barrels pointed at Red. The middle cannon shot the Volcanic Shell and destroyed Red. The other two let out two jets of fire, which reached up to Love and dealt 500 damage to her. [color="#FF8C00"]"Unfortunately, I cannot perform my Battle Phase this turn. So I'll be ending my turn now."[/color] Marcos lowered his arm, and waited for Vasilis to move. [spoiler=Overview][b][u]Marcos's Turn[/u][/b] [b]Draw Phase[/b] Draws 1 card [b]Standby Phase[/b] [b]Main Phase 1[/b] Activates "[url=""][color="#000000"]Blaze Accelerator[/color][/url]" "Blaze Accelerator" destroyed by MST. Summons "Volcanic Rocket", and adds "Blaze Accelerator" from Graveyard to his hand. Plays "Blaze Accelerator" Discards "[url=""][color="#000000"]Volcanic Shell[/color][/url]" to destroy "Vermilion the Phoenix" Sends "Blaze Accelerator" to the Graveyard to play "[url=""][color="#000000"]Tri-Blaze Accelerator[/color][/url]" Activates "Volcanic Shell"'s effect to add another one to his hand by paying 500 Life. Marcos LP: 8000 => 7500 Discards "Volcanic Shell" to destroy "Red the Archer" and deal 500 Damage to Love. Love LP 8000 => 5100 [b]End Phase.[/b][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted November 14, 2010 Report Share Posted November 14, 2010 [color="#FF0000"]"Wait!"[/color] called Love, pressing a button on her Duel Disk. [color="#FF0000"]"I activate Mystical Space Typhoon on your Blaze Accelerator (first one). Now it doesn't work."[/color] As the duel progressed, a crowd began to encircle the three players. A man wearing a black business suit began idle chatter. "Say, it must be difficult for them, since they don't even speak the same language. Well, they must need a translator. I think I might be able to help, but I'm a bit rusty." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Dr Professor Spaz Posted November 15, 2010 Report Share Posted November 15, 2010 (Black is English, Green is Greek) (@Blindmonkey Kirby lost 2400 Life Points in my previous turn, you forgot about that) "Since everyone seems to be speaking in their own language, I might as well speak in [color="#00FF00"]Greek. I activate my other Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen(there were 2 in the deck). Through its effect, I can Special Summon my Vairon Ohm. Now I'm going to Normal Summon Vairon Cube. They're not going to be staying for long, because another Synchro Summon next. I'm going to tune my Cube with my Ohm to Synchro Summon 'Seven Swords Warrior.' Due to my Cube's Effect, I add 'Fairy Meteor Crush' to my hand. He has an effect exactly like Epsilon. I'll equip my 'Fairy Meteor Crush' to him and remove it to destroy Marcos's 'Volcanic Rocket.' Now 7 Swords, attack Marcos directly. Then I'll set a card to end my turn.[/color]" continued Vasilis with his monotone. [spoiler=Overview]Draw Phase Draws 1 card Standby Phase Main Phase 1 Activates Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen. Special Summons [url=]Vairon Ohm[/url] Normal Summons [url=]Vairon Cube.[/url] Uses Vairon Cube and Vairon Ohm to Synchro Summon [url=]Seven Swords Warrior[/url] Adds [url=]Fairy Meteor Crush[/url] to his hand via Vairon Cube's Effect. Equips Fairy Meteor Crush to Seven Swords Warrior Removes Fairy Meteor Crush to destroy Volcanic Rocket Battle Phase Seven Swords Warrior attacks Marcos directly (LP 7500-->5200) Main Phase 2 Sets a card End Phase[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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