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Pokemon Academy 2.0 (Started/Accepting Now! o.0)

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Name:Zanza Kotsuzuka
Age: 15
Student or Teacher:Student
Dorm: Black
Appearance: [url="http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn33/LxStraightEdge/UntitledAnimeDude.jpg"]My link[/url]
Starter Pokémon: Slakoth
Pokémon Team:Slakoth, Skarmory ,Lanturn, Nuzleaf, Syther, Castform
Personality:Slow, easy-going, would much rather be eating or sleeping.
Biography: Zanza is a trainer that lacks motivation. Thus, his family forced him to go to Pokemon Academy. He and his Slakoth first met when Slakoth took a nap on Zanza...while [i][/i]he was taking a nap. The two became inseparable. Zanza then tried training, and was pretty good at it, but it soon got boring. Now, he is forced to go to one of the very places he would rather not be. And he couldn't be in a worse mood.
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Azura is out on the fields. She was arguin with the pilot because he let Hikari on board when the helicopter was private.
Now she'll be walking back ad finding a PC so she can see if her Pokemon are allright.... and then she wont have time to put them back when this tournament starts......
Ahhh..... Does Ashmin HAVE to participate in the tourney? Because I don't think I can get her a reasonable team, and she'll be thrashed.
So can I just kick ass with Azura?
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[b]Age:[/b] 11
[b]Student or Teacher: Student[/b]
[b]Dorm:[/b] Black,
[b]Class:[/b] What you're teaching Teacher only
[b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~karate/images/karate_dude.jpg"]My Appereance[/url][b]
Starter Pokémon:[/b] Carvanha
[b]Pokémon Team: I don't think students can have a team till later[/b]
[b]Personality: Very straight forward and does not let any thing stand in the way since he changed from what he was. He is an excellent spy and can pretty much move around anywhere silently. He accepts anyone as a friend, or pretends to if he thinks he or she is suspicious. He loves gohst, phsychic, and Dark type pokemon.
[b]Biography: Raised in slums by theifs who taught everything there is to know about theiving and spying. They think he is undercover for them but they are wrong... (Or are They?...) He never had clean clothes or good food to eat. His parents were both arerested for violent crimes or are on the run from the law. [/b]

[b]Age:[/b] 11
[b]Student or Teacher: Student[/b]
[b]Dorm:[/b] Black,
[b]Class:[/b] What you're teaching Teacher only
[b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~karate/images/karate_dude.jpg"][color="#284b72"]My Appereance[/color][/url][b]
Starter Pokémon:[/b] Carvanha
[b]Pokémon Team: Carvahna, Tropius, Drapion,Baltoy, Mareep, Kibago (5th Gen. Check Bulba. if you don't beleive me)
[/b][b]Personality: Very straight forward and does not let any thing stand in the way since he changed from what he was. He is an excellent spy and can pretty much move around anywhere silently. He accepts anyone as a friend, or pretends to if he thinks he or she is suspicious. He loves gohst, phsychic, and Dark type pokemon.
[b]Biography: Raised in slums by theifs who taught everything there is to know about theiving and spying. They think he is undercover for them but they are wrong... (Or are They?...) He never had clean clothes or good food to eat. His parents were both arerested for violent crimes or are on the run from the law. [/b]

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[b]Name: Hood Red <BR>Age 22 []Student or Teacher: Teacher[Dorm: White<BR>Class:<BR>Breeding, types and attack #2 [<BR>b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i203/xo_dirty_little_secret/Anime%20Girls/red_dress.png[/img] <BR>Starter Pokémon: Drantini <BR>Pokémon Team: Dragonite,Dragonair,Salenmence, Chimchar, Charmander, CharizardPersonality: Sensitive, Samrt, Happy, Talkive<BR>Biography: As a young Girl I loved being with pokemon. I never wanted to hurt them but i got into battling. I hated it but my parents let me leave for a pokemon trainer not lover. I pressed on. After a year i had it, I went to college and work hard Breeding pokemon ut still pratice pokemon battling to lv up pokemon now i am a teacher to teach Many things but i am a pokemon breeder at Heart. Wrong with posting so i cant fix it wierd :blink:

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accepted sorry i can only go on the comp in the morning on weekdays

ok hm i need a map 1 moment let me steal 1...

okey dokey here's a map [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/322/6/5/pokemon_einna_region_map_by_kane_neko-d333fos.jpg[/img]

starting from the top right down
1: The Academy island there is a lake, small mountain with a cave ,forest,and small town on the island any other pokemon cannot be caught if not reasonably found ie you cant find a Desumasu in the caves you have to go somewhere else in the Sanban region.
2: the first big city uh thinking of a name for the cities and taking suggestions
3: the lake is where you can find any kind of water pokemon as strong as they come
4: everything else could I ask my co hosts to help thank you.
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[b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Student or Teacher: Gym Leada' ![/b] [b]Dorm:[/b] [b]Class:[/b]Well, i'm a dark type gym leader [b]Appearance:[url="http://www.testriffic.com/resultfiles/25464anime-guy.jpg"]My appereance[/url] [/b][b]Starter Pokémon:[/b] Absol [b]Pokémon Team:Absol, Umbreon, Sharpedo, Weavile, Nuzleaf, and Skunky (I'm being generous with this team!)[/b] [b]Personality: Dark and quite. Nothing else to it.[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] DO I HAVE TO? @Spaz yes there is! read the oppening ! <BR>Here it IS![quote] <SPAN class=bbc_center><STRONG class=bbc><EM class=bbc>If and When you graduate the academy you will be gifted invitation into the Sanban League! home to 4 but powerful Gyms and of course the Elite 4!</EM></STRONG></SPAN>[/quote]

Luke just needs to catch one pokemon. His father left him two pokemon :) Wanna grass type Pokemon. Any suggestions?

Can someone PM me the schedule?

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We don't have a schedule. We just go to whatever class.
Like last time, I said I was latr to History, so most of us went to History.

Also, what is the name of your new app person?
And yes, you DO have to do the bio. No getting out of it!

Also, you CAN'T be Dark Type. I'm dark type.
Even if I am Elite 4.
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[b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Student or Teacher: Gym Leada' ![/b] [b]Dorm:[/b] [b]Class:[/b]Well, i'm a Phsychic type gym leader [b]Appearance:[url="http://www.testriffic.com/resultfiles/25464anime-guy.jpg"][color="#284b72"]My appereance[/color][/url] [/b][b]Starter Pokémon:[/b] Claydol
[b]Pokémon Team:Claydol, Espeon, Kadabra, Xatu, Bronzong, and Medicham (I'm being generous with this team!)[/b]
[b]Personality: Dark and quite. Nothing else to it.[/b]
[b]Biography:[/b] Mother was Phsychic, never knew Dad, and he knows he has a brother, but he has never seen him before.

Oh yeah, The names Longkae
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[quote name='ultima master' timestamp='1294270763' post='4914263']
[b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Student or Teacher: Gym Leada' ![/b] [b]Dorm:[/b] [b]Class:[/b]Well, i'm a dark type gym leader [b]Appearance:[url="http://www.testriffic.com/resultfiles/25464anime-guy.jpg"]My appereance[/url] [/b][b]Starter Pokémon:[/b] Absol [b]Pokémon Team:Absol, Umbreon, Sharpedo, Weavile, Nuzleaf, and Skunky (I'm being generous with this team!)[/b] [b]Personality: Dark and quite. Nothing else to it.[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] DO I HAVE TO? @Spaz yes there is! read the oppening ! <BR>Here it IS!

Luke just needs to catch one pokemon. His father left him two pokemon :) Wanna grass type Pokemon. Any suggestions?

Can someone PM me the schedule?


there are no gym leaders. they are just the elite four. and there is already a dark type leader.

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No, there is four gyms and the Elite four. and he posted the edited app.

Also, Sonic Paladin....
I think your godmodding, It only took one hit an suddenly "hey, I got Kingdra!"
You're kidding. Kingdra is the final evelution. High level.
So basically Alex is [size="7"]OP!!!!!!!!!!![/size]
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[quote name='Obsidan' timestamp='1294452944' post='4918963']
So basically Alex is [size="7"]OP!!!!!!!!!!![/size]
She does have a point. You have a Rapidash, and Ponyta evolve to Rapidash at Level 40. You also have a Dragonite, and they evolve from Dragonair at Level 55. I think there are more, but I'm to lazy to check.
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[quote name='ty9239' timestamp='1294523225' post='4920922']
She does have a point. You have a Rapidash, and Ponyta evolve to Rapidash at Level 40. You also have a Dragonite, and they evolve from Dragonair at Level 55. I think there are more, but I'm to lazy to check.

like i said before, Alex and Hikari have a contest sometimes to see who can catch the most pokemon, and they were weakened pretty bad.
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