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Pokemon Marroh Region RP Application Thread!!


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That is the map for my Gym Leader's city. The signs to the north are danger signs and if you try to pass them the man there will stop you. To get there you have to beat the Elite 4. The man in front of the gym requests you bring him something from the Island so you can get into the gym.


Wow, good job with the map. Just a suggestion: There is a tile for EVERYTHING. If something doesn't really look right, look around the tileset there is bound to be a tile that makes it look right.

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I would like to join as a gym leader. Here is my info:

Gym Leader's Name: James Weather


What city will your Gym Be in? 2nd Badge City

Gym Leader's Description: Love Reading Outdoors and Observing for his research on Grass Pokemon.

Gym Leader's Preferred type of Pokemon: Grass

Gym Leader's Pokemon:




-Pokemon Gender/Level: Male, Level 19

-Move 1: Take Down

-Move 2: Energy Ball

-Move 3: Leech Seed

-Move 4: Synthesis




-Pokemon Gender/Level: Female, Level 19

-Move 1: Nature Power

-Move 2: Attract

-Move 3: Energy Ball

-Move 4: Rain Dance




-Pokemon Gender/Level: Male, Level 23

-Move 1: Bite

-Move 2: Double Team

-Move 3: Energy Ball

-Move 4: Protect


I would give away TM 53: Energy Ball.


If the Gym positions are not open then here is my Trainer info also:


Trainer's Name: Simon Holmes


Trainer's Age: 15

Trainer's Hometown,Home region: Kin Island, Kanto Region

Trainer's Description: From a small home on Kin Island he always loved exploring the forest he has just set out into the far off land of Marroh.

Trainer's Starter Pokemon / Nickname: Duskull


-Pokemon's Gender/Level: Male/ Level 5

-Move 1: Night Shade

-Move 2: Leer

-Move 3 (should not be used yet)

-Move 4 (should not be used yet)

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  • 2 years later...

Trainer's Name: Skyler Destrio

Trainer's Age: 14

Trainer's Hometown:Snowpoint City Homeregion:Sinnoh

Trainer's Description: A trainer in love with the sky. He loves flying type pokemon alot, but his head is often in the clouds.

Trainer's Starter Pokemon:Zubat / Nickname:Fang -Pokemon's Gender: Male/Lv.5

-Move 1: Wing attack

-Move 2 Supersonic

-Move 3 (should not be used yet)

-Move 4 (should not be used yet)


I would love to join this RP, so please reply soon!:)

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