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TheComposer vs. FTW(For The Wynn)


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Make a Zombie-Type Monster


First to 3 votes wins.

All YCM rules apply

Pm me the card when it's done

Winner gets 1 rep


[spoiler=TheComposer's Card]276354y.jpg


You may give up your Battle Phase to add 1 Enigma Counter on this card (max.3). Once per turn, you may remove 3 Enigma Counters from this card to send all cards on the field to their owner's hand. During the End Phase of the turn this card is destroyed, you may send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to return this card to your hand.




[spoiler=FTW(For The Wynn)'s card]264408f.jpg


When this card is summoned successfully, you can destroy 1 Field Spell and add 1 "Zombie World" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. During the turn this card is summoned no Field Spells can be activated. As long as this card is face-up on the field, monsters you control with 1600 ATK or less cannot be selected as an attack target.



Voting has begun. So what are you waiting for? VOTE!! and please leave a reason for the vote or it won't count.

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  On 11/13/2010 at 2:36 PM, .:Ryu Uakuza:. said:

Ftw's effect is more creative, as well as it usefulness is also better and so is its Pic.


Thanks for the vote :D


2 - 0 and if reeses reposts his rate that'll make 3 - 0...I would've thought this would be closer...oh well, it isn't over yet. Keep the votes coming!

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Composer's card seems to be a bit too slow for actual use. It requires you to skip 3 of your Battle Phases to add the 3 counters, and in return, you only bounce your opponent's cards back to their hand. No offense Composer, but I would rather use Brionac or Mist Wurm for bouncing back cards instead. The only good thing I see about this card is that it can be searched and SS'd by Pyramid Turtle, providing you with a decent 2800 ATK beatstick.


FTW's card has a situational Field Spell destruction & Searching effect, but it also protects your weaker monsters from being attacked, which is good. Although certain monsters like Goblin Zombie and Pyramid Turtle like to be destroyed, so not all of your monsters will benefit from this card.


Anyways my vote goes to...


[spoiler=vote]FTW for a more creative effect, albeit situational for the most part


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Alastrair's effect is more interesting and more accurate for today's zombie cards. I think it's great that you included other existing cards to it's effect and the pic is awesome. (I'm a sucker for JazenKay^^)


Enigma is amazing as well, great pic and i like the name. It's effect is also interesting, I really like effects involving counters^^.


Considering how their both amazing it's difficult to chose, but I'm gonna go with the one that caught my attention first.


I'm gonna go with FTW :/ sry Composer, AMAZING cards, both of you!


oops, too late^^

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  On 11/13/2010 at 3:14 PM, GladiatorBeastAleksander said:

Alastrair's effect is more interesting and more accurate for today's zombie cards. I think it's great that you included other existing cards to it's effect and the pic is awesome. (I'm a sucker for JazenKay^^)


Enigma is amazing as well, great pic and i like the name. It's effect is also interesting, I really like effects involving counters^^.


Considering how their both amazing it's difficult to chose, but I'm gonna go with the one that caught my attention first.


I'm gonna go with FTW :/ sry Composer, AMAZING cards, both of you!


Well, thank you very much Aleksander, but the contest was already over. That's ok though, this is what we are talking about when it comes to votes. Thanks for offering your opinion :D

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  On 11/13/2010 at 3:16 PM, FTW (For The Wynn) said:

Well, thank you very much Aleksander, but the contest was already over. That's ok though, this is what we are talking about when it comes to votes. Thanks for offering your opinion :D


Hehe, before I started rating, you were still missing 1 vote, and then after I posted I was like, oops^^

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  On 11/13/2010 at 3:28 PM, GladiatorBeastAleksander said:

would you like to check out my new set :) it's called "A New Era: Gemini" it's in finished sets


Alright I will, however I will also offer a deal in exchange. I'm looking for people to join my newest contest, so I'd like to invite you. Here's the link. Just meet the simple requirements and you're in.


@Composer, sorry for the little side trip. ^^

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This is a wonderful example of how ridiculously stupid YCM is.


First of all, both cards have OCG errors. Let me rephrase that: both cards have minor, occasional OCG errors i.e. not enough to be too much of a problem. Composer's card has a more creative effect, a more interesting name and a more interesting concept. For creativity alone, TheComposer's card is better. Though reveals problems - although it's concept is intriguing, it is marred by lack of usability (ending 3 Battle Phases is a ridiculous cost) and synergy (Zombies wouldn't work well with it).


Now to Wynn's card. Wynn's OCG is worse and more obviously bad, for starters. The picture doesn't really seem to fit with the name and it's Zombie World support. Zombie World is not viable at all, though still more viable than TheComposer's card at least. Wynn's grammar is appalling - monster(s), attack target(s), please. I don't think either card maker thought about the metagame at all when making their cards, although Wynn thought about a decktype (albeit a mediocre, Tier 3 decktype).


I will vote TheComposer as Wynn is obliged to have not only more experience, but being someone so big in One-on-Ones, should also be more than just a decent card maker. To put it better, neither card is even of an average level, but TheComposer should win because Wynn winning any more One-on-Ones would be a travesty.


EDIT: Seeing as voting has stopped, you should edit the title & description to say so. But my post still makes a much-needed and valid point, so although my vote didn't get counted at least the point made in this post should stand.

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...well all that is true, this contest has been over since yesterday.


Edit: It shall be edited in a little while.


I suppose I should at least respond to you Alfred, seeing as you are right as far as that goes. I don't give much consideration to the meta, because imo the meta is crap. All it is about is FTKs and OTKs and OP'd cards. Everyone plays basically the same 4 or 5 decks (Lightsworns, Blackwings, the occasional Gemini Beatdown, X-Sabers) and that has been the case for as long as I can remember. Besides, I don't duel in tournaments anymore. I don't have the time IRL or the funds to do so competitively and there are no local places anywhere near where I live to do so. If I focused on just making cards for the meta, it would be even more of a travesty to me because that's not me. I make cards that I think would be fun to use, not for tournaments but just for fun. That doesn't mean I won't ever make meta cards, sometimes I try to, but to focus all my effort on that is ridiculous. As for the rest about a worse name, worse OCG, etc. I agree, they are. There's not really an excuse for that. I've been suffering from a lapse in creativity lately, and I'm hoping something will "spark" from these matches. I have never claimed to be a great cardmaker. I always claim I'm a decent cardmaker because I accepted the truth of that. I will admit that although this is technically my win it is still in some ways my loss.

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