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Gravekeeper's Support

Shadow Legacy

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Although i do believe Gravekeeper support and recycle ability is already great, I would like to see a bit more of it from them. Here are some card effects that be cool to see if they ever come out with them later on in the game. I am a great Gravekeeper fan, and normally make up cards with my friends. Other then the original cards we have created, we also added what we would like to see on later sets. Here is the Gravekeeper Idea's me and my friends have come up with. I might post up some Idea's for my friends sets as well, as with my original set too. But for now, I wanna see what people think of my cards so far.
[center][size="5"][u][b]Monster Cards[/b][/u][/size][/center]
[b]Gravekeeper's Grand Chief[/b]
[b]Attribute:[/b] Dark
[b]Level:[/b] ******** [10]
[b]Synchro / Spellcaster[/b]
1 Spellcaster Tuner + 1 or more "Gravekeeper's" Non-tuner monster
While this card is on the field, "Necrovalley" cannot be removed from the field by effects. If this face-up card on the field would be destroyed, you can discard 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster instead. Once Per turn, you may discard one Spell card to select one "Gravekeeper's" monster in the graveyard and add it to your hand. This card cannot be Negated by "Necrovalley".
[b]Attack:[/b] 2500
[b]Defense:[/b] 2000
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]

[b]Gravekeeper's Immortal Protector[/b]
[b]Attribute:[/b] Dark
[b]Level:[/b] ** [4]
[b]Tuner / Spellcaster[/b]
If "Necrovalley" is on your side of the field while this card is in the Graveyard, you can send one "Gravekeeper's" card or "Necrovalley" from your hand to special summon this in Face-up Attack possession. This card can only be used for a Synchro Summon for a "Gravekeeper's" Synchro Monster.
[b]Attack:[/b] 500
[b]Defense:[/b] 500
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]

[b]Gravekeeper's Jackal Guard[/b]
[b]Attribute:[/b] Dark
[b]Level:[/b] **** [4]
[b]Effect / Spellcaster[/b]
This card's effect is negated unless "Necrovalley" is on the field. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all effects of Spell, Trap, and Effect Monster Cards that activate in your Opponent's Graveyard are negated.
[b]Attack:[/b] 1600
[b]Defense[/b] 0
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Found)[/i]

[b]Gravekeeper's Resurrector[/b]
[b]Attribute:[/b] Dark
[b]Level:[/b] **** [4]
[b]Effect / Spellcaster[/b]
You cannot activate this card's effect unless "Necrovalley" is on the field. Once per turn, you may select 1 "Gravekeeper's" Monster Card in your Graveyard and add it to your hand. This card cannot be Negated by "Necrovalley." You cannot be Normal Summon the selected monster until the End of your turn.
[b]ATT:[/b] 1500
[b]DEF:[/b] 1500
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Found: Ishizu Ishtar, like Odion Ishtar looks like GK Recruiter)[/i]

[b]Gravekeeper's Scribe[/b]
[b]Attribute:[/b] Dark
[b]Level:[/b] **** [4]
[b]Effect / Spellcaster[/b]
You cannot activate this card's effect unless "Necrovalley" is on the field. Once per turn, you may select 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard and add it to your hand. This card cannot be Negated by "Necrovalley." You cannot be Activate the selected Spell card until the End of your turn.
[b]Attack:[/b] 1500
[b]Defense:[/b] 1500
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]

[b]Gravekeeper's Forge[/b]
[b]Attribute:[/b] Dark
[b]Level:[/b] **** [4]
[b]Effect / Spellcaster[/b]
You cannot activate this card's effect unless "Necrovalley" is on the field. Once per turn, you may select 1 Trap Card in your Graveyard and add it to your hand. This card cannot be Negated by "Necrovalley." You cannot Set the selected Trap Card until the End of your turn.
[b]Attack:[/b] 1500
[b]Defense:[/b] 1500
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]

[b]Gravekeeper's Stalin[/b]
[b]Attribute:[/b] Dark
[b]Level:[/b] ** [2]
[b]Union / Spellcaster[/b]
Once per turn, you can equip this card to a "Gravekeeper" monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this effect, the monster can use it's effect as if "Necrovalley" was on the field, and gains 500 Attack and Defense. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle, this card is destroyed instead.)
[b]Attack:[/b] 200
[b]Defense:[/b] 100
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]

[b]Gravekeeper's Counselor[/b]
[b]Attribute:[/b] Dark
[b]Level:[/b] ****** (6)
[b]Effect / Spellcaster[/b]
You can only control 1 "Gravekeeper's General" at a time. If "Necrovalley" is face-up on your side of the field and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can add 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster from your Deck to your hand instead of conducting a normal draw in your Draw Phase.
[b]Attack:[/b] 1900
[b]Defense:[/b] 1400
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]

[center][size="5"][u][b]Spell Cards[/b][/u][/size][/center]
[b]Gravekeeper's Guide to the Lost Souls[/b]
[b]Normal[/b] Spell
Select 5 "Gravekeeper" cards from your Graveyard and then add them to the decks and draw 2 cards. This effect cannot be negated by "Necrovalley".
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]

[b]Searching for Souls[/b]
[b]Normal[/b] Spell
Revile one "Gravekeeper's" Monster card in your hand. Discard that card. Then add one "Gravekeeper's" Monster from your Deck or Graveyard whose Level is less than or equal to the discarded Monster and add it to your hand. This effect cannot be negated by "Necrovalley".

[center][size="5"][u][b]Trap Cards[/b][/u][/size][/center]
[b]Gravekeeper's Protective Seal[/b]
[b]Counter[/b] Trap
Discard one "Gravekeeper's" Monster card from your hand. Negate the activation of a card that has the effect of destroying Spell, Trap Card, and/or "Gravekeeper's" Monster(s) on the field. Then remove from play that card and all from both Players Decks with the same name as that card.
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]

[b]Secret of the Pharaohs Tomb[/b]
[b]Continuous[/b] Trap
This card can only be activated when "Necrovalley" is active on the field. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot cannot select" Necrovalley" or "Gravekeeper" monsters on the field as a target of an effect. Destroy this card if you do not control a face-up "Gravekeeper" or "Necrovalley" on your side the field.
[i]([b]Picture:[/b] Needed)[/i]
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Your monsters are too weak, considering the fact that Necrovalley has to be on the field for them to use their effects in the first place. They're too difficult to throw into the GK decks.

Guide to the Lost Souls should either say "Up to 5" or "in each you and your opponent's Graveyards".

Pharoh's Tomb is interesting. It's like an effect version of Tornado Wall.
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1289598547' post='4779626']Your monsters are too weak, considering the fact that Necrovalley has to be on the field for them to use their effects in the first place. They're too difficult to throw into the GK decks.[/quote]
With Necro on the field, they would have 1500-1700 attack/defense. I put it like that so they wouldn't be to overpowered with recycling.. I was thinking of giving them 1500/1500 for all of them, but then that would add up to 2000/2000. What would you recommend for a balanced attack with their effect?

As for Jackal, he has more attack then the others, with less defense. Might boost his stats to Commanders level, but I am iffy with making him a stat clone to another card.
[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1289598547' post='4779626']Guide to the Lost Souls should either say "Up to 5" or "in each you and your opponent's Graveyards".[/quote] Although I DID get the main idea from Soul release, I didn't want it to be "Okay, I put 1 card from your grave and one card from mine and draw 2 cards." It ended up being more of an Advertise for valley instead? Or maybe, I should remove the draw 2 cards?

I edited it to make it 5 Gravekeeper's return, and draw 2 cards.

[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1289598547' post='4779626']Pharoh's Tomb is interesting. It's like an effect version of Tornado Wall.[/quote]That is actually were the idea came from, 'cept it protects from destruction with effects, not damage or battle... was it that obvious? =w=;;
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I think you could go the route of the new Agents coming out and make it so that their effects are simply boosted when Necrovalley is out, and mediocre if it's not. Such as, for instance, changing Gravekeeper's Forge to "Once per turn you may discard 1 card to add 1 Normal Trap Card from your Graveyard to the top of your deck. While Necrovalley is face-up on the field, you do not need to discard for this card's effect, and instead add the card to your hand. This effect is not negated by "Necrovalley", and you cannot Set the added Trap Card during the turn this effect is activated."
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Those recycling effects are all really broken. Maybe less so If they could only do it once when they are Special Summoned and with lower ATK and DEF.

I really like Jackal Guard. Awesome card.

The union should give a 500 ATK and DEF boost.

Good stuff, but recovering cards from your graveyard each turn is just way too broken.
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1: Added 2 new Cards. Gravekeeper's General and Gravekeeper's Protective Seal
2: Beatstick's that are the ONLY cards GK's have that can Recycle Traps and Spells in the game. I still say they are not to underpowered compared to most cards. Forge can Recycle Rites and Scribe can Recycle quick play spell cards to use on the opponents turn, and Resurrector can be used for flip effect GK's

If someone here (other then slayer) would like to give a suggestion that would not make their effects under or overpowered, please speak... I honestly find it easy to have Necro on the field and protect it.
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Not exactly, but I also disagree as well. Making it so you can only activate while Necrovalley is on the field limits their use, so that they aren't banned right off the bad, but still have an effect to use... I honestly think Scribe and Resurrector would be limited, as they only specify they cannot be activated/normal summoned.

I don't see how they are underpowered just because the need Necrovalley for their effects. It is just like Assassin, is she underpowered because of her ability?
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I agree with Slayer in a sense that there needs to a cost on effects such as these. I don't know what that cost should be. You see, when I play Yugioh I try to always follow the rules of Card Economy, which pretty much states: Go +1 all day, everyday. The three Gravekeeper's you introduced allow that to the extreme. Added to the ridiculous pluses you receive from their effects they're all 2000 beatsticks that are searchable by both Spy and Recruiter. Those guys are mini boss monsters.

Also, in case you didn't know, they already made Ishizu with the Priestess.


All that said, I LOVE the Seal and the General, though I don't know if the Gravekeeper would have a General :huh:

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Actually, most of them either have an effect that works with or without Necrovalley, the only thing they get is a 500 Att/Def boost. (Ex: Guard doesn't return 2 monsters, Spear Solder does Pierce w/ or w/o Valley, and Spy can only search for one monster.) And the only monster who does not is Assassin, which can only be activated when Necrovalley IS on the field. None of them have improved effects because Necrovalley is on the field, and only one of them has their effect only when it IS on the field. What you forget to take into account though, is how Powerful recycling can be for Gravekeeper's. Use Resurrector to bring back a GK monster, and even though it cannot be Normal Summoned, it can still be Set and Special Summoned. Scribes cannot be activated, but bring back Shrink, Book of Moon, or any other Quick play, and you can activate it during your opponents turn. The only one who might not have as much use is Forge, as it cannot be set during the turn it is. But STILL, it can bring back cards like Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, Rite of Spirit, and it is still empowered a bit. I think the requirement of Necrovalley (which is easy to get on the field and protect) is the least I could add to limit the use of their recycling, and STILL, I think Resurrector and Scribe would either be Limited or Forbidden because of their effect (I play with them with friends as Limited)

They become 2000/2000 attackers/defenders as most of the GK monsters. Guard as 1400/2400 and Spy/Recruiter has 1700/2500 Cheif 2400/1900 and Visionary 2500/2300

In my oppinion, I can definitely see GK's making room for GK Resurrector, GK Scribe and GK Jackal Guard in their deck if they ever do come out (at least in the side deck) Jackal Guard for total grave shutdown (maybe Side deck) and Resurrector and Scribe to Recycle Spys/Guards and Shrinks/Magical Dimension/Quick-play spell cards.

They may seem underpowered as is, but when you play test them, they are actually quite empowered.

@ZKaiser: Hm, I suppose that is true... I never really thought of a cost. Discarding for a card seems somewhat redundent sometimes, even if it adds flex... maybe Discard them from your hand to Special summon / Set a GK monster or Spell / Trap from the grave? Something like (for Resurrector) "Send this card from your hand to the graveyard to special summon a Gravekeeper's Monster in Face-up attack mode, or Face-down Defense Mode"?

Also... I did not know that, I could not see her face, so I assumed it wasn't her D:

To point out, I was trying to make a Limited/Semi-Limited GK monster. I don't mean to make em Overpowered, but at the same time, I don't want to make them so Underpowered, they wouldn't be limited in some way like that.
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I meant that they're empowered in some way. Assailant's effect is already pretty good on its own (considering most monsters these days have around 1000 DEF), but combined with Necrovalley it becomes a 2000 ATK monster that can take out pretty much any monster it attacks, and it wont be revivable. Guard becomes even tougher to destroy, causing his effect to become more devastating: they don't destroy it, and then they lose a monster. Spy is pretty much the same thing, but the GK it searches for also becomes a 2000 ATK beatstick.

No GK is a Normal monster, because they aren't meant to be useless without their Field Spell.
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Assailant is...
Guard and Spy both don't HAVE to stay on the field for their effects
Priestess is pretty much useless all around cept with Assailant (this gives her some more reason)

But dude, your complaining about an effect that's gives you a +1 card advantage... I don't see why I have to give them a watered down effect when Necrovalley is not on the field when they are already Bannible and Limitable WITH the restrictions they have now...

So far
9/1 say these cards are alright
9/1 say these cards are somewhat overpowered
9/1 say these cards might be banned if they were out/were ever made

so far, you are the only one who says they are underpowered =/

Any idea for the name change of GK General?
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Maybe Counselor or something? Idk, I just see the Gravekeeper's as a protective force and a General gives off an army vibe, like, they're looking for conflict.

They surprised me with the Descendant and Recruiter, because I never even thought about the Gravekeeper's having descendants or looking for new members. Hmm, maybe an Organizer? It's kind of like Watcher but I got the idea from the fact that he tells the Gravekeeper's in the Deck to go to you hand. Like, organizing them for action.
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I think I shall use Counselor, thank you. Watcher sounds like a weak version card (which it is... can't even stop a card with a discard cost...)
xD watcher has been taken already, and Organizer sounds weird, but I like Counselor.

:P finally, a card that might be better then Caius for a GK deck, as it can Special Summon itself, and use it's effect whenever? xD lol

Now I understand why Recruiter looks like Odion... but I think Decedent should look like Marik, lol xD
Oh well, it seems like a good card support so far :P
Might add one or two more traps, but lol, ok

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Well, I kinda wanted Jackal Side deck material, somewhat main deck >w<
I mean, I don't want HIM to be broken, but I shall edit that xD I was wondering if I should add that "opponents graveyard" thing or not because of Recruiter and Mystic Tomato... it doesn't seem to broken, as it only works with 2 cards in a pure GK's deck, but then it would get a bit powerful with Revives like Level Eater...

:o Idea for another GK card... thought donno what the name should be...


Added Grand Chief and Immortal Protector. Grand can only be Syncro'ed with Gravekeeper non-Tuner monsters, and protects Nectovalley from any harm. It also adds a More Balanced recycled effect, as it can pitch the card if it would be destroyed. Immortal could pitch a spare Necrovalley or Gravekeeper's monster to be used as a Tribute for Visionary or a Syncro for Grand. So, his recycle ability only requires a discard and Necrovalley on the field.

:3 Also added Search for Souls, allowing even ore Recycle compatibility and even a Deck Search for a cost of a card in hand with level equal to or less then that of the discarded monster (I worded it the way it is, so it's discard is an effect, not a cost)

I noticed a recurring theme of the GKs deck, is that they need "bullets" for their effect >.<
I am thinking of making a somewhat OPed card (Select one GK monster and add it to the hand for ever GK monster discarded for an effect this turn)

though, and suggestions for giving GK's a more reliable hand base? D: I know Resurrector, Stele, and Grand Chief can add GK monsters to the hand, but not as much as one is a Synchro monster and the other is either going to be Limited or Banned... (Donno how someone could Abuse her, but I am sure she would more then likely be used for a mass GK's Spy summon or something...

well, any tips for Spell/Trap support?

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Ah, I like these, but for the spell/trap retrieval, remeber that Mask of Darkness was limited and Magician of Faith banned for a reason. The effects need a cost, and they need to be non-splashable, to balance them (If you run a spell counter deck and this card exists, suddenly Necrovalley becomes a more appealing Field Spell than Magical Citadel). Necrovalley AND dicarding a Gravekeeper's sounds sort of balanced to me, but since the card stays on the field, it might still be broken... Tributing a Gravekeeper's?

Also, UBER KEY CARD IDEA. All the cards are called Gravekeeper's... Who is the Gravekeeper? :D

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