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The Official YCM "How Was Your Day Thread"!


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My day was overall good. I started off waking up at 1:00 in the morning vomiting. Then I couldn't go to school and see my friends. But I got to hang with my Dad so that was cool. Then I started to vomit at like 6:00 in the morning, but that was the last time. I got to drink soda to make my Stomach feel better too, so that was nice. When I started to feel better I played some Madden '08. Overall good day.

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School was OK today...

Good points:

*I had to trade essays with my partner in english & found out

she likes all the same bands as me

*All the seniors/juniors in my Art class think I'm a genius

when It comes to drawing

*Only 1 day until the Phantom Darkness Sneak Peak

Low points:

*Couldn't find my friends at lunch

*Realized I gotta go back to school tomorrow

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ahh my day' date=' well its going to be my "days" so here goes

i failed my history final 35% out of 150 (so pissed about that)

oh i failed my calc final =/


my computer ah yes my computer got taken away

no more YCM

hmm whatelse


my piano broke

my friends ditched me =/


and various other things.



Damn O_O


Anyway, I didn't think this thread would get popular so fast :lol:

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today stunk horribly


Today was the new semester and all people who were in Shop class last semester are now in "Life Science" that wouldn't be so bad except that in life science we are suppose to be like a "family" with a Wife and kid and stuff. well i got a hot girl for the wife and the job selection i got "professional musician" and my partner who is suppose to be my wife is a super model so eh not that bad but we have to make a budgit this week and take care of a stupid doll


oh and my ONLY guitar amp. broke so I can't do my job LoL but that seriosly sucked big time

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Great day... a quiz in math i thought i got a 79 on i got a 101 on... But then again when i went to the eye doctor... the vision in my right eye is like 20/400 while my left is 20/80, so i need glasses...


And like always i haven't asked the girl i like out... so well that isn't good...

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My day went so-so, Omegawave me and you having trouble with "EX"-girlfriends (but she ain't my Ex-girlfriend yet) and I don't want to go into detail as it is stupid but I brought two new packs (booster and structure deck) so even though I had trouble with my girlfriend I still my day went so-so

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I'm a wreck now. There is no chance for my girlfriend and I anymore......I appologized a billion times and pleaded with her to let me try to make this work...she's to stubborn to let me try :( :(.


Woah, dude, that's pretty harsh right there.


Really sorry, what a bummer.




Well there's more fish in the sea, stuff like that.


Hmmm, actually you probably don't want to hear that.




... well, whatever, things always work out in the end, even if they suck now.


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