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Densetsu no Kishi


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Densetsu no Kishi
LIGHT/8/Warrior/3300/1900 - Ritual Monster
This monster can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell Card, "Vanity Release'. When this card is successfully Ritual Summoned, you may send 1 "Royal Knight Ocean" from your hand or Deck to your Graveyard. While this "Royal Knight Ocean" remains in your graveyard, this card gains the following effect: * This card is also treated as DARK. When this card battles with a monster of the same Attribute, destroy that monster without applying damage calculation and inflict damage to the opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of that monster.

Only reason i was posting this is because i need some help with the OCG. Anybody?

Comments are fien too.
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For OCG reference, "hand" is not capitalized, and both "graveyard" and "deck" are. Also, when referring to the Attack Value of a card, it's written as "ATK" not "attack".

The card seems like it could be pretty useful for countering LIGHT and DARK decks, but without knowing what "Royal Knight Ocean" is, it's hard to tell exactly what the additional uses of this card are.
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Guess I should have just rewritten it to make it easier.

This monster can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell Card, "Vanity Release'. When this card is successfully Ritual Summoned, you may send 1 "Royal Knight Ocean" from your hand or Deck to your Graveyard. While this "Royal Knight Ocean" remains in your graveyard, this card gains the following effect: * This card is also treated as DARK. When this card battles with a monster of the same Attribute, destroy that monster without applying damage calculation and inflict damage to the opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of that monster.

Not too much changed, but yeah.
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