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The Video Game Trail


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The Video Game Trail is a thing that I came up with when I played the old PC game, The Oregon Trail, with characters from video games. This thread contains the Trail Journal from the game.

I made it to the end, but right around the halfway mark I was the only one left. So without further ado.... [url="https://docs.google.com/document/d/107znURL6A_RpsxV5PArm7vsAieb9gakLsaixBfK4gYE/edit?hl=en"]The Video Game Trail[/url].[/center]
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You didn't miss anything. It's a game of Oregon Trail, except he named his people Mario, Link, Zelda and Peach. Nothing even remotely Mario-y or Zelda-y happens.

For those interested in stats:

Zelda dies of the measles June 12, 1848,
Peach dies from dysentery on July 14, 1848,
Link dies of dysentery September 6, 1848,
Mario gets sick and dies October 2, 1848.
Player reaches Willamette valley in March 28, 1849, almost a full year (April 1, 1948) since he began.

Lol @ 6 Oxen, 12 clothing, 1000 Bullets, 3 Wheels, 3 Axels, 3 Tongues, 1200 lbs of food and traveling at More Strenuous.

Lol@ being only one man standing at the end.

Lol @ taking a full year to get there.

learn2not suck at Oregon Trail
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[quote name='PikaPerson01' timestamp='1289348900' post='4774776']
Everyone gets dysentery though. It was really common during the Trail. o_0
I know. That's what makes it funny.

I usually beat the game with only one or two people dying maximum, and it was always from dysentery.
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