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TrollTown City Council


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Adding [b]PG-18[/b] to a title doesn't mean everything is available to talk about. Even adding [b]NC-17[/b] to a title won't convince the moderators to allow us to post and view pornography. It was fun while it lasted, but oh well.

I think this should just be a generic club discussing YCM (and other) trolls and trolling experiences.

Omegle is the best place to practice gendertrolls and religioustrolls, but because of the vast amount of people that practice on Omegle, the former won't ellicit as well of a reaction. The latter is still a bit rare on Omegle since they are significantly harder to execute, so you'll get somewhere at the very least.

I've had a few bouts of trolling in General, but let me see if I can get y'all specific threads.

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