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Sky Scourge deck


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i was round my m8s yday and i was lookin through his colection and i found the Sky Scourge cards, so i librated his cards off him for a while. well i decided to try and make a sort of lockdown deck out of them.



2| Sky Scourge Norleras

2| Sky Scourge Enrise

2| Sky Scourge Invicil


2| Tactician of Dark world - Green

2| Assassin of Dark world - Kaki

2| Mad Reloader

3| gaint germ

3| shinning angel

3| Nova Summoner

1| snipe hunter

1| morphing jar



2| Dark World Dealings

2| dark world lightning

2| lightning vortex

1| heavy storm

1| mystical space typhoon

1| premature burial

2| Monster Reincarnation

3| enemy controller


1| call of the haunted

1| magic cylinder

3| sak armour

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If you're already splashing in Dark World, you might as well add in Broww and Bronn. Especially Bronn, in this case, because not only do you get the effect of the Dark Worlder you discard, you get a DARK in the Graveyard. Or light, if you need the fodder. Add 2.


Also, you have too many Darks and not enough lights. Get rid of the 2 Mad Reloaders, and maybe add 2 Majestic Mech - Ohkas? Or better, stick in Airknight Parshath and Sanctuary. Though Ohka is really good here because it dies at the end of the turn it is summoned.

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