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YModB 1-12: PikaPerson01 vs. Browarod LOCK

Fusion X. Denver

Moderator Match  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Who wins?

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Well, it's a tie again now. And whoever faces 21 Guns/Sushi next round essentially autowins, so it won't be much of an interesting vote, whereas either of these two could easily win the whole thing.

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Y'know how certain images transform into disclaimers when you hotlink them? Frlf hotlinked a picture of the parenthetically awesome face and it transformed into an anus. Brow decided the only explanation was that I'd hacked Frlf and posted the anus, so banned me for an initial 6 months. The ban was later shortened to 2 months for "SUSPECTED HACKING" (really?), I've always seen Browarod with a tarnished lens ever since.


Flame Dragon would later hotlink the same image with hilarious results. The "NO HOTLINKING EVER" announcements were everywhere.

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