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Zombie vs Fiend summoned skull should be a zombie, not fiend!

lewis atherton

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It's called Demon No Shokan in my country of Japan. Summoning of the Demon. Duh.


My card:


In the case you're blind,

Lore: Once per turn, you can discard 1 DARK monster to select one Spell or Trap card on the field and destroy it. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict 800 damage to your opponent. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can select 1 DARK Monster in your deck and send it to the Graveyard.



I am soory but there issent more room to join :P

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All card were judged on a rating system of picture ocg effect and name - i calculated the percerntages and left a comment to each card with my person views.


battle knight of dark decay94% WINNER!! I really liked the effect of this card and the picture is amazing, The only problem I had with it was it specifically targeted warrior type monsters even though they are plentiful, the advantage could be minimal in a deck against water type monsters. But well done First prize


tenticle phantom 93% 2nd place. I liked this card a lot too and as you can see was so close to being the winner problem was the name i associate phantoms with ghosts - zombies you kinnda missed the point so I had to knock of a few points for the name but on the rating system this is where it came well done.


belial dimension shifter 87% 3rd place I liked the name and picura a lot but the problem was its strengh you would need a pretty solid deck to take full advange of its effect nevertheless i was impressed. Well done


petros demon of stone 85% joint 4th place The main problem with this card was the fact that it is a rock type not a zombie or a fiend though i see what you tried to do with the name i was always on the fence. I must say very good picture though and creative if not amazing effect.


winged child of hatred 85% joint 4th place Though i liked the picture and effect is quite usable i had a problem with the name hatred in yugioh hmmm though i must say i liked the name of the ritual spell so well done for that im not going to lie 4th place is generous for this card but the picture scored you some big points


shadow reaper 85% joint 4 th place To be honest i was very suprised it was a fiend considering it needed a zombie as its base monster i did not like that and the defense being zero this should have been a zombie. I must say though nice effect and not overpowered in anyway so i fell 4th is fair for this card.


Diablo of hades 5th place 83% now i must say i did like this card and i liked it a lot but the effect is just too risky losing atc points for spells and traps with most decks having roughly half of their decks as s/t its just too hit or miss though the pictre and name did catch my attention.


Revenant 6th place Now the main problem here was the picture it was just so plain and a lil pixly though i must commend you on your effect nice touch with the pyramid turtle. I can only say creativity in the picture and name department here but i loved the fact it looks like a zombie and is one.


Soul fiend 7th place 80% now the effect is good and this is where you gained many points and the picture wasn't my favorite. I can say that the name also lacked some creativity but 80% is a high score and has won previous contests the compition here was just fierce so be proud and try again next time.


Luciano the fiend hunter 8th 54% the pictre here was too plain to compete with most of the others and effect was not spectacular i must also say the fusion material monsters was lazy on your part though it could be used i feel also under powered please try again though and thank you for entering


The prizes will be handed out asap thank you all for entering

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