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Member Titles

Sweetie Belle

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[center]hey how do you change those words under your pic?
Do you mean your member title? As in this:
[sub][size="1"](no you don't get to see my warn status ;P)[/size][/sub]
Well I have compiled a small, descriptive, and easy-to-follow tutorial on how to do just that:
[hr][b]Step 1:[/b] Go up to the top of the page, and click on the area that says "Signed in as ___[u](Your Username)[/u]___." A drop-down will appear with six items. Click on the one that says "My Settings."


[hr][b]Step 2:[/b] You will be taken to your settings. The immediate page, however, does not display the settings you need. You need to click on a tab that says "Profile."


[hr][b]Step 3:[/b] You are now on your Profile Settings. Scroll down a little bit so you can see a section named "Profile Information." In that section are three settings. Find the one labeled "Member Title." Under that is a text area. In there you can type in whatever, and that will appear as your member title.


And that is how you change your member title. However, as it has been noted, you need at least fifty posts to change your member title. Else, the option does not appear.

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  • 5 months later...

Woah, I completely forgot where the Tutorials sub-forum was (or that it existed.... at some point)
This looks pretty good to teach how to change that message. I did not know that 50+ post were needed to do so. Also, I noticed some of those member tittles are about 2 lines long. Which I don't remember being able to do so last time I wrote something on my little space....

Too bad new people are using this thread to spam comments until they achieve 50 -_-" and what's with that comment in some other language? O_o

¬_¬" ...... well... thinking again... it's a necrobump anyways so......

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