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The Dragon Gate Archetype


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[b]These cards have the habit of recycling themselves for bigger effects. They also have a good amount of burn damage, as these aren't fully based on attacking. There will be 1 more sub-archetype for these, in total there will be 2 sub archetypes, and one main one . The sub-archetype I've added is the dimensional gate dragons, made to help swarm and speed up some of the effects. [/b]

[spoiler= Dragon Gate (main archetype)]
Steel Gate Dragon
Level 4 / Dragon / EARTH / Effect

When this card is Summoned, select 1 Continuous Spell card you Control. When that card would be destroyed, destroy this card instead and increase the defence of a "Gate Dragon" monster you Control by 800.
ATK/ 1200 DEF/1800

Flame Gate Dragon
Level 4 / dragon / FIRE / Effect

When this card Destroys a monster by battle, inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card you control.
ATK/1600 DEF/1000

Scorching Platinum Gate Dragon
Level 9 / Dragon / LIGHT / Fusion / Effect

"Steel Gate Dragon" + 1 FIRE Dragon-type non-tuner monster.
This card can only be Fusion Summoned with the Effect of "Dragon Gate Bond". Once per turn, you can Add 1 "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card from your Deck to your Hand. when this card would be removed from the Field, return it to the extra Deck. When this card is returned to the extra deck, inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each continuous Spell card you control.
ATK/2100 DEF/2800

Dragon Gate Bond
Normal Spell
When this card is Activated, select 2 "Dragon Gate" Continuous spell cards you control, then discard from your hand, or send from your field to the Graveyard, the correct fusion material monsters listed on a "Gate Dragon" Fusion monster you control. Then Destroy the selected "Dragon Gate" Spell cards.

Defender of Gates
Normal Trap
Activate only when a "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card you control is Destroyed while you control 2 or less "Gate Dragon" Monsters. Increase the ATK of all monsters you control by 1000 and each monster you opponent controls must declare an attack on each "Gate Dragon" monster you control. During the end phase, your opponent gains 1000 life points.

Dragon Gate Balancer
Field Spell
Once per turn, you can select up to 3 "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell cards you control and Destroy them. Then, special Summon, from your Hand, a "Gate Dragon" Monster who's level is equal to or less than the amount of cards Destroyed (x3). During your end phase, you can return 1 "Gate Dragon" Monster you control to your hand to add 1 "Dragon gate" spell card from your Graveyard to your Hand.

Dragon Gate of Evolution
Continuous Spell
Once per turn, when you Summon a "Gate Dragon" monster, place 1 Dragon Gate Counter on this card. You can tribute 1 "Gate Dragon" monster you control and remove all Dragon Gate Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 "Gate Dragon" monster who's level is equal to or less than the amount of Dragon Gate Counters removed from this card (+ 2). When this card is Destroyed by your own card effect, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.

Dragon Gate of the Sky
Continuous Spell
Once per turn, you can return to your hand, a "Gate Dragon" monster you control, then place 1 Dragon Gate counter on this card. When your opponent Destroys a monster you control, you can remove a number of Dragon Gate Counters from this card equal to that of the monster that attacked, to remove it from play and Special Summon the Destroyed monster. When this card is Destroyed by your own card effect, return one monster your opponent controls to the opponent's Hand.

Holy Gate Dragon
level 5 / Dragon / LIGHT / Effect
When a "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card you control is Destroyed, you can Special Summon this card from your Hand in face-up Attack position. This card can not be Destroyed by battle while you control 2 or more "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell cards.
ATK/ 1500 DEF/ 2300

Sparkling Gate Dragon
level 3 / Dragon / LIGHT / Effect
You can return this card from the Field to the Top of your Deck to add 1 "Holy Gate Dragon" from your Deck to your Hand.
ATK/ 900 DEF/1400

Sacred Star Gate Dragon
level 9 / Fusion / Dragon / Effect
"Holy Gate Dragon" + 1 non-tuner LIGHT Dragon-type monster.
This card can only be Fusion Summoned with the Effect of "Dragon Gate Bond". Each time you Activate a "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card, your opponent Reveals 1 card in their Hand. This card gains 300 ATK each time a card in your opponents Hand is Revealed. When this card is returned to the extra deck, Draw 2 cards.
ATK/ 2400 DEF/3000


[spoiler= Dimensional Gate Dragons]
Dimensional Gate Dragon of Mars
level 5 / Dragon / FIRE / Effect
When this card is Tribute Summoned, Special Summon 2 "Mars Dragon" Tokens (FIRE / Dragon / level 2 ATK/ 500 DEF/ 200) in Attack Position. When a "Mars Dragon" Token is Destroyed by battle, place it in your Spell and Trap card zone, it is treated as a "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card.
ATK/ 1900 DEF/ 1200

Dimensional Gate Dragon of the Sun
level 7 / Dragon / LIGHT / Effect
You can Tribute 1 level 5 or higher "Gate Dragon" monster you control except "Dimensional Gate Dragon of the Sun" to Tribute Summon this card. Once per turn, you can place up to 2 Dragon Gate counters on a "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card you control. You can Destroy 1 "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card you control to add 1 "Universal Dragon Gate" card from your Deck to your Hand.
ATK/ 2300 DEF/ 2300


[spoiler= Universal Dragon Gates]

Universal Dragon Gate - Milky-way
Continuous Spell
Each time you Special Summon a "Gate Dragon" monster, place 1 Dragon Gate counter on this card. You can Destroy 1 "Dragon Gate" Continuous Spell card you control and remove a number of Dragon Gate counters from this card to Special Summon 1 "Gate Dragon" monster from your Deck equal to the number of Dragon Gate counters removed from this card. When this card is Destroyed by your own card effect, gain 800 life points.

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