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Bassa Won...


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This is a 1 on1 betweenme and alee. First to 3 votes wins and winner gets one rep.



My Card:






This card cannot be Nomal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Removing From Play one 'Fairy' Type Monster you control. If this card is succesfully Special Summoned add one 'Time' Counter to one of your opponents Monsters. Every time you succesfully Normal Summon or Special Summon a 'Fairy' Type Monster add one 'Time' Counter to the same Monster. When a monster gets 4 'Time' Counters, destroy that Monster.


Alee's Card:






1 fire Demon 1 fire Guardian

when this card is summond if it is the only card on your side on the field this card gains 2000 attack points. if a monster declars an attack on you you can negate it and put a fire circle around causing 500 points of fire damage every turn until this monster is destroyed



Vote Nao~

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Alee's card has an interesting effect, but horrible OCG, plus I don't understand which are the Fusion Materials.

Bassa's card has a great OCG, but the effect is rather slow.



I vote for Bassa, for the OCG and also because Fire Protecter is yet another wall that the opponent simply won't attack to avoid taking damage.

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2-0 Thanks guys.


BTW the name is mispelled because I made this at school. I made the thread and forgot to post it and save my card which meant I had to rush and make the card and thread again before lunch ended. That is why there are a lot of erroors in the card and thread.

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