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La Espada de YCM


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[center][b][size='5'][color=red]WELCOME[/color] To the [color=purple]Espada of YCM![/color][/size][/b][/center]

As the name and intro imply, this is a Bleach Club, but based on the Espada. The ranks are set up the same way, Numeros, except for Fraccion, being the lowest, and Espada being the Highest. The Primera Espada is the "King" of Las Noches


1) Only Level 3+ members may join.

2) Have good grammar

3) Members that have been removed from the club for reasons such as bad grammar or inactivity will usually be allowed to reapply after a period of 2 months. Members who have been removed 3 times will be permanently banned from the club.

4) 2 weeks of inactivity will result in you being thrown out. If you apply and fall out three times, you're banned. There will be exceptions if you alert a co-owner.

5) Do not Speak of Religion. I, like others, am very devout, and will get angry ^-^

6) Do not use profanity unless it is censored such as Bad@$$, and it must be at least 50% censored. Also, do not use any curse beyond @$$.


[spoiler=Application Form]

Name (What you want to be called):

Do you read the manga?:

Favorite Character?:

Hated Character?

Best Battle?:

Sample of Good Grammar:



Promotions are decided by the 1, 2, and 3 Espada. Reccomendations can be made by the 4 and 5 Espada, but you may not ask for one.

Also, This is how it works-


1, 2, and 3 Espada are the highest Rank AKA Admins.

4, 5, and 6 Espada are Mods, and can accept members, and ban members with an Admin's approval. Under the jurisdiction of 1, 2, and 3, but can ban and accept at will.

7, 8, 9, and 10 Espada are Captains, Mods that answer to the Espada 4, 5, and 6, and must ask them before banning someone.



The Leader is the same as the 7 through 10 Espada, just given a special position to show their status above the Espada on their level.

Calaveras are a cut above Privaron Espada, and hold more weight in decisions.


[spoiler=Privaron Espada]

An Honorary term for some, goes from 101-110.

Privaron with a number 111 and above is a term of a lost position in the Espada.



An Experienced Member. When you become a Fraccion, you choose an Espada to be the Fraccion for. This means you are mostly under their jurisdiction. Choose Wisely, but there must be no more than 1 more or less than any Espada at any given time.

Example: Primera may not have 2 Fraccion when Segunda has 0 Fraccion.



New to Normal Members. The Number you get is the order you join.



1- Fading Black

2- Andx

3- ~Cherry~

4- ProtoMachineEmperor

5- El Make

6- Daisuke L. Hirako








[b][size=large]Privaron Espada:[/size][/b]



[size=x-large][b]Punsihed Arrancar:[/b][/size]

[size=large][b]Mask Removed Arrancar:[/b][/size]

[b][size=large]Partially Shattered Mask Arrancar:[/size][/b]

[b][size=large]Watched Arrancar:[/size][/b]



[b]Affiliation Form:[/b]

Name of Club:

Link to Club:

Why you want to affiliate:

[url=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-154941.html]R.P.820: A Club for RPers[/url]

[url=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-162103.html]The Chibi Knights[/url]


Note: If you are in this club, the manga WILL be discussed, and Spoilers will be spoken.

Note 2: We watch everything you do. We have a ceiling Aizen. That's right. All-seeing Ceiling AIZEN. He knows what you do in other clubs, RPs, threads, etc, so watch out. We value everything you do. [img]http://a.deviantart.net/avatars/c/e/ceilingaizenplz.gif?1[/img]
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Name (What you want to be called): El Senor Toreador! }:[b][/b]D

Do you read the manga?: Yes, though not as much anymore.

Favorite Character?: SUPERCHUNKY!

Hated Character?: Ichigo, since Aizen's dead.

Best Battle?: I liked Aaroniero vs Rukia.

Sample of Good Grammar: I have good grammar! I happen to be very offended by this question! D:
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Name (What you want to be called): Andx will work.

Do you read the manga?: No. But I've spoiled myself on quite a lot of the currently manga only events. Still I'll avoid any more major spoilers if I can. But don't restrict conversations for my sake by any means.

Favorite Character?: Rukia.

Hated Character?: I don't know. I would have said Aizen but as he hasn't yet started using the Hyougoku in the anime, so far he's just being an awesome villain in general. I think I'll go with Omeada, Soi Fon's lieutenant, or whatever his name is.

Best Battle?: Rukia vs. Aaroniero (it's one of the reasons Rukia is my favorite character and Aaroniero my favorite Espada)

Sample of Good Grammar: While I'm tempted to go quote an RP post I'll just type an organized flow of consciousness here. So I'm glad to see this club back up and running. Though the title is bugging me a bit. La Espada doesn't follow Romance language rules very well. The years of French I've taken make me want it to be L'Espada, but I'm not going to press the matter. Pushing such a simple thing wouldn't do much good. It can be worried about later when we're not trying to get the club off the ground and running.
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[quote name='Andx' timestamp='1288921376' post='4762484']
Best Battle?: Rukia vs. Aaroniero (it's one of the reasons Rukia is my favorite character and [b]Aaroniero my favorite Espada[/b])
... When did this happen? ;~; It used to be you could not even spell his name right!

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[quote name='Fading Black' timestamp='1288921496' post='4762490']
... When did this happen? ;~; It used to be you could not even spell his name right!
Oh, that happened when I figured out Rukia was my favorite protagonist and that their fight was my favorite. I wasn't sure for awhile but it clicked. Though his powers aren't my favorite I did find him to be the best villain of all the Espada since instead of just fighting he pulled some emotional and psychological warfare on Rukia. Ulquiorra would have been higher in that regards for what he did to Orihime until Kubo tried to humanize him at his death.
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Name: Cherry-san, Cherry-Senpai, or Cherry.

Do you read the manga?: No.

Favorite Character?: Rukia/Kenpachi/Hollow Ichigo


Best Battle?: I would say Ichigo vs Ulquiorra, but it was ruined by the idiot writers. So, I'm going to say... idk.

Sample of Good Grammar: Good Grammar. Now accept me.
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Name (What you want to be called): Dl, Daisuke, or Link. Just anything that doesn't begin with 'Binky' and end with 'boy'.

Do you read the manga?: Yes

Favorite Character?: In the past, tie between Hitsugaya and Byakuya. Now it's between Grimmjow, Ulqui, or Byakuya (Hitsugaya became...not cool)

Hated Character?: Almost every character that isn't my favorite.

Best Battle?: Ichigo vs. Byakuya

Sample of Good Grammar: You know I have good grammar. I refuse to allow you to gain satisfaction from a given sample of mine. I would not do it even if you pleaded.
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Name (What you want to be called): El or Make... or according to you Black-kun, Sex...... -,-

Do you read the manga?: Yes

Favorite Character?: Kisuke Urahara (spell? :/)

Hated Character?: Rukia.....

Best Battle?: Ichigo vs Byakuya when he first uses teh bankai

Sample of Good Grammar: Black-kun, you know I'm good at grammar. I only choose to suck at it when I feel like it, but for this rule I shall try to be good. Is this decent enough? Because if not, I wish to kill you.

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WTH no one tells me nothing no more. Oh well I'm here now!!!

Name (What you want to be called): Hayate Masaru

Do you read the manga?: Yeah every week.

Favorite Character?: I cannot pick favorites lol, I like a bunch just about the same amount. Here they are in no perticular order;

1: Ichigo Kurasaki
2: Captain Commander Yammamoto
3: Kisuke Urahara
4: Shunsui Kyroku
5: Coyote Starrk

And if I had to choose a top it be between Kisuke Urahara and Coyote Starrk.

Hated Character? Aizen, his character is just way to godmodding.

Best Battle?: Their is alot of good battles throughout the entire series, its acctually quite hard to pick just one. But since I must choose the best I'd probably say the entire battle at the Fake Kankura town.

Sample of Good Grammar: LOL do I really have too?
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  • 4 weeks later...
Name (What you want to be called): Urahara Kisuke

Do you read the manga?: Yes >.>

Favorite Character?: Urahara Kisuke, was that not clear?

Hated Character? Gin, i hatz simily :/

Best Battle?: Kisuke v Monster in the recent (not so recent) Bleach movie >:U

Sample of Good Grammar: Here lies the good sample of Remo K. Demha's grammer. May he rest in peace.
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Name (What you want to be called): Starrk

Do you read the manga?: Yes.

Favorite Character?: Coyote Starrk

Hated Character?: Yammy Rialgo

Best Battle?: Ulquiorra vs. Ichigo (Last battle)

Sample of Good Grammar: Hello there. It is nice to meet you.

You may use this pic on the front page if wanted. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2008/021/8/3/The_Espada_by_ArrancarClub.png
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