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exodia deck


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I would take out cyber jar if i was you, other wise its going to screw you over. replace them with either Cannon Soldier or Big Eye. Why? b/c you can sac a monster like sangan or Witch of the black forest with cannon soldier to put a exodia part in your hand. and Big Eye is for looking at the top 5 cards of your deck and moving in a order you like, say you have 2 exodia parts but you want them on top your deck, you can do that with big eye then use pot of greed to draw them. plus limit exodia parts to only 1. i dont care if you think its cool or if the TV rare hunter did it, you can't rules are rules and traditional decks cant even have 3 parts each of exodia.

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Alright stop poasting illegal decks. all exodia peices are limited to 1 each, this is Limited formtat so banned cards are limited to one.


Big eye is decent in this deck, but i wouldnt receomend it. Your usually trying to win in one turn. try youtube for a decklist and change it up from there.



@Flarefox, Stop posting illegal decks or gtfo. its kinda annoying

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Alright stop poasting illegal decks. all exodia peices are limited to 1 each, this is advanced format, so banned cards are, well banned.


And also, mystic tomato is just horrid in this deck. why would you special summon an exodia peice?




Big eye is really bad. and pot of greed is banned. Well in this deck big eye is decent, but usually you OTK/FTK with am exodiia deck.


@Flarefox, Try again.


dude im not trying to defend Flarefox or anything but this is under traditional section look where he posted this thread at. its not under advanced. and traditional you can use banned cards as long as it is "Limited" meaning 1 card. I already talked to a staff member about my fiend deck he told me i need more banned cards to make it a better traditional deck. and ROFL!!!!!!!! you dont use mystic tomato to special summon exodia pieces XD you use it to special summon a sangan or witch of the black forest to the field to be trashed to put a piece in your hand. *face palm* and yes with this deck big eye is decent.

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I said traditionnal.


just forgot to change it.


And i said mystic tomato was bad beacause at first i thought this was advanced >_>


its fine we all make mistakes.


and @ Ser Warjacksworth plz shut up no one is trolling here. thats the second time you called me a troll for telling Flarefox his deck is illegal, im not the only one either that has said that so plz keep your Ps and Qs to yourself. thank you. :D

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