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Accepted Atman. I'll be sure to send you taht PM for his history soon.

First though, let me say I'm sorry for the delays in posting and what not. With Christmas and New years and it being two thousand and eleven now, (merry Christmas to all and to all a happy new year, btw) I wasn'ta ble to get online too awful much (mainly because my access for internet was closed). But, now that the year has begun a new, I think that we could and should pick up the posting level. I mean let's face it, we're a little bellow the average posting rate.

As of now, the most active members are myself, Atman, and Galesonic. I'm going to send a PM to Candyman asking him where he went and find out the cause for his disapperance. For now just keep posting as you always have, and ask around, see if anyone wants to join. We're always accepting, given you have the qualifications, and would love to have more people here.

P.S. We're almost done with the "prolouge" of the story btw, things are going to heat up really fast from here on out. So get ready for that.

We have a new subject on hand that I had forgotten to ask about before: Monsters. Every Final Fantasy has them. The question is, which ones should we include into this Final Fantasy? Now, I want suggestions from everyone as to what goes in and what stays out. Try to keep Monsters that are special to one Final Fantasy out, like for example The Black Waltz from FF9, none of those, or Ruby and Emerald (I believe that's their names...) from FF7. Give me your suggestions. Also, I'd like some original kinds of monsters in here as well, so if you've got an idea feel free to share it.
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Yes to the first, yes to the second, show me a picture of the third, and yes to the fourth. any more suggestions and it's a yes.

now, another project for you: put the monsters that you suggest onto their appropriate places on the map. I don't mean by terrain or anything (because that's a bit hard to guess at) but put them each into a country or something, that way we have a nice selection of monsters to run into on each continent. Just say where you want each monster to go basically and I'll make a section in the first post that tells where they dwell.

Now, so far we have four monsters, locations unknown, keep them coming. Me? I suggest these:

Grand Dragons (in a whole lot of FFs)
Iron Giant
and Moogles

That's all I got for now. That gives us 11.

Now, let me explain that last one, because i know you guys are going WTF? over it. Think about this, in every single final fantasy (for the most part i believe...) there are three things, Chocobos, Mogs, and Cid. Indisputable facts really. Now, Moogles (apparently different from Mogs in some way... yeah I don't get it either, that's just the way it was explained to me) were introduced to us in 12. But, no matter what, may they be mogs or moogles, they have never been an enemy to you. I sir would like to change that. I feel that A Moogle would be as formidable an opponent as Cactuars and Tonberries. That's not to say they'll all be enemies, no. Some are still good guys. The thing is I'm not sure exaclty what they're going to do to the players that run across them... the bad ones i mean. Your thoughts and suggestions?
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Name:Antonio Medina
Age: 16
Always carries this guitar with hum:
Allegiance: Rebellion
Weapons: Hilatura Yo-yo:
A shield like object, it's almost as large as Antonio's arm. It's round and about three inches thick. Antonio holds it from a handle that comes out of the center and extends towards Antonio, the outside has one spike sticking out of the middle and four knives sticking out the edge of the circle. Antonio can use this as a shield, however it has an unbreakable string that reels out of the shield that is attached to the handle, allowing Antonio to make long range attacks, the center spike can be used for short range.
Magic: Wind, Ice, fire
Bio:Antonio was a traveler who worked as a guitar maker for many rich and talented people, his guitar making skills were amazing and he even was hired by An Argox Imperial entertainer to create new and exciting guitars and songs for him to play. He became a popular artist when people discovered he was the one writing these songs. Many in the Argox empire loved to hear him play during this time of war so he did, however, there was one thing that people learned that was not so popular. People discovered that Antonio was a homosexual, many stopped listening and stopped giving him donations to play more, and if that wasn't the worse part, he was assaulted by random people all the time. He ran away, but tried to join the Argox army, as he had a small secret, he was an expert strategist. At a young age Antonio was interested in warfare and he had access to old records of battles for his father ran the library. He loved creating strategies and his father was impressed, he knew they would be useful in battle so Antonio built up his skill until many war veterans saw him as one of the greatest strategists they ever seen. Once Antonio arrived at the army he was turned down by the recruiter as he was a strict homophobe and hated Antonio especially, However he didn't know why the recruiter hated him. But he then found safety in a letter from the Rebellion, apparently someone from the rebelion heard of Antonio's strategic skills and he was sent a secret Rebel route to get to the rebel countries. Now Antonio prepares to face the rebel leader and prove his skill.
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Now, MKS, I hate to do thsi to you, but we need you to make one last app. An App for a Malbicous Knight, one that will pilot the bio-mechanical armor I mentioned to you.

P.S. Finish your original app, you're the only one on Argox's side atm and we need you!
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Name: [b][color="#FF0000"]Kindle Markek[/color][/b]
Age: 24
[img]http://newsimg.ngfiles.com/24000/24925_a_cloak_3.gif[/img] With this mask: [img]http://cdn2.ioffer.com/img/item/138/243/657/AkxFTCJc9aNS2OF.jpg[/img]
and this armor:
Allegiance: Argox
Weapons: Cards (Specifically Tarot cards)
Magic: Fire, Thunder, Water
Bio: Kindle Markek, one of the most twisted souls one would ever cross, his history is not known too well. All that is really known about him was his infamous battle. The first battle Kindle was ever in, he killed over 800 men by himself and injured 200 others. By the time the allied army arrived, they found Kindle unconscious and the enemy army in retreat. Since then Kindle hasn't been able to preform close to how he did that day, no one knows why. Now days kindle can be summed up in two words, Creepy, and malicious.
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Okay... from the sound of you App, you either want to be a mercenary or some kind of general. The mercenary part I can grant, but the general bit you're going to have to work for if that's what you want. That's one think, and I'll need confirmation on exactly what rank you're trying to go for.

two, your magic spells aren't basic magic. In all Final Fantasies, the basic magic spells are fire, water, thunder, and ice. However, depending on what you're answer to my first question is, I may bend the rules slightly, but you'll still have to change the magic bit.

Other than that, accepted.
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Name: [color=red]Lily Aiko[/color]
Age: 21
Appearance: Lily stands at a height of 5 feet 4 inches and has fair skin. She has long black hair that flows down to her shoulders and has dark green eyes. Outside of combat, she wears a black shirt with red baggy pants and a pair of sneakers. In combate, she wears her Malbician uniform accomadated for her flexibility and stealth
Allegiance: Malbicious
Weapons: Swords and knives (though she dabbles on some other weapons she finds)
Magic: Fire, Thunder, Sleep, Silence
Bio: Lily was once a well-rounded gynmast as a young girl. During the time she turned 13, she was offered to be trained as a ninja. She gladly accepted and for the next 5 years, she trained in the arts of magic, stealth, and combat. After she was finished with her training, she was drafted into the Malbious Army and was part of the stealth sect. While she was in the army, she took up treasure hunting and it became her hobby when not on duty. Not only does she want to be the top assassin in the Malbicious army, but she also wants to find the object she wanted to find when she started treasure hunting: The Jade Katana


- T-Rexaur (I don't think this would be a fought monster until later, if he is chosen. Maybe he could be used as retreating excuse or killing someone off)

- NightOwls: Owls that are twice the size of a normal person and only come out a night. They have various colored feathers and they have almost razor-sharp wings. They are very intellegent and some can even talk. They have some knowledge of spells as well, especially basic ones.

- Energy Raptors: Raptors that were restored from fossils by Vextorian scientists. Their genetic makeup have been changed so that they can feed off of the energy of their prey. One an Energy Raptor bites you, it has your energy singature for life.

- Magna Rex: The machine equvilant of the T-Rexaur. This model is a prototype, so the jaws cannot be used to bite the enemy. Also, it traded strength for speed. The only weapon to compensate this error, besides its tail, is its roar, giving a slight chance in inflict the Status effect Silence onto anyone within damaging range of it.

These are just some ideas I got. I'm gonna look for more though.
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[quote name='AimiArisato' timestamp='1294356207' post='4916374']
Okay... from the sound of you App, you either want to be a mercenary or some kind of general. The mercenary part I can grant, but the general bit you're going to have to work for if that's what you want. That's one think, and I'll need confirmation on exactly what rank you're trying to go for.

two, your magic spells aren't basic magic. In all Final Fantasies, the basic magic spells are fire, water, thunder, and ice. However, depending on what you're answer to my first question is, I may bend the rules slightly, but you'll still have to change the magic bit.

Other than that, accepted.
Okay, I'll change the magic, but I really wanted some magic that went with his personality >.< well it's still alright? And I'll take mercenary if your uncomfortable with General.
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@Galesonic: Accepted.
now, as for your monsters... they all seem well enough. but, i still need to know where to put them. think you can tell me?

@MKS: yeah, i'd prefer a mercenary to a general atm. and thanks for changing your magic.

now, as for your monster, i like it. but where should it go on the map?
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Well, I was thinking that the T-Rexaur should be in giant forests regions and caves, since thats their main habitat. Magna Rex should be near major cities (most likely in Vextoria) and Energy Raptors as well as NightOwls could probably be in almost every area since they are low-levels for now.
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Name: [color="#FF0000"][/color] Nike Sorcerer
Age: 17
Appearance: [img]http://www.philoking.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/WindowsLiveWriter/Howa30valuebecomes30wastedFinalFantasyXI_7F1D/image03.png[/img]
Allegiance: Rebellion
Weapons: Keyblade of Change. [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/9/9e/Dark_Keyblade.jpg[/img]
Made out of the finest materials, it can change into any type of blade.
Magic: Tension Rage, Fire, Ice, Air
Bio:Born into a family of Sorcerers, his town was attacked by Vextoria soldiers hopin to capture him since he is the strongest of the family.
Him himshelf escaped and fleed up the mountain with the rebellion camp on it.Coincidence? Mayby.A rebelion member who was going to steal vextoria food when he found Nike.He helped him up the mountain when he faced the captain of the rebellion.He then served the rebellion after that and then he rested for about 3 days because he was sick after the encounter.
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@ Gale: Ah, I get you. Kind of liek security or something inside of the city. okay. Yeah, that'll work. So, you want to first to go into forests and large caves, the second to go into Vextoria's Capital, and the last two to just be where ever. got it.

@Raxtus: Wow, this is really one of two posts that you've posted on this site. Well, you're either completely utterly new here or you've made an account in the past. Either way, there are some problems with your app, problems that wouldn't be there had you read the rules. First off, and if you're new I can understand this, your character's name isn't red. That was put specificly into the rules for a reason. Second problem, you msut have an allegiance, also, in the rules. There are four to choose from, get to choosing. Thrid problem, your weapon. It's not so much that I have a problem with it being able to mimic other people's weapons, because I don't, it's been done in FF before, it's the unlocking any lock part that troubles me. See, that's just plain copying off of Kingdom Hearts and this is aFF RP, where all locks can be opened but very few are opened with a sword. Fourth problem, your Bio. It's not that I don't understand it, because I do, it's just that the structure is not... how should I put this? Up to standard. I see your bio and it makes me think this is how you're going to RP through out the entire thing and I don't need that, what I need is someone who will follow the rules and post in paragraphs.

Now, other than the name part you've got three problems to fix, change those and then we'll go from there.
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Just put them into forest areas, they should be basic enemies. Now here's my FINAL app then I'll post as all 3 after this is accepted k?
Name: [b][color="#FF0000"]Gilbert "Ludwig" Schwan[/color][/b]
Age: 18
[spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/bad_ass_anime_guy.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Allegiance: Malbicous
[spoiler=Weapons:] Black Blade:
Magic: Fire, Lightning, Water
Bio: Gilbert, a warrior, a proud man, and also... A loud mouth. Gilbert isn't the brightest person you'll ever meet, nor is he the quiet type. Gilbert speaks his mind all the time and claims he's "Awesome!" or "The Best!" He hates and will most likely dispose of anyone who tries to stop his goal, which is unknown to everyone but him. He doesn't care what he'll do to get to his goal, as long as he gets there, and has some fun on the way.
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Sorry, didn't have internet for a few days and ATman, co host, hasn't been on for a while. you're accepted.

now, go a head and make your intros in the IC thread.

ANd Rakudus, accepted as well.

now, the both of you, amke you intro Apps in the IC thread.
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