Navras Posted November 2, 2010 Report Share Posted November 2, 2010 Plot: [I]I am mighty Alone I am king Whirlwinds of fire we ride Violence brought us the crown and the ring Never again shall I die [/I] Long ago, this song had a meaning to it. Long ago this song was meant to be sung when there was nothing but peace in the world. It was created by beings unknown, but has always been a guide to those in search of peace. Handed down to us from the heavens, the Lament of Kings has been inscribed in all who wish for peace and prosperity, waiting for the day that the king the song spoke of will one day rise. One day, a mighty emperor was born three sons, triplets. Their names were Orginas, Mundos, and Despair. These three brothers could never be closer to one another. They played the same games, they lived in the same household, and they all believed in what the song stood for and would fight for it at whatever cost. But, as all boys do, the three young princes grew up. And as they grew, they each saw the world differently. When they were no but twenty, their father, the emperor of the might Drunon Empire, died. This left the three brothers to dispute who would rule the land. Many gave advice, many showed their points of view in a hope that it might guide them in the right path, but every point of view and opinion fell on deaf ears and blind eyes. In the end, no peace could be bestowed upon the three princes. And so, the kingdom was splint into three. There were none that agreed with what their young princes were doing, but their word was law and none had the power to over through that law. The years passed and things between the brothers grew progressively worse until one day, it happened. All out war was declared between the three kingdoms. This war consumed everyone everywhere. It was at first a war for who would take control of their father's kingdom. But it sprouted and blossomed, like an evil rose, into a war for the entire world. The world soon became nothing more than a battle ground, in which soldiers destroyed all that wore a different banner. The mighty empire of Drunon, which had once been a prosperous kingdom, had now become the lands of Argox, Malbicous, and Vextoria. Their colors are black and green, red and white, and yellow and blue. It was some time before the rebellion was formed. But when it was, thousands upon thousands flooded to join their ranks. Many just to see an end to the fighting, many more seeking revenge, many more still seeking the one true king that the song spoke of long ago. The rebellion formed, the world was no split into four. Argox, Malbicous, Vextoria, and Rebellion. Each day at dawn, all who are able and believe in the song sing the Lament of Kings. The song has been sung, and now, finally, after twenty years of fighting, the King has come forward at last to end the fighting. This child of prophecy is one of the rebellion. and it is up to him and a select few to safe the world. [I]I am mighty Alone I am King Whirlwinds of fire we ride Violence brought us the crown and the ring Never again shall I die.[/I] Rules: [Spoiler=Spoiler] 1.All the normal ones that YMC enforces 2.No God modding, god help you if you god mod 3.stay active 4.minimum post length is four lines 5.follow all rules 6.please, stick to the story line 7.What I say/post is final. Sorry, but it is. 8.No one can be one of the emperors or the king of legend. 9. if you read these, highlight your name in red so i know [/Spoiler] Application [spoiler=Spoiler] Name: Age: (let's keep it above the age of 10 shall we?) Appearance: (pic or describe) Allegiance: (one of the three emperors or the rebellion. This is not something permanent, you can change sides at anytime if you so wish.) Weapons: (only one type if you please) Magic: (if any. Start with basic spells, fire, ice, ect.) Bio:(a decent paragraph at least) [/spoiler] Starting points: [spoiler=Read Me] If you are of the rebellion, your starting point will be on a mission to steal food from a nearby camp of Vextorian soldiers. If you are of Vextoria, you are one of these soldiers. If you are of Malbicous, your starting point shall be in the homeland. The same goes for those who are of Vextoria.[/spoiler] Side note: I will be incorporating just about everything from every Final Fantasy that there ever was into this RP. It's going to be long and glorious. If you join, i ask that you stay throughout the RP. Link to IC thread: [spoiler=Link] [/spoiler] Map of the world: [spoiler=Map] [IMG][/IMG] MAP KEY: Red areas: Countries conquered by Argox. Dark Blue areas: Countries conquered by Vextoria Green Areas: Countries conquered by Malbicous Light Blue Areas: Rebelion countries Pink Areas: Neutral countries (countries that surrendered before being conquered) Plum Area: The Unknown Island (Will be important later, but as of right now is UNKNOWN) Black Lines: Country Borders Blue Lines/blots: Rivers/Lakes Black Triangles: Mountains Black Diamonds: Country Capitals Black Dots: Main Port cities (cities best known for their ties to other areas and countries) Major Landmarks: Twin Peaks (Located in Vextoria) The Tiny Mountains (Located in Vextoria) Mt. Depoyster (Located on Rebel soil inside of Vextoria) Triplet Island (Located in Vextoria) Chaos Island (Located in Vextoria/Argox) Dual Head River (Located in Vextoria/Argox) Mt. Tacanawa (Located in Malbicous) Despair Lake (Located in Malbicous) Long Lake [I wear to god, Allah, Budah, whoever you worship, that I didn't know that was the name of a lake in Lord of the Rings until today] (Located in Malbicious) The War Islands (Located in Malbicous/Argox) The Ancient Desert (Located in Argox) Sepentine Lake/River (Located in Argox) Dual Head River (Located in Argox/Vextoria) The Grand Ocean (Worldwide) The Argoxian Sea (Above Argox, between Chaos Island) The Vextorian Sea (Between Argox and Vextoria) Gulf of Argox Gulf of Malbicious [/spoiler] Creatures in said world (AKA enemies and where to find them) [spoiler=Creatures]Tonberry- Everywhere Behemoth- Bomb- Chocobo- Everywhere Cactuar- Grand Dragon- Chimera- Iron Giant- Mind Flayer- Antlion -Ancient Desert Blade Spiders- T-Rexaur - Forests/Caves Magna Rex - Vextorian Capital City Energy Raptors - Everywhere NightOwls - Everywhere [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 6, 2010 bump... anyone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--------------- Posted November 6, 2010 Report Share Posted November 6, 2010 Very interesting, but I foretell that this RP will die if edits are not made. [list=I][*]Spellcheck everything. This is simply for aesthetics and professionalism. Also, I suggest using a [list], like this one, for the rules. [*]The plot is very vague. Yes, there's a war, but what are [i]we[/i] supposed to do about it? I would suggest getting more specific. For example, where should we begin, what should we be doing, etc., etc.. Final Fantasy characters don't start out as heroes, so neither should we. Get it? [*]I suggest taking out the Allegiance and Class parts out of the app. No allegiance allows for free will, free desire, and neutrality. No specific class allows for more variety, or, if you still want to have a Class option, then at least add a Sub-Class option. [*]Although I like your enthusiasm, try not to make this RP rediculously long. RPs can go on for months, maybe even about a year if it's amazing, but the way you phrased it made it seem like this'll last eternity and a half. Let this progress naturally. Get it?[/list] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 6, 2010 I'll get right on that. thanks for the sugestions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--------------- Posted November 6, 2010 Report Share Posted November 6, 2010 btw, edited^^^ and reserved. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 6, 2010 You're reserved. i'm almost done, so yeah. wait a moment or so longer... all done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--------------- Posted November 6, 2010 Report Share Posted November 6, 2010 Much better. But fix the spoiler titles. I can see you have a problem with spoilers. This is how the spoiler in your sig SHOULD look. [spoiler=TITLE]As of 6-24-10, i have reached 2012 posts! Megger to some, yes. Stupid to most, of course, monumental to me, hell yes. That is all.[/spoiler] [code][spoiler=TITLE]As of 6-24-10, i have reached 2012 posts! Megger to some, yes. Stupid to most, of course, monumental to me, hell yes. That is all.[/spoiler][/code] Also, I suggest a change to the names of the kingdoms. They seem to... unreal. I mean, seriously, who names a kingdom 'Justice'? :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 8, 2010 Okay, all fixed. and thanks for telling me the spoiler thing, I really didn't know how that worked now a days... anyhow, anyone else to join? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MortalKombatSmoke Posted November 8, 2010 Report Share Posted November 8, 2010 Name: [b][color="#FF0000"]Kindle Markek[/color][/b] Age: 24 [spoiler='Appearance:'] Wears: [img][/img] With this mask: [img][/img] and this armor: [img][/img][/spoiler] Allegiance: Argox Weapons: Cards (Specifically Tarot cards) Magic: Shadow, poison, Dark Bio: Kindle Markek, one of the most twisted souls one would ever cross, his history is not known too well. All that is really known about him was his infamous battle. The first battle Kindle was ever in, he killed over 800 men by himself and injured 200 others. By the time the allied army arrived, they found Kindle unconscious and the enemy army in retreat. Since then Kindle hasn't been able to preform close to how he did that day, no one knows why. Now days kindle can be summed up in two words, Creepy, and malicious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--------------- Posted November 9, 2010 Report Share Posted November 9, 2010 Lol @ MKS using his FFCC character. Name: [color=red]Kain Highwind[/color] Age: 36 [spoiler=Appearance:][img][/img][/spoiler]Allegiance: Vextoria Weapons: Lances, mostly Magic: Very little. Very basic spells. Bio: Kain originally served the Kingdom of Baron (in another world), but, seeking to redeem himself, he went to hone his skills at Mt. Ordeals (in another world). Instead, he found a portal to another world (this world), where he was attacked by Behemoths. He was rescued by a group of Vextorian soldiers. Eversince, he served the Vextorian army, and, 15 years later, he still does. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--------------- Posted November 9, 2010 Report Share Posted November 9, 2010 You forgot to switch Justice/Redemption/Valor at the bottom of the plot. BTW, I'll get the Bio in later today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 9, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 9, 2010 @ MKS: you start off with basic spells, fire, ice, ect. and no more than three starter spells. I'll make that more clear in the first post. Besides the bio on the two of yours, which you've promised to fill in later, Accepted. If we can get one person for each allegiance, I think we'll get started. And thanks for pointing that out the two of you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 11, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 11, 2010 Bump. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--------------- Posted November 12, 2010 Report Share Posted November 12, 2010 Done. :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 13, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 13, 2010 Alright, officially accepeted. Here, I'll go ahead and post my apps. Now please, no one get in a fit over how many there are. Most are just the default things that I'll rarely use and ONLY when absolutely necessary. Also, apparently I've forgotten how to change colors so... yeah... THIS IS MY MAIN APP (directly below) AND WILL BE USED BY FAR MORE THAN THE OTHER THREE. IN FACT, THE OTHER THREE ARE MAINLY FOR SHOW AND EVENT. PLEASE NO RAGGING ON ME FOR THE APPS. Name: Godrick Alistar Age: 18 Appearance: [spoiler=click to see][IMG][/IMG] [/spoiler] Allegiance: Rebellion Weapons: Sythes Magic: Fire, ice, lightning Bio: Godrick used to be Bogrion, a country now long forgotten in the flames of war. His country, although small, was proud and strong. However, it was not strong enough to fend off the armies of Vextoria. With his home and country lost, he and his family fled, hoping to find a place where they could live in silence from the rest of the world. They didn't get very far. A band of Vextorian soldiers found them before they had a chance to get over the border of their now occupied country. His mother and father were slaughtered first. He himself was left to die after suffering an injury. AS he lay dying, another band of people came and took him away, tending to his wounds, taking care of him. For many days he was unconscious. When he awoke, he was approached by a man in a black headband. The man asked him simply if he wanted his country back. Godrick answered yes. The man patted him on the shoulder and said, "Welcome to the Rebellion." For five years he has been active in the rebellion, earning himself title and reputation among his comrades in the fight for him country. Name: Emperor Mundos Caliburn Age: 45 Appearance: [spoiler=click to see][IMG][/IMG] [/spoiler] Allegiance: Vextoria Weapons: Warhammer Magic: Curaga, Demi, Comet Bio: Emperor Mundos Caliburn, born last of his three triplet brothers. When he was younger, his father would sing to him the Song of King, engraving it into his mind and heart. Naturally being the youngest, he was mistreated by his brothers the most of all. This put a strong disdain in his heart, and an anger. Upon his and his brothers twentieth birthday, their father, the great emperor Vixtora, suddenly died, leaving the three of them to decide who would take his place. He was the first to claim the title before either of his brothers. In fact, their father had once told him that should he die, he would want him to rule rather than his brothers. With his in mind, he claimed the throne for his own, but was quickly overturned by his own brothers. They wanted the throne for themselves, for their own purposes. Once again they ignored what he wanted, once again they put themselves before he, their little brother. But no more. After his overturning from the throne, he gathered as many soldier as he could that believed in his way of thinking, not just in the unjustness he had felt throughout his entire life, but for what was best for the world, and took them away. Where he formed his own country, Vextoria, and quickly became a force to be dealt with among his enemies, Organis and Despair. Name: Emperor Organis Caliburn Age: 45 Appearance: [spoiler=click to see][IMG][/IMG] [/spoiler] Allegiance: Argox Weapons: Lances Magic: Curaga, Bio, Comet Bio: Emperor Organis Caliburn, born second of his triplet brothers. He was the different one among his brothers. He would always wonder off on his own, studying everything in his won way. He himself, being a solitary child, hardly knew his other twins. Later in his life, this created a sorrow unequaled to any prince. Upon his and his brothers twentieth birthday, their father, the great emperor Vixtora, suddenly died, leaving the three of them to decide who would take his place. His younger brother Mundos was first to lay claim to the throne. But why should he have the throne? Father had told him before he died that with his way of studying things, learning all that there was to know, he would make an excellent leader one day. So why should his younger brother lay claim on a throne that was obviously his? It was he who threw his brother from the throne and laid claim to it for himself. But his claim didn't last long. He was over thrown by his older brother and banished from the kingdom. He didn't mind for the most part. What he did mind was the other two thinking that they had claim to Father's throne, when it was obviously his. He raised an army within the country he had been banished to and soon became a force to rival that of both of his brothers, who had both established their own kingdoms. Soon they will all be his... Name: Emperor Despair Caliburn Age: 45 Appearance: [spoiler=slick to see][IMG][/IMG] [/spoiler] Allegiance: Malbicious Weapons: Swords Magic: Summon, Mega Flare, Ultima Bio: Emperor Despair Caliburn, Oldest and first born of his triplet brothers. Out of all of his brothers, he was the most dignified, always. No matter what the occasion, he would always hold himself with pride where his brothers failed to do. Overtime, he developed a strong sense of self righteousness, some would even say godliness. He would wander off for hours at a time, with the constant excuse that he was looking at his future kingdom. No one really knows what he was doing. Out of all of his brothers, he was themost detached form his father.Upon his and his brothers twentieth birthday, their father, the great emperor Vixtora, suddenly died, leaving the three of them to decide who would take his place. Mundos was first to lay claim on the throne, he was content with that. But when Organius overthrew his own brother, it angered him. Within the hour of his brother Mundos being conquered, he smote his own brother and banished him from their father's kingdom. Thus, with only him left, he assumed control of his father's kingdom. For a time, it stayed exactly as it was. But then his exiled brothers began to steal lands that were his. Noticing the size of his country was now drastically reduced, he renamed it Malbicious. Thus the three Kingdoms were born, Malbicious, Argox, and Vextoria. Three kingdoms ruled by three brothers of blood, soon to be ruled by only one... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 18, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 18, 2010 Bump... someone...? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Serenity the Candyman Posted November 20, 2010 Report Share Posted November 20, 2010 reserving @MKS: Dammit Kindle, stop poking around! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 20, 2010 Reserved. please, post back soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Serenity the Candyman Posted November 20, 2010 Report Share Posted November 20, 2010 Name:[color="#FF0000"]Johnathan Nash[/color] Age: 29 Appearance: he is 6'3" and wieghs 206 lbs. He has two colored eyes: one is white, the other Bright Blue. Has jet black hair and a streak of white down side. Dosent wear armour but wears a Red and White Kimono. Allegiance: Malbicious Weapons: Katana Magic: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder Bio: After his birth two years ago by the Supplex Cooperation, He found out that he, like Cloud Strife, is a clone of Sephiroth. Seeing the chaos that Sephiroth was causing from him having his DNA, Johnathan decided that in order to prove himself as a man of honor and of good intent, he joined forces with a group of people who was determined to save the world before the oncoming evil destroyed them. After evil was defeated, Johnathan asked if he could go to another world where he wouldnt be noticed and start fresh. One man agreed and took him through the Void to the Malbicious Kingdom, where he fought his way to prove to Emperor Despair Caliburn that he was no ordinary warrior. To this day he serves in the Malbicios Kingdom, fighting and protecting the Emperor from his brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 20, 2010 Accepted, under one condition: No sephiroth hat tricks. When I say that, I mean no one winged angle or six winged angle stuff. At least not at first. If that's how Johnathan works, I'll give you the okay when to do that. Got it? Right, we now have at least one person under each alligance. Time to make the IC thread! come back in a few minutes and I'll have a link in teh first post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Serenity the Candyman Posted November 20, 2010 Report Share Posted November 20, 2010 Dont worry, that wont happen ever. Like Kindle, Johnathan is in FFCC and was 'Raditicated' of Sephiroth so to speak. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Navras Posted November 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted November 20, 2010 Well alright. The thread is open, so get posting. Link to the Ic thread is up in the first post.I just occured to me that people won't really know the geography of places accept me. So, I am going to be making a map and uploading it as soon as possible. The map will be shown in the first post of this thread and the Ic thread. Coming soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
galesonic Posted November 21, 2010 Report Share Posted November 21, 2010 I don't know I'm I'm able to post and application, but I'll try. And Sweet to using almost every Final Fantasy Name:[color=red]Maxwell D. Fathos[/color] Age: 17 Appearance: Maxwell stands at a height of 5 feet 6 inches and has light tan skin as well as dark brown eyes. He has a slight muscular look to him, but he still seems small for his height. He usually wears a uniform that is part of Garden, which consists of a blue blazer with pockets, as well as blue slacks, black shoes, and s pair of black gloves for gunblade use. He has black hair which is spiked up as well as a marking on his left arm, showing his was the son of a mage. He also wears a pair of glasses which have blue frames. Allegiance: Rebellion Weapons: Gunblades Magic: Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Cure, Silence, Sleep Bio: Maxwell is the son of a low-class Weaponsmith father and a mage mother that once was in high regard, but lost her status when she had Maxwell. Maxwell was mostly taught how to use and manipulate magic from his mother at a young age and she thought he would be a great mage, until his father gave him his weapon of choice, a gunblade. He spent all of his time trying to fight with it, and by the time he was 9, he was accepted into Garden to train to be a SeeD operative. He connected with his mother more in his training and got more magic studying, perfecting the basic spells. With the spells he learned, he managed to graduate to SeeD Rank 5 with little effort and become the at age 15. During one of the field tests to increase his Rank, Maxwell, accompanied by the GF Alexander, the guardian of Holy, and another student who used Diablos, the demon of Gravity magic, clashed and caused a major disturbance, sending him from his world to the world of the three Empires. He was later brought in by Rebellion soilders to help fight for them in order to stop the empires from being more hostile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quiksilver Posted November 21, 2010 Report Share Posted November 21, 2010 Well, looks like you already started without me, but I'll still join if you want me too, Aimi. Give me a little time to make my app... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--------------- Posted November 21, 2010 Report Share Posted November 21, 2010 @galesonic: I'm not Aimi, but I can tell you this will take place in a world other than Squall's. So I suggest adding to your bio a part where you crossed the Void into this world. Btw, I took a break from YCM today (or technically yesterday), so I'm gunna post tomorrow (or technically later today. :/ ). kbye Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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