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Age of Anthromorphs


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In 2012 a strange new virus, now called the Anthmor virus, infected people all over the world. Many of the victems died instently. But some didn't. Those who had contracted the virus yet survived became what we call Anthromorphs. They are able to change form from that of an animal to human and vise versa. They also have an extra power: seeeing spirits and so on. Some have turned on humans and cause havoc everywhere they go. Others just want to live normal lives..but all are wanted by the goverment.

*YCM rules plus Advanced Clause
*all of the typical RP rules
*be active

Anthro Appli.:
good or bad-
anthro transformation-
weapon of choice-
history (optional)-

Governement Agent Appli.:
name -
Government agency-
weapon of choice-
special skills (hand to hand combat and so on)-
bio (optional)-

Good Anthros-
Trinity West
Karolun Vaten
Valora Knight
Azuki Resacun (known as Zasuka)

Bad Anthros-
Kakkon Wolf

Liam Smith
Fiona Williams
Lucas Woluister

name- Trinity West
age- 19
gender- male
good or bad- good
anthro transformation- large black dragon with golden eyes
looks- http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.quizilla.com/G/GA/GAA/Gaaraluver-Miyu/1173757333_d_GSD_SE_I.jpg&imgrefurl=http://quizilla.teennick.com/user/Gaaraluver-Miyu/journal/459379/do-you-think-that-these-anime-guys-are-cute/&usg=__CH9wZQou_KkaUUIPKzmfqHx5rSs=&h=396&w=704&sz=45&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=_SI9MpzKuI7lVM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=144&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bguys%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1916%26bih%3D964%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C434&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1183&vpy=206&dur=577&hovh=168&hovw=300&tx=163&ty=105&ei=zt3RTMSuA8Gclgey3LXcDQ&oei=zt3RTMSuA8Gclgey3LXcDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=75&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0&biw=1916&bih=964
power- fire
personality- RP out
weapon of choice- sword
crush/BF/GF- open
history (optional)- find out in RP

name- Xena
good or bad-good but acts evil
anthro transformation-abnormally large raven
looks- http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://desudiary.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/anime_girl_17.jpg%3Fw%3D269%26h%3D269&imgrefurl=http://desudiary.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/society-doubts-can-an-otaku-learn-something-new-from-anime/&usg=__M6J4AzSwS2n8ag47q3EjWLW7Nww=&h=269&w=269&sz=13&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=mdyW_pZMxxJffM:&tbnh=133&tbnw=136&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dphysic%2Banime%2Bgirls%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1916%26bih%3D964%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C145&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1658&vpy=364&dur=1029&hovh=215&hovw=215&tx=156&ty=95&ei=cN3RTMa5IIWKlwepw6DEDA&oei=cN3RTMa5IIWKlwepw6DEDA&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=57&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0&biw=1916&bih=964
personality-RP out
weapon of choice-her powers or two fans
crush/BF/GF- open
history (optional)- find out in RP

name- Silence
age- 14
gender- female
good or bad- bad
anthro transformation- Red Fox
looks- http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.acegames.us/forum/attachments/free-pc-wallpapers/137521d1247381620t-40-anime-girls-wallpapers-1920-x-1200-14-.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.acegames.us/forum/free-pc-wallpapers/51838-40-anime-girls-wallpapers-1920-x-1200-a.html&usg=__bzSuc0t26vjbCpSfVSBP4n8Aesk=&h=375&w=600&sz=110&hl=en&start=65&zoom=1&tbnid=Ph2XOJj9PEUMnM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=159&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bgirls%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1916%26bih%3D964%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C578&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=103&vpy=660&dur=733&hovh=177&hovw=284&tx=194&ty=105&ei=29zRTLrvDIGClAfovIDqDA&oei=1NzRTI6QM8SblgfjqLTXDQ&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=68&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:65&biw=1916&bih=964
power- poison controll and manipulation
personality- RP out
weapon of choice- whip
crush/BF/GF- open
history (optional)- find out in RP
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name- Helel
age- 30
gender- M
good or bad- Neutral: fights for his own purposes
anthro transformation- Komodo Dragon
looks- http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad257/hoS_Hetalia/Characters/Prussia/Anime1067.jpg
power- pyrokenisis
personality- He doestn' talk much. When he dose, its with absolute athority. All in all, he has the look, feel, and mentality of a king.
weapon of choice- Guantlets of boots made of titanium and a sword he carries on his back.
crush/BF/GF- none
history (optional)-
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Good or bad-Good
Anthro transformation-Cheetah. when on all fours stands about 12 feet tall. (Apx the size of an elephant)
Power-Control over shadows.
[spoiler=Personality-]Daichi is a very kind person and prefers to do things without fighting, however he will not hesitate to take up arms to protect his friends. At times Daichi can be very laid back and even childish. However Daichi always knows when it is time to get serious. Daichi never lets his anger overcome him and refuses to kill unless there is no other option. He is often seen putting himself in dangerous situations in order to save only one or two people that he doesn't know or, in some cases, does not like.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Weapon of choice-Twin daggers]
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Namr: Liam Smith
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Good/Bad: Neutral. Could be swayed to either side dependant on events.
Anthro Transformation: Kodiak Bear (Brown Bear) 4 feet tall on all fours, 8ft while on hind legs.
Appearance: Liam is fair skinned, with brown hair that looks out of place on his pale skin. No otherwise distinguishing features other than a vertical scar running down his left temple. Physique has built significantly due to his current standard of life and has a thick, unkempt beard.
Power: Enhanced hearing.
Personality: Liam is overprotective bordering paranoid. He is constantly doubting himself over his actions and takes every precaution over his actions. While in human form, he has developed a tactical approach to conversation, in which he draws information from them while giving nothing away. In bear form, his attitude is incresingly feral.
Weapon: A hand-carved wooden spear.
Crush/BF/GF: Open
History: His 'powers' manifested roughly a week after contracting the virus. He was checking up on his brother at his primary school. His hearing ability manifested first, and he overheard his brother being bullied. Following this he transformed for the first time and attacked the bully. The child was left alive but was maimed. Liam, still in his bear form, escaped to the nearest woodland where he has began to live in his bear form primarily and is building a steadily more feral lifestyle.

Looks quite interesting. Would everyone be in/near the same place or their own setting?

Also, I liked forming the history for him and I'm surprised no-one else has elaborated on theirs.
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name- Fiona Williams
age- 19
gender- Female
good or bad- Neutral. She will help whoever she feels respects her enough.
anthro transformation-
looks- Lioness
power- Emotion Sensing. This allows her to easily tell when someone is angry, nervous, etc, even if they hide it. She often won’t say anything though.
personality- Fiona is a highly active, highly insane, and an incredibly friendly person. At least, she is if she feels respected. If not, she will pretend you don’t exist. She tries her hardest to make friends, although she has a habit of getting too hyper and scaring people away as such.
weapon of choice- Long Metal Staff.
crush/BF/GF- None
history (optional)- Fiona was born to a wealthy family that owned a chain of restaurants. Because of this, they came into contact with many people, and as a side-effect, her family contracted the Anthmor virus. Both her parents died, but she isn’t sure about what happened to her brother. Long before the virus hit, he went missing on a business trip he went of with his father, as he was learning to take over the family restaurants. When her parents dies, the restaurants were sold, and the money was placed in a bank account until she came of age. Now, she lives on her own and has a large enough fortune to live on until she can get a job. [/spoiler]
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name- Vincent Machiavelli
age- 18
good or bad- Bad
anthro transformation- A gargantuan three-headed dog that many mistake for Cerberus.
[spoiler=Human looks][IMG]http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w339/Kiokama/RPCs/dude.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Transformation looks][IMG]http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w339/Kiokama/SargeantCerberus.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
power- Geokinesis, as well as Super human strength and speed (due to the immense size)
personality- Vincent is, well, just about the most serious person in the world. Partly due to the fact that he transforms into a massive, three-headed dog that most choose to call Cerberus, but mostly just because of how he is.
weapon of choice-
crush/BF/GF- (open)
history (optional)- I'll come up with it as we go.
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[b]name-[/b] Jason North
[b]age-[/b] 17
[b]gender-[/b] Male
[b]good or bad-[/b] Good
[b]anthro transformation-[/b] Gray Wolf
[b]looks-[/b] [url]http://i401.photobucket.com/albums/pp91/killer_light/anime/Nouvelleimage14.png[/url]
[b]power-[/b] Enhanced Senses
[b]personality-[/b] Will role play out; I'm not good at explaining these.
[b]weapon of choice-[/b] [url=http://www.starfireswords.com/images/lgsteel/ssb21.jpg]Short Sword[/url]
[b]crush/BF/GF-[/b] Open
[b]history (optional)-[/b] N/a

I may elaborate this later, but I'm feeling too lazy right now.
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name-Kakkon Wolf
age- 16
gender- Male
good or bad- Bad, but can be persuaded to turn good
anthro transformation- A black wolf with green lining on his fur and the size of a big horse [spoiler=] [url=http://postimage.org/image/2df3wa35w/][img]http://s3.postimage.org/2df3wa35w/Shadow_Wolf_by_Lucky978.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]
looks- [spoiler=] [url=http://postimage.org/image/2dgfuv5hg/][img]http://s3.postimage.org/2dgfuv5hg/urllll.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]
power- Able to control, shape and form greenish energy that can be formed into anything, for example a blade that can be used to cut... stuff... but this energy can only touch living flesh tissue only if the controller is under moonlight, if not, it would simply pass through with no effect.
personality- Usually quiet, but friendly when you get to know him, usually when someone starts teasing him he starts pissing off the person with calm comments...
weapon of choice- [spoiler=Protradia Spear] [url=http://postimage.org/image/1siawu57o/][img]http://s4.postimage.org/1siawu57o/Protradia.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]
crush/BF/GF- open

name-Karolun Vaten
age- 21
gender- Male
good or bad- good
anthro transformation- normal sized otter [url=http://postimage.org/image/2q7ifkidg/][img]http://s1.postimage.org/2q7ifkidg/otter.jpg[/img][/url]
looks- [url=http://postimage.org/image/1qhki3n1g/][img]http://s2.postimage.org/1qhki3n1g/images.jpg[/img][/url]
power- controlling water, and liquids even inside a vessel or body(no, not blood bending, because if you controlled someone's you couldn't control the body, because it's not made of blood, and you'd just kill the person or animal if you moved the blood, because you'll cut the circulation) can also transform his whole body into water
personality-I like spartan19's attitude, so mine will play out as well
weapon of choice- [spoiler=Uchigatana Gin Tsubasa] [url=http://postimage.org/image/2qaygvjes/][img]http://s1.postimage.org/2qaygvjes/Uchigatana_Gin_Tsubasa.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]
crush/BF/GF- open

name- Lucas Woluister
age- 16
gender- Male
good or bad- Neutral
anthro transformation- Normal sized lynx, but not a normal lynx - [url=http://postimage.org/image/2kxbndfus/][img]http://s3.postimage.org/2kxbndfus/Genrinkusu.jpg[/img][/url]
looks- [url=http://postimage.org/image/2xp9o041w/][img]http://s3.postimage.org/2xp9o041w/dude.jpg[/img][/url] (yes, he's a smoker)
power- able to conjure ethereal smoke that he uses to form illusions, while in anthro form he can make small illusions real, but it tires him the more he maintains the smoke forms (the smoke is seen on his anthro form's back)
personality- it'll play out, too
weapon of choice- [spoiler=Cardia Twin Scythe] [url=http://postimage.org/image/2r30y8l50/][img]http://s1.postimage.org/2r30y8l50/The_Reapers_Scythe_by_Hispanic_Banana.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]
crush/BF/GF- open
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Name: Valora Knight
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Faction: Good
Anthro Transformation: Hawk
Appearance: http://tinyurl.com/26qw2m3
Power: Flying. Incredibly stealthy, sometimes she's not visually there, i.e. Invisibility
Personality: Valora is a quiet, very defensive control freak. She hates it when other people are in charge of what she does. Ever since the "Transformation" she has never used public transport for the fact she doesn't trust normal people. She's not "girly" or tomboy, somewhere in the middle. Valora is nice but this isn't always seen by others.
Weapon of Choice: Longsword. http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/L/LA/LAD/LadySerity/1132691794_zlongsword.jpg
Love Life: None yet
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name- Azuki Resacun (known as Zasuka)
age- 14
gender- Female
good or bad- Good
anthro transformation- 2 tail fire fox (just look up Kilala/Kirara on Wikipedia. That's what they are/look like)
looks- [URL=http://img708.imageshack.us/i/azukiii.png/][IMG]http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/579/azukiii.png[/IMG][/URL]
power- She can fly (better in fire fox form), and can also, to a high of lower degree, manipulate fire. Not to mention she can vaguely read minds.
personality- She is very kind, and helpful, yet tends to be negative, or pessimistic, a lot. She tends to avoid battle, but with her powers increasing by the day, she is forced to fight goverment agents off a lot. In true battle, she is very defensive of her friends/teammates, and in any type of trouble will defend her friends/teammates, and allow them to run/retreat/get reinforcements.
weapon of choice- A two handed sword
crush/BF/GF- Open
history - Azuki is one of the few people who survived the Anthmor virus, and her life has been made hell from it. She has to avoid goverment agents constantly. One day, as she walked through the forest, agents ambushed her, and she transformed for the first time. After brutally mudering them she flew away. But, since it was her first time, she wasn't doing very well, and to add to her haphazardly flying, an agent shot her in the leg. Losing control, she crashed landed, and lost some of her memory. She still knows she can transform and some random useless info, and how to use her sword, but not much else. Until further notice, she goes under the name Zasuka.
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