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Look at what card I found on the Internet!!

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Might actually be good. Just put an Instant Fusion in a

Macho Monarch Deck. Summon a fusion monster with it

and get rid of it for free monarchs... but then your opponent

gets monsters too, which sucks. Instant Fusion could be

used as a double for Tributing as well.


Overall, not really worth it, maybe in some random Fusion / RFG deck.

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Might actually be good. Just put an Instant Fusion in a

Macho Monarch Deck. Summon a fusion monster with it

and get rid of it for free monarchs... but then your opponent

gets monsters too' date=' which sucks. Instant Fusion could be

used as a double for Tributing as well.


Overall, not really worth it, maybe in some random Fusion / RFG deck.



Wait... only if your opponent has monsters removed from play to begin with.

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picture rocks and guys this card rocks in a Cyber Dragon Deck that i think they should add it's pic, look and if it's wrong then point it out-

I Smmon Cyber Twin Dragon

I use Soul Release and remove my 2 Cyber Dragons from play

I then put this card, if it's attacked by a stronger monster then i use this card to negate the attack

i then can fuse them again or get another Dragon and make Cyber End Dragon?

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Wait... only if your opponent has monsters removed from play to begin with.



not neccesary... the card say "choose UP to 2 monsters..." it means you can choose 2, choose 1 or choose none... it's like mobius, it's not mandatory...



@cybernetic dragon: bad combo, why removing the cyber dragons when you can use de-fusion??

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Hey, so its not to create a new Forum (and the title seems appropriate) i found the OFFICIAL single card rules for this release party, and you'll never believe what cards were getting! http://entertainment.upperdeck.com/COMMUNITY/forums/thread/1000735.aspx


I'm not 100% sure about this, but they have never released Secret rares at a sneak preview before, so that may mean either two things, the calculator WONT be a secret rare, or they are allowing secret rares to be released in the sneak preview. I also make this claim, why would they release ruling data on an issue that wont show up at the event eh?

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what if you dont have' date=' think of all the possibilites.




so, are you telling me that you prefer to make a combo with 4 cards instead making it wit 2??


if you don't have get it!! it's a common card so it's not hard to get...


what if you dont have it in your hand???? or in your deck???



put it in your deck instead that crappy, useless, lack of strategy card, also if you don't have it on your cyber dragon deck, you're so NOT skilled with cyber dragons... don't play smart with me boy...

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what if you dont have' date=' think of all the possibilites.




so, are you telling me that you prefer to make a combo with 4 cards instead making it wit 2??


if you don't have get it!! it's a common card so it's not hard to get...


what if you dont have it in your hand???? or in your deck???



put it in your deck instead that crappy, useless, lack of strategy card, also if you don't have it on your cyber dragon deck, you're so NOT skilled with cyber dragons... don't play smart with me boy...


whatever you want but not all people get the cards they want and not all people have all cards, if they did then it would be stupid. again if you do not have it in your hand?

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don't play smart with me boy...


lol can i put that in my sig?



go ahead, but give me 1 rep and the credit... i'm a business man ^^



BTW: this card can only work in one way... and that's would be that UDE unban metamorphosis... otherwise this card is T.P.



@cybernetic dragon: ok, stop right now... if you don't have it on your hand you will make that happens, the chances are the same for BOTH CARDS!! and now i will ask: if you don't have fusion monsters on your field?? and if you don't have removed monsters?? do you really prefer a combo with 4 cards than a combo with 2 and with the same results?? dude... i strongly suggest that check your strategy...

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don't play smart with me boy...


lol can i put that in my sig?



go ahead' date=' but give me 1 rep and the credit... i'm a business man ^^



BTW: this card can only work in one way... and that's would be that UDE unban metamorphosis... otherwise this card is T.P.



@cybernetic dragon: ok, stop right now... if you don't have it on your hand you will make that happens, the chances are the same for BOTH CARDS!! and now i will ask: if you don't have fusion monsters on your field?? and if you don't have removed monsters?? do you really prefer a combo with 4 cards than a combo with 2 and with the same results?? dude... i strongly suggest that check your strategy...



i know what you mean but it's still an alternative.


ok lets end this.

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