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Glory of Ithaca ~ Greek Mythos RP [OoC & Planning Thread]


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[center]Welcome to...

[size="6"]Δόξα της Ιθάκης![/size][/center]

Dear [Student Name],

Welcome to Elysian Preparatory School. You, [Student Name], have been one of few who have been selected to attend the illustrious School. You have been chosen because of your skills, your talents...

Because you are different.

We know what you have been dealing with. The staff here at Elysian Prep know how you have been an outcast your entire life because of the strange things you are able to do. Some of you might be able to control the ocean currents. Some of you might be able to make people do what you want. Whatever it is, you have been given a gift that is damaging your life in one way or another.

Here at Elysian Prep, we will help you deal with this gift.

You are expected at the School three days from now, in order for 'school orientation', as we call it. You will meet your counselor, [Counselor Name], there, who will guide you around the School. Location and directions are enclosed in the envelope.



Titus Knaro, Headmaster


So yes, I have started a Greek Mythology RP. You will be a demigod, one borne of a Greek God- though you do not know this, at the beginning of the story. You will gradually discover this fact, and along the way you will fight off archaic creatures, villains of legend, and visit some of the greatest places in Greek Mythos. To start out this adventure, we will be starting out at Elysian Prep- though, don't mark this down as one of those Academy RPs. For the School is more that than meets the eye...

Welcome to Glory of Ithaca!

...Yes, I always have to end dramatically.

As I said, you are a demigod, a child of a human and a Greek God. Your powers are slowly going out of control, and, in your desperation, you chose to attend a slightly unreputable school that will fix your 'problems'...or so they say. For as the school year drags on, you will discover a secret about the School that threathens all of mankind! To stop this, you and your friends will have to go on a journey through some of the greatest places in Greek Mythology...but beware, for many stand in your way, from Greek monsters...to other students![/spoiler]


The term 'demigod', meaning 'half-god', is commonly used to describe mythological figures whose one parent was a god and whose other parent was human. In some mythologies, it also describes humans who became gods, or simply extremely powerful figures whose powers approach those of the gods even though they aren't gods themselves. In the sense in which we use it, a demigod in a son or daughter of a god and a mortal parent who takes on the abilities of their parents, though lesser to a degree. All Rpers will be a demigod in this Rp. If you don't know the Greek gods and goddesses, look to the 'Gods and Goddesses' section below.

[b][u]Godly Weapons[/u][/b]

Weapons of the gods, these items are gifted due to the fact they spend so much time around a god and begin to take on the attributes of said god. Once in a while, a god or goddess, finding favor with a human hero, will give a Godly Weapon to the hero to help him on his quests. All Rpers will be getting a Godly Weapon some way into the Rp, but until then you'll have to make due with ordinary weapons.

[b][u]Gods and Goddesses[/u][/b]

The Greek gods and goddesses are the deities, the supreme rulers, of the mortal realm. They have been so ever since they overthrew their parents, way back in time. As you might have inferred, these creatures have godly abilities and are immortal. A list of the twelve major gods and goddesses, called the Olympians, follows:

Aphrodite - Goddess of love, romance, and beauty.
Apollo - Handsome god of the sun, light, medicine, and music.
Ares - Dark god of war, he is a angry passionate fellow who loves Aphrodite.
Artemis - Independent goddess of the hunt, the forest, wildlife, childbirth, and the moon. Sister to Apollo.
[b]Athena[/b] - Daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts.
Demeter - Goddess of agriculture and the bounty. Sometimes compared with Gaea, the Titan now known as Mother Earth.
Hephaestus - The crippled god of fire and the forge, skilled in all metalworking. Husband to Aphrodite, he endlessly tries to catch her in her affairs with Ares.
Hera - Wife of Zeus, goddess of marriage and childbirth, is familiar with magic.
Hermes - The speedy messenger of the gods, he is also god of business, roads, and thieves. Kind of a all-around god.
Hestia - Calm goddess of home and homelife, symbolized by the hearth which holds the continually-burning flame.
Poseidon - God of the sea, horses, and of earthquakes.
Zeus - Supreme lord of gods, god of the sky, symbolized by the thunderbolt.

Hades- although he was an important god and the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, was not generally considered to be one of the twelve Olympians since he dwelled in the underworld.


The Titans, also known as the Elder Gods, ruled the earth before the Olympians overthrew them. The ruler of the Titans was Cronus, who was de-throned by his son Zeus. Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Zeus and were punished by being banished to Tartarus; However, some of them, like Gaea and Prometheus, helped the Olympians overthrow the titans. Cronos continually plans to overthrow his children and restore the Earth back to the 'paradise" is was during his rule...[/spoiler]

1. Advanced Clause applies.
2. Arguments will be settled through PM, not on the RP. Thanks.
4. Find the god in this post that has been bolded, and Pm me his name. This way I know you read the entire post. ;)
5. I am allowed to tweak, alter, and change your app in any way.
6. Good grammar is needed. I'm going to be more strict this time, so if I find any mistakes, you're not getting in.
7. Failure to comply with these rules will result in, first, a warning. Second time around, I'm going to ban you from the RP for three days. If you still cannot follow the rules or post during the time you are banned will result in me going to the moderators.
8. Have fun![/spoiler]

You might notice the app is copied almost verbatim from MusE, but do not worry. I will not be as demanding as I was in that RP. :lol:


USER NAME: {Your user name. This is for making storing accessible, so please don't be clever and say 'look two inches to the left' or 'Lrn2Read'.}

NAME: {Any name, as long as it's not something stupid. I will not be accepting anyone that says stuff like 'Unknown, called Blah Blah Blah', so take that into account. You're not going to get a job if you say your name is Ghost.}

AGE: {Keep it realistic. You're still in school, remember? :) }

GENDER: {Male or Female.}

GODLY PARENT: {You can either select a god or goddess from the list in Info, or you can choose a different god from Greek Mythology that is not included there, as long as it is a real god.}

ORIENTATION: {Good or Evil? What are you? For now, you should probably put this at Neutral, but if you really want to, you can list what side you want to join eventually.}

APPEARANCE: {Once again, keep everything in here realistic.}

- Height: {Your height, optimally presented in a feet'inches form.}

- Weight: {Shown in pounds please. Take your height and body shape into account when choosing this.}

- Body Shape: {Describe your shape here. Is it petite, muscular, regular?}

- Hair Style & Color: {Can generally be whatever, so long as it's not extreme.}

- Eye Color: {Same as above.}

- Complexion: {Your skin tone. Remember you are still human.}

- Clothing: {Once more, self-explanatory. You can wear generally anything you want, though you will be given Greek armor to wear at the School.}

PERSONALITY: {A few words about how your character acts, thinks, and does. A paragraph is required.}

BIOGRAPHY: {All of your characters' history will be laid out here. Remember to include such things as how his parents met, his place of birth, how she/he was raised, his dreams, expectations, etc.}

EQUIPMENT: {What equipment, if any, your character carries. You can include things like books and such here. Also, I know you won't have a weapon(s) before you get to the School, but please include the weapon(s) you want to have later in the RP here. Thanks!}

BLESSING: {Leave this section blank.}[/spoiler]

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[quote name='§îl¥€®' timestamp='1288716406' post='4757047']
So yes, I [b]am started[/b] a Greek Mythology RP. You will be a demigod, one borne of a Greek God- though you do not know this, at the beginning of the story. You will gradually discover this fact, and along the way you will fight off archaic creatures, villains of legend, and visit some of the greatest places in Greek Mythos. To start out this adventure, we will be starting out at Elysian Prep- though, don't mark this down as one of those Academy RPs. For the School is more that than meets the eye...


6. Good grammar is needed. I'm going to be more strict this time, so if I find any mistakes, you're not getting in.
Well, I'm not sure [i]you'd[/i] be in, if finding a mistake is grounds for denial.

Just to say. :3
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USER NAME: Aimi Arisato

NAME: Godrick Spitz

AGE: 14

GENDER: male



APPEARANCE: [spoiler=Spoiler]http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.animeportal.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/lelouch-lamperouge-05.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.animeportal.net/news/gallery/lelouch-lamperouge/attachment/lelouch-lamperouge-05/&usg=__XuWBpZn22Lm2Gm5d53aSo7sQ8po=&h=340&w=480&sz=77&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=pEaZvW2oaPs5qM:&tbnh=144&tbnw=203&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlelouch%2Blamperouge%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1276%26bih%3D834%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=543&ei=8nvQTNCgG4O8lQfxvKDpBQ&oei=8nvQTNCgG4O8lQfxvKDpBQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0&tx=55&ty=46[/spoiler]

- Height: 5'8"

- Weight: 115

- Body Shape: regular

- Hair Style & Color: in the picture

- Eye Color: int eh picture

- Complexion: picture

- Clothing: in the picture

PERSONALITY: Godrick is intelligent, and above all else he hates to lose at the things he's good at. He is generally kind and caring to those he is close to. But at the same time those he is not close to tend to get the clod shoulder or the butt end of bad remarks. He hardly ever raises his voice and never, under any circumstances, dose he dare show weakness. He would rather die.

BIOGRAPHY: Godrick's mother was once an explorer. She traveled around the world, searching for the hidden things inside of the cracks of civilizations. One day, while in Greece, she met a handsome young man. Eventually, they got married. One day, while the two of them were on an adventure, his mother died. Leaving behind a child they had just birthed. He raised him until he was two. Then she gave him to an orphanage until she felt it was right to confront him again. He grew up in the orphanage, having strange dreams about places he had never been and people and things he had never seen. By the time he was eight, he had already made up his mind that he had to escape from his prison they called an orphanage and see what was out in the world. One day, five years after his departure, he came across a letter lying in the street addressed to him. He at first didn't believe it, but when he showed up at the location, he was astounded to find that it was true.

EQUIPMENT: A diary, a couple changes of clothing, a necklace left with him by his mother, and whatever catches his interest.
-Later: A Lance said to have been crafted by Nyx herself and a Katana said to once belong to Thanatos (going with the whole family theme here...)

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It's like Percy Jack- Oh yeah! Just remembered you'd said you make this! Ok then, app.
USER NAME: Obsidan
NAME: Emily Datuyo
AGE: 13 1/2
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Good (later)
- Height: 5'3
- Weight: 92.4
- Body Shape: Thin.
- Hair Style & Color: Black, short, spikes backwards.
- Eye Color: Blue, with a purple streak, one in each eye.
- Complexion: Pale
- Clothing: Dark blue t-shirt with a white line across the front. Jeans that are fairly worn at the knees. A black hoodie. White sneakers.
PERSONALITY: Emily likes to think things through before doing things, devising plans that suit all her team mates. She she sweet, and tries to help others where possible, unless they are her opponent. Tries to prove her strength to others. Once she sets her mind on something, she never gives up unless forcefully told otherwise. In battle, due to her detiremened nature, she tends to be quite ruthless, and intimidating.
BIOGRAPHY: Emily's parent, Athena, goddess of wisdom, war and beauty, and her father, the ordinary man Jonathan Datuyo, met in Athens, where Athena was visting, since is the patron goddess of that place. Jonathan was simply visiting, and the two fell in love at first sight. Since Athena couldn't afford to spend to much time away from Olympus, they set up a small schedule, so that they could see each other regularly. After a while, little Emily was born in Athens, where her father had begun living. After her birth, Athena couldn't visit to much, or the other gods would find out. Eventually, they did, and Athena was prohibited from visiting Jonathan or Emily. Jonathan was a kind, caring father, and Emily didn't really care all that much about not having a mother in her early years.
As the years progressed, however, Jonathan had less time for Emily, since he was juggling his work, as he worked for a rather successful company, that had loads of work for him. In these times, Emily would felt rather lonely, having nobody else to cheer her up, to make her feel special. And being at school made her life virtual hell. Without a mother, and having a father to busy to help much, Emily was repeatedly bullied, and her father was too busy to step foward to put a stop to it. But Emily put up with it, trying to mask her anger after partically viciously cruel comments. Emily often wishes she had a mother in times such as these.
EQUIPMENT: A notepad, a pencil and a few books on acient history and battles strategy.
- Later: A silver sword made of finest silver and steel. A shield with an image a tree on it.
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@AimiArisato: Lelouch has to go. I will not have a character from pop culture in my RP; all chars shall be totally original, I doth declare. You cannot have Nyx as your Godly Parent; being she is a child of Gaea, you're powers would be put on par with the Gods themselves and above all other players. Other than that, you're good. (Except for maybe the picture, since I don't like pictures used in place of appearances. But since I didn't say anything in the app, I'll let it go. :lol: )

@Obsidian: Love it. Great app, you're accepted and all, but I have a question; The kids at her school beat her up because she didn't have parents, not because she was different? I can't tell. Is it one or the other? And also- look at the last note in the Equipment section of the app. Aimi, if you could take a look-see too, that would be great.

Thank you both for applying! :P

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[b]USER NAME:[/b] Spartan919

[b]NAME:[/b] Jerome Jason North

[b]AGE:[/b] = 15

[b]GENDER:[/b] Male

[b]GODLY PARENT:[/b] Artemis

[b]ORIENTATION:[/b] Good (eventually)


[b]- Height:[/b] 5'5

[b]- Weight:[/b] 125

[b]- Body Shape:[/b] Lean

[b]- Hair Style & Color:[/b] Ginger, shoulder-length, spiky

[b]- Eye Color:[/b] Left is blue, right is violet

[b]- Complexion:[/b] Extremely Pale

[b]- Clothing:[/b] Pale aqua t-shirt, dark red scarf, worn white hoodie, pale faded jeans, dark worn jeans

[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Jerome hardly thinks before acting; he prefers to trust his instincts and feelings. He is kind and trusting, and quick to make friends. He possesses the strange ability of being able to make friends with anyone, no matter who they are. He also feels an unexplainable sense of justice, and always tries to help those in trouble (though it doesn't always work right). Jerome is extremely determined (some would call it stubborn), and he refuses to give up, no matter how stacked against him the odds are. He is quite timid and shy, though when his temper erupts, he is difficult to control, and even harder to fight.

[b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] Jerome's mother, the Goddess Artemis, and his father, Jason North, met in Sparta, Greek, where Jason was visiting on a business trip. When Jason met Artemis, it wasn't instantly clear that they loved each other; it developed slowly. Artemis visited Jason only occasionally, and those few moments were always bliss and ecstasy to Jason. Soon Artemis had a child; they named him Jerome Jason, his middle name inherited from his father.
Almost immediately after Jerome's birth, Jason came down with a devastating sickness. He died in less than a day. Artemis had Jerome sent back to America, where he was raised in a foster family, the Waltons. When he was five years old, the Waltons told Jerome that his father died of an unknown disease, and that they were only a foster family. Jerome was devastated, and spent an entire week in his room, thinking. Thankfully, the parents left food and drink outside his room and didn't bother him. Jerome barely touched the food.
When Jerome emerged, he kept quiet, not speaking at all to any of his adopted family. They said nothing harsh to him, only sending worried glances at each other. When they asked if he was okay, Jerome only nodded. He had spent the whole week thinking on everything he had known, and he had accepted it. After a week in silence, Jerome opened his mouth and thanked the Waltons for caring for him. At first, they thought he was going to leave, but he never did, and they relaxed.
Soon, Jerome was enrolled in school; it just so happened that the school was located next to a forest. As he was the only child in foster care, he was a constant subject of bullies. At first, Jerome just ignored them. When the jibes got worse, and escalated into physical abuse, Jerome took the only logical course of action: he climbed the fence and entered the forest. He was immediately at peace. In times coming, he would constantly visit the forest, and meditate on the earthy ground. His frequent ventures into the forest did not help his reputation at all, and the bullies only got worse. When Jerome moved on to middle school, he had hoped he would be safe; but, as fate would have it, he was not. And worse, there was no forest next to the school to help him cope.

[b]EQUIPMENT:[/b] A book-bag, filled with books of various subjects, some fiction, some non-fiction, but most of them dealing with Greece, Greek history, and Greek mythology; there is also a small black journal and a fine black pen.
-LATER-A bow of glittering wood, with an exquisite string; a quiver of exquisite leather, with a tree and an arrow imprinted on it; arrows made of the same wood as the bow, and tipped with silver, fledged with unknown, but perfect, feathers. Also a long hunting knife of shining silver, with the tree and arrow imprinted on the fine leather hilt.

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Here is my [b]first[/b] app, guys. If you were wondering, you can have up to three apps.


NAME: Nicodemus Cole, nicknamed "Nico".

AGE: 15





- Height: 5'7

- Weight: 138 lbs.

- Body Shape: Athletic

- Hair Style & Color: Nico's hair is mussed, yet has a short cut with a small fringe. Spikes erratically pop up here and there, giving him that classic messy-hair look. His hair is dark blond, straying towards brown.

- Eye Color: A vivid turquoise blue.

- Complexion: Browned, but with a slight farmer's tan.

- Clothing: Nico doesn't really care what he wears. Most of the time a baggy sweatshirt and tight grey jeans will suffice, but he will throw on whatever suits him, so the only constant of his attire is his Nike shoes.

PERSONALITY: Nico has been through the world already, and he's a bit sick of it. Hardened by years on the street and possessing of a rebellious, blow-off attitude, this guy gets on plenty of people's nerves. He clutches his secrets close to his chest, not really opening up to anyone, except for the people he really trusts. To teachers, he's that back-talking kid who somehow manages to be popular...but to friends and other people he doesn't see as in a "position of authority", he actually becomes quite nice to them, treating them the way he had wanted to be treated when he was young. A good person who likes to make his friends laugh and keeps their hopes up, he is a good friend to have...but the worse opponent to have. For his way of getting back at others includes tacks, tripwires, glue, and chicken feathers...

BIOGRAPHY: Nico never knew his parents. A slightly yellowed picture is all he has to remember of them, a picture of a dark-haired woman, pretty enough to be a model, posing with a blond man who seemed to be glowing in front of the Parthenon, Athens. He was told he was born there by his caretaker, Maia, a kind old woman who knew his parents but never talked about them. For seven years, Nico lived with Maia in her household, a modest place on the fringes of Athens- but then that night came. Nico woke on the night of his eighth birthday to the sound of running feet. He turned to the window beside his bed, and saw a chilling scene. Three large men, so huge they dwarfed the pale and shivering woman in front of them, wrestled Maia into the back seat of a car. They then squeezed themselves in beside her, but before the last one did, it looked up and caught Nico's glance. A single shimmering green eye adorned his head, not two, only one. With this sight, Nico felt fear rise up inside of him, and in a horror-crazed sprint, he ran from the house and the men and Maia, fleeing off into the night.
Life became tough for Nico at this point. He awoke the next night in the streets of Athens, the memories of last night suppressed by his sub-consciousness. He did not know what to do or why he was there, and so, he was forced to scrap out a living as a beggar and thief on the streets of Athens. With his nimble fingers and light feet, he became one of the best "street rats", as they were called, in Athens, but this fame also became known to the Ελληνική Αστυνομία- the Greek police. They snuck up on him one night, and in a great ambush and subsequent chase they caught the street rat. Nico, now 15, found himself placed in a foster family which he found quite horrid. He planned to escape when, in a strange deja vu moment, Nico was awoke during the night, this time to find a letter posted on his door. And so, Nico and his foster parents found out about the School, and, his parents having tired of Nico, his antics, and his strange outbursts of power, forced him to attend.

EQUIPMENT: The photograph Maia gave him, a couple comics, a ancient Greek Tetradrachm he stole, and his trusty pair of old Nike running shoes. Later, his weapon will be a pair of dirks, short swords, made of a strange, shimmering iron, that seem to go so fast they blur. Their handles, which is bound in leather, also bears the image of a caduceus.

BLESSING: [/spoiler]

Oh, I'm sorry, Aimi, I didn't mean Rule #6, I meant what I asked Obsidian to do in Post #6...as in, Post #6 of the thread. I asked her to include the weapon you would like to receive in the Equipment section. Sorry about the confusion.
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USER NAME: ArtemisFowl

NAME: Jecht Kyne

AGE: 16



ORIENTATION: Neutral for now.


- Height: 5'6 1/2"

- Weight: 130

- Body Shape: Defined muscles and a lean body.

- Hair Style & Color: Long, silky, black hair that reach just past his shoulders. Has red streaks in his hair also. Usually wears it down.

- Eye Color: Dark brown but has contacts that make them an extremely vibrant green. Which stand out in contrast to his hair.

- Complexion: Caucasion. White.

- Clothing: Usually wears a tight dark shirt with a band logo on it, along with black baggy jeans.

PERSONALITY: Jecht usually keeps to himself. He doesn't want to be "popular". He chose his style of clothes and hair to be different from the others. Jecht does have a short temper and is easily offended. If you push him to his limits he'll do something about it too. Jecht isn't too much into fighting but can't stand for people to think he's a "punk" or "weak". So he won't back down if challenged.

BIOGRAPHY: Jecht's mother grew up in a beach house along the coastline of Greece. One day she met a mysterious man along the beach. They had some "special" connection she always told him whenever he asked about his father. They had a night of passion and then the next day he was gone. She saw this man again in 9 months along with her new child. The man explained himself then. How he truly was Poseidon, god of the sea. He explained the strange things that would happen to their son.
Jecht himself did okay in school. He worked out. He had a few tight friends but mostly stayed away from people. Jecht had no problem with this, but of course sometimes he wished he was popular and had lots of friends. Eventually he was invited to this new school to fix his "problems". He didn't think there was anything wrong with him. His mother told him to go though. So he did.

EQUIPMENT: Jecht always has his ipod along with his charger with him. He carries a switchblade in his pocket "just in case" although he never uses it, but he will threaten people with it.
LAteR: He'll carry a double-edged broadsword that bares the symbol of Poseidon, the Trident. Said to have been made in Poseidon's forges.

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