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Big Bad Pennar

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The Rules are simple:

-While i am Free, you must Capture me or while i'm already captured, you have to Rescue me, just beware, I might kill you and/or other people and free myself randomly

-I Cannot Die, if some attack kills me, I can revive myself as a free person

-at the End of the post, You must put in what i am to you (i.e. My Slave, My Dog, My Pet, My Friend), otherwise i can free myself without any effort, or i can be rescued without any effort, I do not have to abide by this rule cause it's obvious what i'm gonna be as i post

-You are able to alter my age and Gender to Suit whatever you think of

[spoiler='an Example']
Me: I Simply Fly across the land, Minding my own Business

User 1: I Capture Flandre Using a Net.
My Slave

User 2: I Shoot User 1 in the head, and Rescue Flandre only to turn her into a Girl and put a Dog leash on her.
My Dog

User 3: I Chop User 2's Head off and Rescue Flandre.
My Friend

User 2: i Stab User 3 in the heart and Capture Flandre
My Slave

Me: I use Clench my fist and User 2 explodes into a gory mess, then i fly away

User 3: I Coax Flandre with Cake and Brownies
My Friend

okay, Lets Start

I Simply fly across the land, Minding my own business
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