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Recruiting Synchros for Modern Warfare Black Ops


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There are 2 things you need to know.

1 What black ops is and...

2 What a Synchro is.

If you do not know what these two things are, sorry but for lack of better words, I dont need nor want you. Seing how this is a Yugi forum, we shouldnt have this problem.

I am assembling a Clan as it were for black ops. For this clan to be successful we need more than just run and gunners (looking at you gary and christian.) To be apart of this clan you need to fill in just 3 main criteria.

1. Communication skills. You need a mic, AND you need to talk. There is no point of having a mic just to shout "Move!, Noob!, and OMFG LAG! It is benifal to the team if as you play you describe your current situation. For example.

You are using a smg and you spot somebody off in the far distance plucking off team mates. Instead of give away your position, dont attempt the long shot (unless your pro like me) inform the team so that an appropriate Assaulter or sniper can clear the obstacle. Same goes for someone who runs past your camp in a mode like S&D. Dont give away your location, inform the team of the tangos direction.

2. Clan tags AND emblems. This is a Yugi theme team. So the appropriate clan tags should be acceptable.

- YuGi



-(The ATK/DEF of your synchro)




-Yugz and etc.

3. You will need to create an account with a display name of a synchro. Thats just it. Lets be a legitimate clan, we need to be uniform. The following is already taken

-JunkDestroyer (Gary)

-Junk_Archer (Me)

For reasons that should be obvious, I would love to get at least 8 ppl on day 1. Of course more is welcome. PM me if you have any questions, or post them as replies. Thanks.

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