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Star Wars: The Path of a Jedi: Jedi Academy


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OOC: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/226701-star-wars-the-path-of-a-jedi/page__gopid__4748096#entry4748096

The drop ship carrying the Force Sensitive Younglings arrived at the Jedi Academy on Dantoine. The younglinggs were sent to the courtyard to converse. Dendon looked around for his brother. He then thought, 'Why am I looking for him?' Imediatly looked around for something or someone more interesting. Dendon loooked around once again. He didn't want to anoy anyone, but he needed someone to talk to.
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Hawk got off the drop ship. He was looking around at the others who he would be training with. Then, he looked over and saw his brother looking for someone to talk to. "Hey Dendon stop looking around like a crazy man!" Hawk said since he enjoys messing with his brother. He started walking towards the academy. [i]So this is where I will train to become a great Jedi warrior. If I knew this then I would have just stayed home and trained.[/i] He was looking at the academy trying to get a good mental picture of it.
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Matrizjee got off the ship and thought "so is this the people with the one im gonna work with, mmm...i just hope they like jokes". He followed his way and saw someone drinking water, he inmediately went and pulled from his pants, the person was very angry and said "come on what happens with you boy im gonna kick you!!", when Matrizjee saw his angry face he apologized and asked "what´s your name?"
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OOC: Defmi at this age has short blond hair, spiked, and no facial hair (Well duh) also added his tattoo description to the app.

Defmi happily exited the drop ship, rubbing his tattoo, "Man, so this is where I'll be?" Defmi asked watching the others around him, "Heh! this is going to be fun!" Defmi had a big grin on his face when he saw someone pull someone's pants down, Defmi laughed hard. He wiped his eye and moved on, [i]"I can't wait, this is going to be so fun! Especially when I get to prank everyone!"[/i] Defmi was still chuckling a bit, he then noticed two boys walking together, probably brothers or just really close friends, so Defmi took his chance, he ran between the two of them and swung his arms over their outer shoulders and yelled, "HEY! WHAT'S UP!?"
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Kai slowly walked out of the ship, his first sight wasn't really the academy, but rather the other students. "Great" he thought to himself. "Of course, i'm the only one with a mask" he walked off the ship and stoof gazing at the academy in front of him. "This is going to be an interesting time." He was quite marvelled byt he academy it was so big, no doubt many grea jedis would have learned from this very place that he was not fortunate to train at. Kai didn't really know where to begin, there was a slight breeze that blew his vanilla poncho like clothing that wrapped around his neck and covered his right arm and left shoulder, revealing his robotic arm for a brief secoind until he quickly covered it up hoping nobody saw it.
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If there was one thing that Kai'lan noticed immediately, it was that he was the only Twi'lek in the new group of students, something that he took with a sigh. He calmly stepped down off of the vessel which had brought them and looked about the area, relived that it seemed there were many places he could be alone and concentrate if he chose to. Aside from being the only Twi'lek, it was likely that the others would notice the deep red coloration of his skin, something perhaps not unheard of but not necessarily common among his people either. Deciding that he might as well try and find someone he could speak to, he chose to look through the crowd and see if there was anyone who seemed like a bit of an outcast along with him.
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Azran got off of the drop ship and immediately started taking a long look around the grass planet of Dantooine. [i]"This is Dantooine huh, much better weather than back on Kamino. It's very nice, in terms of everything in fact, compared to my own planet."[/i] Azran noticed as some of his fellow students were going wild. "They have no idea what it is to become a Jedi, they are here messing around before they have even entered the academy. I wonder how seriously they are going to take this." Azran sighed to himself. [i]"To me it's everything. I want nothing else but to become a Jedi. Besides maybe killing a Sith.[/i] He then walked toward the academy, at a regular pace, while spotting some diversity within his fellow students. He took notice of a student with a mask, which effectively hid his face and emotions. He also took notice of a rare skin-colored Twi'lek, who seemed disappointed for unknown reasons to Azran. He then looked straight at the big academy and thought to himself, [i]"This is the prologue of my story, the one that will remain with all Jedi until the end of time..."[/i]
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"Hey whats up?" Dendon acknoladged Defmi. Dendon was slightly mad at Hawk for being mean to him. He didn't like being the little brother. Dendon thought he would be treated diferently than Hawk because he was younger. Of course this wasn't true. He just hoped he wasn't in the same room as him. This would just ruin his year if he had to live with his brother. But the kid standing next to him wouldn't be as bad. Hell anyone exept his brother would work for him.
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Defmi smiled, "So what's up with you two? Brothers or friends? Cuz you guys kindof look similar to me!" Defmi said with a wide smirk, it shiined a bright white in the sun, "So, what's your guys story? If you tell me I'll tell you!" He said jokingly nudging Dendon a bit, "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't even introduce myself!" Defmi ran in front of them and stuck his arm out, "I'm Defmi, I'm a Kiffar, you?" he asked, his teeth and tattoo in the sunlight along with his blond hair. Defmi really was very friendly, just don't get on his bad side.
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Kai'lan let out a quiet sigh as he made his way towards the Academy, deciding not to bother himself with being, as far as he knew, the only Non-human in the freshly arrived group. He chose instead to simply focus on what was ahead of him and he made his way through the courtyard towards a solitary corner. Upon arriving at his chosen corner, he sat down with his legs crossed and closed his eyes. He began breathing in and out slowly, calming himself and allowing him to further increase his focus on the path ahead of him.
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Saint walked onto the grounds of the academy for the first time. [i]So this is where I get to gain my powers, and get on my way to becoming a master.[/i] He thought to himself. As he walked forward he saw people breaking off into groups so they can get to know each other. He didn't really feel like going around meeting his fellow students. [i]I see no point in meeting them thats what the first class is for.[/i] He just took a seat, and being to think aloud. "Well I am not on Bespin anymore." he said not even knowing he said it loud enough for people to hear.
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After that incident Matrizjee walked and saw a person meditating and though [i]"what is this guy doing??, should i tend him a trap??, bother him??, scare him?, be his friend? oh! i know ill try to meditate with him"[/i] so Matrizjee walked ahead, sat next to him and without saying anything he started to meditate and thinking [i]"Ok first i will decide what am i gonna do with my life, am i gonna stay as a jedi forever? mmm... i should meditate about it".[/i]
When he finished meditating he took a hamburger from his bag and started to eat.
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Azran made it to the academy door when he noticed the red Twi'lek take a seat at a corner in the courtyard. [i]"I guess he's in no hurry."[/i] Right after, the student who had pulled down the pants of another student, came and sat right next to the Twi'lek. He was copying the Twil'lek's pose and began meditating. This actually caused Azran to smile, which wasn't common. [i]"He still doesn't realize the trials that lie ahead of us."[/i] Azran opened the door, and right in front of him, was Master Zalos.
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ooc: its hard to continue when you don't have direction, Blaxc include an overall post depicting maybe a teacher gathering the new students into a room or something otherwise this won't go anywhere.

Kai walked towards the giant open metal door of the academy upon walking towards it heaps past many courtyards and forestry like environements. As he walked in he saw many older stuents who seemed to smirk at his mask, he could see that they all had lightsabers attached to their waists. Kai continued to walk in ignoring the confronting stares, as he contiued to walk through the academy not knowing where to go next (Hint Hint) he appeared in a large room, the floor didnt appear to be a normal wooden floor, it was reinforce no doubt, the light blue walls that surrounded the 100x 100 metre room had many window in it revealing the outside of the academy. Kai walked to the other end of the rooma nd towards the furthest window, as he looked out, he saw many clouds not to high in the sky and an early morning sky. As he lookedd he brought out his lightsaber, althout it wasnt on he looked at the marking on it "Dark Bright".
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Saint was just sitting there when he noticed that people were starting to walk into the academy. "Well looks like we get to enter this place now." he said as he stood up, and stretched his legs. As he approached the door he saw someone start walking down the hall. Saint choose to follow this person who seemed to be new to the academy also. He was standing outside the door as he caught a glimpse of mask the person was wearing. [i]I wonder what behind that mask.[/i] " Hey. Are you lost or something?" Saint asked as he appeared in the doorway in full view.
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Dendon shook Demfi's hand, "Me and Hawk are brothers, unfortunatly." Dendon nnoticed people walking into the academy. "Come on!" Dendon said to the two near him. He ran into the auditorium and sat in a seat near the top row.

"Atetion Younglings," said master Qui-Long, a Twi'lek, "I am Master Qui-Long, your master in the way of the lightsaber. I want to say welcome on befaff of all of the masters here. You will learn much here in the year you are here. Tonight we are here to assighn you your rooms."

(Go to the assembly in your posts, and then respond to what Qui-Long just said.)
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Kai'lan was quickly roused from his meditation by the call of a master who, he was quite relived to note, was not only a Non-human but also a Twi'lek. He calmly rose from where he sat and walked over to the entrance which had been opened, quickly finding his way to the massive Auditorium. Surprisingly, there were enough seats for him to find a place to sit alone, and he did exactly that. He took his seat far back and to the right of the room, looking down to the Master who had called them in as he wondered to which room he would be assigned.
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Master Zalos, who was right in front of Azran, motioned for him to go to the assembly room. Azran did as he was told and took a seat in the big assembly of the Jedi Academy. A Twi'lek Jedi Master by the name of Qui-Long introduced themselves and told them that they would be assigned to their rooms shortly. Azran wondered each student would have a roomate so he raised his hand. After Qui-Long told him to speak he asked, "Are we to be sharing rooms with other students?".
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Defmi smirked and ran towards the auditorium and he looked in awe as how big it was, "Woah, I knew that the temple was big, but this place is huge!" Defmi said in awe. He decided to get a seat next to his new friend Dendon, [i]"Cool, one of our masters is a Twi'lek!" [/i]he thought to himself watching the Jedi master enter the center of the room. Defmi looked around and saw another youngling Twi'lek sitting alone, "hmmm... Wonder what's wrong with him..." Defmi said quietly before the Jedi master began to talk. "Room assignments?"
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Kai was thinking about the past, when he was on his home planet, he was aged only 8 when a man with droid lke robots attacked his small villaged, then a man with a black cloak and a red light saber glared at the weakened Kai who sat on the ground in tears as his village burned to the ground. The man reached into his pocket and dropped a lightsaber with the inscription "Dark Bright" on the hilt of it.As the man walked away Kai was caught in an explosion, kai suddennly shook his head and held his forarm with his hand when he heard a voice coming from behind. kai turned and saw what appeared to eb another new student. "Lost?" Kai replied. "No, not here." This was a weird answer but kai knew all to well what it meant, suddenly hordes of new students began walking intio the big room, Kai looked at the other boy briefly and stated. "Hopefully we'll talk again." Kai then bowed slightly as he went and took a seat.
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Matrizjee saw that all the jedi pupils started to go inside a big auditorium , he thought to himself "i hope i can meet someone skilled with the lightsaber" and he webt inside that giant place. He stood there and listened to a conversation about room mates and asked are we going to choose our roomate??
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(Guys guys! 4 lines! It's not difficult. <_<)

Our young lady had been in a dream-like state since she was delivered by the drop ship. The 12 year old looked about excitedly, like a child about to meet her childhood heroes, or even better, become one. In her home planet of Coruscant, she had done everything to train for this moment, an excitement and bubbly spirit to her as she slowly walked to the academy.

It felt so unreal, like a dream that she hoped she'd never wake up from. That was, until a few words broke her concentration.

[i]"Well I am not on Bespin anymore."[/i]

She blinked, mildly confused as to what the man meant. After all, Bespin had only been a recently discovered planet, a nearly uninhabitable gas giant. If she lived for 2000 more years, she might have been fortunate enough to see the beginning of Bespin's colonization, but for right now she was just a 12 year old who knew enough about Bespin to know it was an uninhabited mess of a planet.

She prepared to ask the boy what he meant by his words, when it seemed the Master Jedi of the place was here. He spoke peculiarly, butchering the word Attention, but she had assumed the fact he was not human contributed to his inability to speak English correctly.

He informed the group they'd be assigned rooms in a moment.

Reina raised her hand respectfully before speaking. "Excuse me Master Qui-Long." she began, take a most honourable stance, yet knees shaking in nervousness as she spoke. After all, he was a Jedi Master and she was just a little girl. "Will we choose our own rooms or will they be assigned to us?"

She nodded, before awkwardly losing her balance despite still standing. She stumbled a little before regaining her composure. A nervous laugh as she now leaned against a wall for support.

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