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Need 1-2 card(s) to finish this deck. (IRL)

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This is to spite you fools :P




heres the list. It will not become perfect circle, at least until I know the next ban list will not kill perfect circle.


Monsters: (21)


1x Thestalos (need Zaborg/Caius)

3x Raiza

1x Zaborg

3x Cydra

1x Breaker

1x Snipe


1x Reaper

1x Trooper

1x Sangan

1x Froggy

1x Faith

1x OVM

2x Apprentice

2x Seer


Magic/Spells: (11)


1x MST

1x Storm

1x Brain Control

1x Prem

2x POA

2x ECon

1x Vortex

1x Soul exchange

1x Nobleman


Traps: (8)


1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force


1x Dustshoot

1x PTR

1x Call

2x Dust Tornado


Side Deck:


3x Macro Cosmos

3x Solemn Judgment (don't have bribes, dunno which I would use if I did)

1x Dust Tornado

2x PTR

2x System Down

2x Jinzo

2x Decree


Any Suggestions, more specifically, the 1-3 cards I pointed out?

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*looks cautiously* *3 Raizas, 2 Seers, 2 Thestys + Zaborg*


[sarcasm]Meh, I've seen better[/sarcasm]


Stat, I don't envy you, as we all know, I'm not seriously hyped around Monarchs, but I say, old chap, you've got a fine setup over there, if I do say so myself.


As for advice as best I can give:


Creature Swap (Meh, could replace SE, but I'm not forcing this)

Shrink (This could go in either direction on the good/bad "duel scale", but, eh)

Sakuretsu (I highly recommend this card, if you have it or not, it could help)

DWL? (I doubt you'll deck it, but, hey, doesn't hurt to throw out suggestions. Just trying to help, what I do best. XD)

Crush (If you need something to replace a Nobleman, this could be that substitute)


And, but, wait...wha........................where's Macro? :lol: JK


Remember, you asked for SUGGESTIONS. I'm not pressuring you or anybody, so, I'm not responsible for anything I say, as I've said before.


I got stuff to do, but I hoped I helped at least a little bit.

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Try dust tornado.


Works well in apprentice monarch.


I am thinking about it, but I would rather side them tbh.


Wicket: Personal dislike against creature swap and crush, App monarchs + Sak = bad, according to my tests, shrink makes little sense in an apprentice deck, and I'm assuming the other card is Dark World Lightning. Since I don't see where your coming from, I will choose to allow you to explain that instead of an instant denial.

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*Rips Raiza and says*

-Wait till Monarch deck comes out for a common Raiza.-


Won't happen, and I would do a lot worse to you than cut a raiza if you ever tried something like that.


Anomu: Foolish is only good for frog, Trooper does the job very nicely.


Deck edited. Pic is still of the old deck.

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