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N Hammerer and NH3 Hammer Emperor are both awful. So is Ammonia Bomb.

N Hammerer is like A bad version of Axe of Despair, combined with a little bit of Instant Fusion (in that, you can SS it and then tribute for a monarch)

NH3 is too many monsters for something that's not worth it at all. The quickest way I could think of improving this would be to make it's level higher and make it's attack boost smaller.

O Knight. I assume you'll make H Synchron later? Also, it's opening effect is not specific. "you can remove that Synchro Monster from play to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position." Special Summon it from where? Hand? Deck? Grave?

[quote name='Gadjiltron' timestamp='1288690912' post='4756617']
Well, if you think about it, the Haber process used to produce ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gives a relatively low yield of ammonia (about 30~40%)...

Only if you're a terribad chemist.
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