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club hippi

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[spoiler='what this is']this is kind of a peace club.
everyone is eligible to join.
this is a place where we can talk about anything as long as it is nothing critical. this club is the place to let loose and have fun![/spoiler]

[spoiler='application']you must fill in a friend card and should probably sign up with a friend or you wont make it into the hall of peace.

why i want to join:
who i am signing up with:
why i would make a good member:
my friend card:


[spoiler='friend cards']
[spoiler='Loveinznetsdcc + Newfie Shark'][img]http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/2955/260718.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

[spoiler='hall of peace']
-newfie shark

[spoiler='members']-newfie shark
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