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Anyone else here crazy enough to enter?

If so, what are you writing about? What are you using to help yourself concentrate?

Setting any personal goals? Are you planning to go to your areas local meet-ups?

Anything else worth mentioning?

I'm personally writing a lite-fantasy novel centred around two organisations that help 'gifted' people and an arena. I'm trying the Scrivener for Windows Beta to write it on and, annoyingly, can't make my local meetings :(

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It's about actually getting a plot down to me =/ I'd never try and show off what I've finished during November. Of course I'd revise it thoroughly and make sure it's more than spewed words. It's just there to be motivation to write so that you have something to edit in the first place, not to declare the rubbish you'll have by the end is actually publishable.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I entered on the eighth of November and only have 21459 words. I won't complete it, that's for sure. It actually gave me major problems earlier, I was having breakdowns, I felt swamped in work, and I thought that everyone would disrespect me if I didn't write a 150 page novel at age 11 in one month when I had a bunch of other things to do.

Mine's about a planet named Kontoyu and then everyone on that planet suddenly freezes and there are only three kids left on the world named Quinrose, Harper and Grey that can still move and talk. They have to go to different planets and different gallaxies to get to the thing that they need to get their planet bck to normal, and in the process, major secrets are revealed from each of the characters. They alone have to save their planet and their familes.

idk, it may not go anywhere, even if I work on it a lot. What I think is funny is that my brother entered to, and he doesn't like us teasing him about girls, but he's making his novel have romance in it as well as action. I'm a girl and [i]I[/i] don't think that would be enjoyable to write. Oh well, there's always JuNoWriMo...
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