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Good day, everybody.

Trebuchet MS

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Greetings. Gadjiltron here. Some of you may remember me from the Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.


So I joined this forum because sometimes, rather than getting ideas for Decks, I get ideas for cards. Particularly when it involves making parallels to other games. Of course, I'm not too well-versed on balancing a card (mainly due to inability to playtest), so I'm mainly here to receive feedback on my creations.

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Welcome to Ycm;

Remember to brush.

Don't touch my Moa.

Don't forget to clean behind the ears.

No shouting in the forums.

Always use your "Please" & "Thank You"'s.

If you need help with anything, ask a Mod, or go to the Questions & Help Catagory.


So, you have good grammar. I guess you won't be one of those n00bs, but rather a newb. Enjoy your stay, and keep it up.

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