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Mano y Mano 1 on 1 Hana vs hana?(Club for 1V1 Contests)


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(Banner to be places, will be repped if you make it(not via my banner)

Ok, so I see some statuses that say. "Anybody up for a 1v1?" I see it quite a bit and sometimes people arent looking at the status bar or just say something like, "Teh Moas accepts!." Ok so my plan is to make a club for the people who want a 1v1 and they can plan it out with other members. I dont think we would really need an app, but If you would like to join just post that you would like to join. Also, We can talk about something else, as long as it isn't random and off topic.(Which I find dissapointing) Well in a nutshell it is a club for 1v1ers to plan their contest or discuss them, along with general, on topic converstion. So uhhh....GOGOGOGO!
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